How can Transport Management Systems Help Schools

Students spend most of their waking hours in school. So, schools are obligated to ensure the safety and security of the students. Their safety is of utmost importance to the schools and their parents. It is crucial to monitor every move of the students to ensure their safety in addition to providing them with a high-quality education. Every school should have a transport management system (TMS) because of this. Tracking the information regarding students' back-and-forth transit helps schools keep pupils safe. In this article, you will learn about the importance of transport management system and how transport management system helps schools.

Features of Transport Management System

The foundation of a reliable school transportation service is a transport management system. It assists in managing various workers and vehicles as well as the routes that the students will travel. Let us examine some of the advantages that schools can receive from using a transportation management system for their school bus services.

Add Pick-Up Points

The school has the provision to add pick-up points in the transport management system. It enables schools to have proper data regarding where the students are traveling from. In this way, it will be possible to keep track of the bus fleet and all its details. When these details are made apparent, it will ensure the safety of the students.

Teachmint’s transport management system can aid in managing the information regarding students’ pick-up and drop-off points. It gives the staff the opportunity to keep an eye on students throughout their journey and can make sure that they are safe.

Manage Vehicle Details

The transport management system assists in efficiently managing vehicle details. Also, a transport management system aids in managing multiple vehicles at the same time. In other words, one of the main benefits of a transport management system is that it can be used to manage multiple vehicles, drivers, and services. This means that it is easy to allocate routes to drivers and manage the process efficiently.

Since schools have easy access to all these details, they can resolve any kind of problems that may arise and can take immediate action to make sure everything is perfect for the students. In this way, a transport management system can be of great assistance.

Streamlines the Process

A transport management system will save time and money by eliminating unnecessary movements between locations. Admins can easily access all the data with regard to the transportation of students. It becomes easier to know the details of students and staff who are using the transportation facilities and about the staff who are in charge of each vehicle and so on. Teachmint’s transport management system is the best option when looking for a solution that can help streamline the whole process involved in the transportation of students.

Helps Plan out Routes with Waypoint Tracking

The transport management system of Teachmint makes it easier to draw the routes based on the waypoints. In this way, it becomes easier to allocate different routes and vehicles for the students. It reduces a lot of manual work and makes it flawless.

By using the transport management system, it becomes possible to save money and minimize the unnecessary usage of resources. As mentioned before, since the whole system will be automated, there is no scope for errors. It elevates the efficiency of the system and ensures the safety of students while commuting to and from school. Tracking transportation functions becomes simpler so that the admins are aware of whether things are running smoothly. If something does go wrong, they will be notified immediately.

Benefits of Transport Management System for Schools

  • Ensures the safety of students in and around the school.
  • Makes sure that there are no errors in the transportation management process.
  • Minimizes the cost that goes into data management of students’ commutation details.
  • Facilitates the process of accessing the details with regard to the staff who are in charge of the transportation of students.
  • Channels the transportation system in school and avoids the unnecessary utilization of resources.
  • Keeps track of the student’s travel details.


Transport management is a very important aspect of managing schools. With the help of a transport management system,  streamlining the processes that are a part of the transportation system in schools becomes more efficient. It aids in enhancing the functioning of the operations involved in the transportation aspects of the students. In this way, it becomes possible to always oversee every step of the students' journey until they reach back home safely.

Teachmint offers students one of the best school ERP systems in the market today, and one of the features we are proud to offer is the Transport Management module. Check out our features to know more!