Children's Day - NEP Will Make Learning Fun-based


We always try to create special memories for students on children’s day. We organize the programs in such a way that students enjoy each and every bit of it and also learn about the significance of children’s day. As years are flying by, the education sector is leaning more towards creating a student-centric learning environment and saying goodbye to ineffective traditional learning methods. Therefore, this children’s day, let us promise to embrace the methodologies that make learning fun and enjoyable for the students. This article explains how NEP-compliant schools can make learning fun-based for students.

Significance of Children’s Day

Before we step into the core of the article, let us break down the importance of children’s day. In India, children’s day is celebrated on the 14th of November every year. It is observed to mark the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister. Jawarhal Nehru always loved children and wanted to bring positive changes in their education.

Over the years, the quality of education imparted has improved. We can say that, through a variety of ways, Nehru's dreams of improving the quality of education are being realized. Several changes are taking place in the education system, with NEP 2020's implementation being one of the most significant. Let us look into how NEP makes education more student centred.

Integration of Fun-based Learning

One of the key focuses of NEP 2020 is fun-based learning. Making learning fun would kindle an interest in learning among students. Moreover, it would leave a long-lasting impact on students. NEP 2020 strives to shift from the rote learning format as it has little impact on students. The rote learning methodology merely is about the memorization of concepts by the students. It would restrict their creative capabilities and growth. So let us look at how we can integrate a fun-based learning approach in the classroom.

Integration of More Activities

One of the crucial elements that NEP 2020 is trying to promote is the integration of activities into the learning process of students. This would broaden the horizons of students as it allows them to discover different layers of their learning concepts on their own.

You can give them assignments and homework which would allow them to reflect on the concepts they have learned in the classroom. In order to simplify the process of assigning different tasks to the students, Teachmint has the most efficient modules. You can make use of the assignment creation tools to assign different tasks or homework to your students. Visit our website to learn more.


Gamification tools are undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to build an affinity towards learning in students. Gamification features sow a seed of a competitive mindset in the minds of the students. It encourages them to get better and it would thereby get reflected in their scores as well. It is another method by which you can make learning more enjoyable for the students.

Holistic Learning Approach

Education is solely not about marks or the grades that a student achieves during their academic year. It is also about their growth as a person as well as the growth of their knowledge. NEP 2020 gives emphasis on the holistic development of students. It discusses how it is important to relieve students of the stress related to their mark sheets. It aims to nurture the growth of students in every aspect. In this way, students will be prepared for every challenge that comes their way.

Encouragement of Creative Ideas

When students are given the space to unleash their creative thinking, they will create wonders. It is of paramount importance that students have the space to nurture their critical thinking abilities. They should be encouraged to open their minds about their creative ideas. Teachers can make creative spaces where students will be able to showcase their creativity and ideas.

NEP and Student-Centered Learning

NEP strives to make learning all about the student and their interests. It has incorporated some best practices to make education more student-centric. Some of the approaches by which NEP is trying to make education more student-centered as given below.

  • Flexible Learning
  • Play-based learning
  • Activity-based learning
  • Competency-based learning

In addition to this, NEP also accentuates the importance of  arts-integrated and sports-integrated education, story-telling-based pedagogy, among others


This children’s day, let us begin a learning journey that encompasses fun and effective learning. One way to accomplish this is by integrating the approaches mentioned in the NEP 2020. The key aspects that make learning more student-friendly are mentioned in the article. You can incorporate these methodologies to create a generation of competent individuals.

Suggested Read: What is National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)?

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