How Teachers Can Be Role Models for Students


From a very young age, students see teachers as role models. One of the main reasons of this is because the students aspire to become like that teacher because they are the most influential adults in their life after their parents. Everyone has at some point in their life the lasting presence and power of an effective teacher - whether it is learning the value of something in their life, passionately loving a subject, or tapping into their confidence to speak in public. The concept of teachers being role models is not a new subject - in fact, it goes back to the Gurukul system of education prevalent in ancient India. The role of teachers in a class as well as in molding students into responsible citizens has changed significantly over time but the basic essence of a student getting inspired by a teacher is still commonplace.

10 Ways Teachers Can Be Role Models

To be a role model, the teacher must have a few qualities that make them stand apart from other adults in a student's life - here are a few ways in which teachers can be old models for students.


Patience is the single biggest virtue that a teacher can teach students and be a role model for. When it teacher is patient with the students and tolerant of their incessant questions and remarks, the students will see it as a sign of power and positivity from the side of the teacher, and hence they will want to emulate that in their own life.


A teacher who always makes it on time to the class shows students that consistency and punctuality are very important in everyday life and therefore students who want to improve themselves, especially when it comes to something as important as punctuality. Punctuality is something that is needed at some point in life, and inculcating it at a very young age is an excellent idea.


Another important lesson that students can learn from the everyday interactions they have with teachers is the importance of humility. If the teacher makes a mistake and a student points it out, the teacher must be humble enough to admit that mistake and congratulate the student for pointing it out so that they know the importance of being humble and being real in their everyday life. They must understand that mistakes are just a part of life and admitting them is not a symbol of weakness but rather one of power.


The way a teacher seeds students is the way the students will see themselves. So it is very important for the teacher to see their classroom as being made of a group of individuals rather than a group of coevals. The teacher must see each student as an individual unit of the class having their own opinions and voice than just pushing ]them aside as 'students'. In this way, the teacher is actively making sure that each student is unique in their own right and the ideals and moral ethics on the basis of their own experience.


A teacher who empathizes with the class on something that they hold dear to them is a teacher who has understood their class deeply. Empathy is a quality that needs to be fostered iwurnn every student from a very young age. The amount of empathy that a person shows another is a direct result of emotional intelligence and humility - which encourages students to be more empathetic.


Honesty is not the only policy that students have to follow but it is definitely right up there with all the important ones. The teachers must be sure that the students are on the sme page as the teachers in this regard because a healthy mind is often a true one.


These are some of the most important points that sets them apart from each other, and each virtual virtue an added golden feather to a teacher because it takes into account the struggles and effort lof several hard working teachers who work tirelessly to make sure that the classroom is ultimately a place of learning.

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