Emotional Intelligence in Students

Emotional Intelligence is a defining factor in how individuals deal with people in their environment. EI is often undermined with IQ or Intelligence Quotient. However, it is equally important, if not more so, with IQ. Furthermore, it is essential to develop it along with academic Intelligence. Students should establish emotional Intelligence to become better individuals and treat everyone fairly from their early days.
What is Emotional Intelligence?

The ability to perceive, analyze, control and express emotions effectively and positively are emotional Intelligence (EQ). A person with a high EQ can sympathize with others and conquer life's problems. Emotional Intelligence impacts people's lives since it shapes their behavior and relationships.

Emotional Quotient also involves self-awareness, self-motivation and mood management Parents and teachers should help children develop EQ from an early age. Here are some ways that teachers can help students develop an emotional quotient.

Identifying Emotions

Teachers and students should work together to identify a student's emotion related to a particular subject, topic or person. This will help the child to pinpoint their emotional state of anger, happiness, sadness and more. It will aid in being more in tune with their emotions and staying calm during tough times.

Listening to student's feelings

Teachers should listen and try to understand a student's feelings. This will make sure any negative thoughts of the students will get picked up and steer them to a clear path. This will also make children be more outspoken about their feelings and not bottle them.

Teach Problem-solving

Assist your student in reflecting on their feelings to determine what causes them to feel a certain way. Find solutions to any problems that arise as a group.

Empathizing with the student.

Empathy is an essential tool to develop an emotional quotient in a student. Teachers and parents should talk about their feelings on why they feel sad or happy or excited or speak with them about their moods and why they think that way.

Emotionally Intelligent students possess a few qualities which help them improve academically. Some of them include:

  • They are positive-minded
  • They are acceptable to change
  • They are quick to forgive
  • They identify their weaknesses quicker and improve them
  • They don't compare themselves with others.
  • They are a good listener
  • They know how to handle toxic people.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Better Communication

Having a high emotional quotient is a sign of effective communication. Students with a high EQ fare well in communicating with others. They can learn languages faster with good retention power. These students are also able to express their emotions and feelings effectively. It helps them in their personal life and shapes their career. Likewise, it will help them tell their views without any hesitation.

Better Relationship with People

Having good relations with other people is a key trait of an emotionally successful person. People like being good listeners, understanding them, and not judging their actions. When students have high Emotional Intelligence, they tend to connect with people more efficiently, which helps them in their studies and build their network. Hence, it will help in managing student groups easier.

Empathy towards others

Empathy is a life skill that everyone should learn and include in their lives. Students can comprehend others and assist them in resolving challenges. EQ will make you a better person in the future, and you will be able to set a positive example for other students in school, college, and institutions. This will also help manage student teams through academic stress or a challenging project.

Reducing Stress

Adults are not the only ones who suffer from stress; students do well in school and college. Stress may devastate you, and it is the most challenging barrier to overcome while trying something new. Students with emotional Intelligence will manage stress and study more effectively even under difficult circumstances. They will benefit from EQ, especially during crucial exams when under a lot of pressure.

Managing Emotions

When a learner has a high EQ, they can cope in today's competitive world. With emotional Intelligence, students can deal with the most challenging situations. They can adapt to people of various personalities and temperaments. Most importantly, they can manage their emotions and make sound decisions at any time.


Emotional Intelligence sets an ideal bar for students to learn about themselves and improve themselves morally with the proper communication and ways to manage problems. Students having a high EQ are good at managing stress and emotions; hence, they can solve problems faster and more efficiently. Teachers and parents must include EQ training in students' curricula.

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