10 Healthy Habits that Help Students Excel in Studies


Every student aspires to achieve academic success. However, being a high achiever takes a lot of work and perseverance on the part of the students; it does not happen overnight. Therefore, students ought to pick up some healthy habits that can pave the way to becoming successful in their academics. Teachers can help students to develop healthy habits and encourage them to follow the habits and make them a part of their lives. Healthy habits can take students a long way as they would help in the development of their personalities as well.

Importance of Healthy Habits

Before looking at the healthy habits for student success, let us learn why they are important for students. Developing good healthy habits would enable students to concentrate more on their studies. Moreover, it can help them overcome stress related to their studies or any other external factors. They can also help them to improve their memory and concentration power which are vital for students to learn new concepts in school. Also, it aids them in establishing positive relationships with their parents, teachers, and their peers. In order to score well in the exams, students would have to have a calm mindset. These habits can help students in building them. These are some of the reasons why healthy habits are important in a student's life. Now, let us look at the different habits that students can pick up to improve their performance in their academic endeavors.

10 Healthy Habits for Students

Build a Routine

It is crucial for students to have a proper routine in their lives. This would bring discipline into their lives. Discipline in life is a fundamental factor every student ought to have in order to succeed not just in academics but in life as well. Students can strictly adhere to this routine and this would help them in building time management, which can come in handy at different points in their lives.

Wake up Early in the Morning

Waking up early is a healthy habit that has numerous benefits attached to it. When students wake up early in the morning, they can start their day with a calm mindset. In the morning, they don't have to rush to get to school or do the necessary tasks. Moreover, they will get enough time to study in the morning. In this way, they can start their day on a positive note.

Tasks for the Day

Students can write down the tasks they have to complete in a day. This will help them complete all their tasks on time. They can also carry a diary with them to make a note of the tasks or activities they have to accomplish. They can also mark the date of submission or the deadline to plan the tasks and complete them in the best way on time. In this way, they won’t miss out on any tasks that need to be done. Teachers can encourage students to follow these steps in order to make the students finish their work in time.

Yoga or Exercise for a Healthy Life

The physical health of the student is as important as their mental health. Students can do yoga or exercise to maintain the health of their bodies. It is a healthy habit that any student can easily adopt and make a part of their lives. Moreover, yoga and exercise have other benefits like it would the improve the concentration power of students. Concentration helps students to stay engaged in the process of learning. Teachers or educators can incorporate yoga or exercise as a part of school activities and can be made compulsory for students.

Never Skip Breakfast

Because of the hurry-burry in the morning, most students tend to skip their breakfast. Children can be taught by their teachers and parents that breakfast is necessary for a healthy brain. Educate the students about the importance of breakfast and why it is not a good idea to skip it.

Get Enough Sleep

In order to perform well in school activities and exams, it is important that students get enough sleep. Lack of enough sleep can hamper their health and can cause multiple health issues. Even during exams, in the name of last-minute studies, students tend to sacrifice their sleep. Teachers and parents can make the students understand that it is important to get 8 hours of sleep for their brains to function properly and for their growth.

Practice Gratitude

Teaching students to be happy and grateful for their achievements would be a healthy habit. This helps students to build strong relationships with their fellow human beings. Moreover, it is not a good idea to develop selfish attitudes among students. It is important that they realize and appreciate the helping hands behind all their success.

Eat Healthy Food

Building a healthy eating habit from childhood can have a great impact on students. In this way, they will be able to lead a healthy lifestyle by letting go of all the harmful foods that might ruin their bodily health. As the saying goes, “health is wealth”, and hence, these healthy eating habits would have a great impact on their future as well.

Limit the Screen Time

As technology has advanced, mobile screens or laptops have become an inevitable part of everyone's life. However, it is also important that students’ lives should not be restricted to those screens, but rather students should restrict their screen time and spend time on hobbies that interest them like reading or playing outdoors. This would help them to widen their perspectives and also to have a good time.

Out of the Syllabus Learning

Learning is a never-ending process and it can help students to adopt new values and ideas. Teachers can encourage students to learn books out of their syllabus and do research on topics outside the syllabus i.e., the topics that interest them. Teachers can ask students to share their views on the topics before the classroom or can have a one-on-one discussion with them. This encourages them to nurture their interests outside of the classroom.


Healthy habits are necessary for students to lead healthy lives. Teachers can play a major role in developing healthy habits in students. These habits can be a life-changer for them and bring about a number of positive changes in their lives. Hence, picking up new habits is always a good idea for students to succeed in life and in academics.

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