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How to Tackle Conduct Disorder in Students


Conduct disorder is a behavioral disorder that some children tend to exhibit. It is necessary that teachers identify the conduct disorder in students and take necessary measures to tackle them. Teachers play a significant role in bringing about changes in the behavior of students and building a promising future for them. Let us first examine what conduct disorder is and what the causes are before discussing how teachers can tackle it.

What is Conduct Disorder?

Conduct disorder is a behavioral disorder exhibited by children, more commonly occurring among adolescents. Individuals with conduct disorders tend to be anti-social and engage in activities like bullying, theft, etc. They do not adhere to rules and regulations and exhibit violent or aggressive behavior. These children are insensitive towards their peers and exhibit a consistent tendency to lie.

In a classroom environment, students with conduct disorder may indulge in fights with their classmates. Moreover, they refuse to adhere to the rules put forth by their educators and do not participate in classroom activities. They often fail to interact with their peers and may exhibit a violent attitude towards them or fight with them without any provocation. Teachers can monitor the behavior of students and find out if any of their students have conduct disorders. There are various reasons that can cause conduct disorder in students.

Causes of Conduct Disorder

There are multiple reasons that may lead to conduct disorders in children. A lot of factors can affect their behavior. The causes of this disorder could be attributed to any one of the following:

  • Societal pressure
  • Childhood trauma
  • Brain Damage
  • Failures in school
  • Parental pressure, etc

It is important to identify the conduct disorder in children. If not, it can have a long-lasting impact on their behavior and can hamper the opportunities that life may offer them. If neglected, this disorder in children can manifest itself in the form of antisocial personality disorder in later adulthood. Children who suffer from this disorder require the assistance of their teachers and parents to overcome it.

Ways to Deal with Conduct Disorder

Learn About the Disorder

In order to address the situation and provide your students with the necessary support, you must learn more about the disorder. In this way, you will be able to identify what is making them behave in an unruly manner, and therefore, you can take careful steps to tackle them. Learn the dos and dont's, so that you can strategize your instructional methodologies accordingly. When you learn about the disorder you will be able to help them in an effective way and the chances of committing any mistake will be very low.

Educate Their Parents

It is possible that parents may ignore this type of behavioral issue. Therefore, if you learn that any of your kids suffer from conduct disorder, you should arrange a meeting with their parents to inform them of the gravity of the situation. Make sure they understand that in order to deal with their child's conduct issue, they must seek professional assistance and appropriate treatment measures must be taken.

Monitor Their Behavior

Students with conduct disorder should be closely monitored. Make sure they are not causing harm to other children or causing a problem in the classroom. Note the circumstances that lead to their violent behavior. Additionally, keep an eye on their responses to your directions and whether or not they are doing as you have instructed. Instead of yelling at them or demanding that they complete their responsibilities, you might gently instruct them to do so.

Encourage Peer Activities

Students with conduct disorder could act violently toward their peers and have trouble forming healthy relationships with them. Consequently, in order to foster positive relationships among students and enhance student involvement. Students with the disorder are often insensitive toward their peers, and this is one of the best ways to overcome this behavior.

Communicate with Them

You can speak with these students to learn more about the issues influencing their negative behavior. You might also try to identify the underlying factor behind their conduct. If necessary, you can share this information with their doctors. Moreover, by communicating with them you will be able to establish a strong relationship with them and as a result, they will start trusting you.

Reward Positive Behavior

Rewarding pupils for good behavior may be a powerful motivator and foster a pleasant environment in the classroom. When you compliment students for their behavior, it will serve as an example for other students and they will also improve their behavior. This can bring about behavior changes in students with disorders as well.

Ensure the Safety of Students

In some cases, the students with the disorder may hurt their peers and can show violent behavior towards them. This can put the safety of other students at risk. Hence, you have to monitor the behavior of all students to avoid such kind of danger. You ought to keep an eye on the students with conduct disorder and keep them aware of the consequences of any kind of negative behavior from their side.

Seek Professional Help

Since conduct disorder is a medical condition, it has to be treated with the help of professionals. Even though you can help your students to a great extent, you will have your limitations. You can seek the help of a medical professional to help your students with the disorder and can take suggestions from the expert to make changes in your instructional methods.


The core objective of the article is to provide a few suggestions to tackle conduct disorder in students. It is imperative that the teachers detect the behavioral disorders in their students as early as possible to provide them with the proper care and attention. The article gives you an overview of conduct disorder and its causes. You may follow the measures mentioned in the article to deal with students who have conduct disorder.

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