11 Tips to Make Remedial Classes Effective


Making remedial classes effective is not an easy task. It can be challenging for both students and teachers alike. Remedial classes are for students who struggle with the basics of reading, writing, math, or anything else that requires basic knowledge. It is also meant for students who are lagging behind in a class in terms of academic performance. Some students struggle to shine in academics more than others. Remedial classes are meant for those students to help improve their performance and with the right approach, it is definitely possible to see positive results.  In this blog post, we will discuss a few tips that can help make remedial classes more effective for your students.

What Makes Remedial Classes Effective?

Students should be challenged in the right way to encourage them to progress in their learning process. Remedial classes can be challenging. However, it ensures an improvement in the performance of students. Teachers or educators should make sure that the students who are attending remedial classes are developing not an inferiority complex or they are feeling they are lesser than their classmates. Instead of making them feel like they’re failing miserably in every subject, schools can make the remedial classes more inclusive by encouraging everyone to be a part of them. This way, peer learning can be included in the program. Schools would have to put in a little extra effort to make them effective and less draining on everyone involved.

Here are different ways by which schools can make their remedial classes effective:

Plan an Effective Remedial Program

Plan the program in such a way that it caters to the requirements of the weak students. Teachers can use the best teaching and learning resources that are appropriate for each learner. You can also include students from all ability levels with the same class time and grade level as this will help students feel motivated and supported when they learn something new within the scope of their group.

Incorporate Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring is a great technique to support students who are having trouble understanding a particular concept. Students can learn things from their peers in a way that is more simple and more comprehensible to them. The students will begin showing interest in that subject or topic as a result.

Frequent Assessments

Assessments will give teachers an insight into the factors that are affecting the scores of the students. They can use online assessment tools that would give a detailed analysis of the students’ performance. Teachmint also offers assessment tools to teachers to evaluate their students in the best possible way. They give a detailed overview of the student’s performance and in this way, the teachers can strategize their teaching methodologies accordingly.

Use the Best Teaching Strategies

Teachers can use different teaching strategies in order to improve the performance of the students. Trying different strategies to teach weak students will make them understand what works best for them. Teachers may also provide small group instructional time with an individualized plan in order to give students with low skills additional help.

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Frequent Feedback

Feedback plays a vital role in enabling students to perform better. They will be able to understand their weaknesses and can start working on them. In this way, teachers can act as facilitators in the learning process of the students.

Make Classes Engaging

One of the most important things that you can do to make remedial classes effective is to ensure that students are engaged in the material. This means creating lessons that are interesting and interactive.

Practice Tests and Activities

It is important to provide opportunities for students to practice what they are learning. This can be done through homework assignments, class activities, and projects. With the integration of activities and other practical tasks, students can comprehend the concepts more easily. The knowledge retention will be high and hence, students will achieve academic success.

Parental Involvement

Additionally, it is important to make sure that parents are aware of the resources that are available to their children. By providing support outside of the classroom, you can help students succeed in remedial classes. With the involvement of parents in their child’s learning journey, teachers have the opportunity to keep track of their students even after class hours.

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Have Realistic Goals

Finally, it is important to have high expectations for your students. This means setting realistic goals and holding them accountable for their progress. By doing this, you will show your students that you believe in their ability to succeed.

Reward Students

Reward your students when they are performing well or when they show some progress in their performance. This gives students motivation to do well and will give them the opportunity to be ahead of other students in the classroom. In remedial classes, teachers can curate strategies to develop an enthusiasm for learning among students, rewards are such a strategy to develop that.

Flexible Learning

Schedule the classes in a way that is comfortable for all students. You may also offer an online component that allows students to work around their schedule and this fosters a flexible learning environment for them.


The article discusses certain ways in which remedial classes can be made more effective. Since most of the time remedial classes are meant to improve the performance of weak students, it is important that the classes are delivered in the most impactful way. We know that you can make the most of this knowledge and empower your students to work towards their goals. You may follow these tips to deliver the best remedial classes for your students.

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