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Importance of Education

Education builds an individual's personality at a micro-level and plays a crucial role throughout life. At the macro level, an educated community is better equipped to take progressive steps at economic, social, political, and health parameters for an equalitarian society.

An educated person can analyze situations and manage them much better than one who is not. Therefore, education at the school and college level is vital for you and society. Though the importance of education cannot be stressed enough, we have outlined significant reasons and accommodated the most relevant ones.

Let us begin without much further ado.

Eligible workforce

Unemployment is a significant problem. Education is a must criterion for any job. A person with insufficient education cannot compete for a vibrant and highly skilled workforce. You require a good foundation for a successful career.

Successful career

School and college education do matter. If you have done well throughout your academic life, it shows your efficiency and passion for achieving goals. Employers believe if you have done impressive performance during academic life, you will bring that efficiency and ‘go-getter’ attitude to the workplace. So, education boosts your chances of a successful career and growth. Having said that, the skills you bring to the table, your passion, and your qualities play an equal role in deciding your career.

Problem-solving skills

Education prepares you for life. At school, you go through competitions, sports, and several activities customized to equip yourself to deal with future situations.

Some of the life situations that come in college or post-college are managing student loans, job search, buying a home or car, etc.,---all these dispose you to the mainstream realities of life. Therefore, as an educated person, you stand in a better position to prioritize needs according to their significance.

Adaptable to change

Practicalities of lives can enter without fore-notice; take the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance. During such a crisis, the world often resets itself and enters into a recovery mode while trying to fixate the widespread disruptions in virtually every aspect of life.

Education helps people adapt to the changes better because they’re aware of their surroundings their developments and therefore are ready to face them as time unfolds. As the World Economic Forum has said: Education, as a catalyst for more dynamic, inclusive, and prosperous societies, must be a critical component of the "economic" recovery.

Schools and colleges prepare the workforce for the future. An educated person can be innovative and productive as well. Education improves how people perceive situations. It improves your understanding in any field and job. Illiteracy and ignoring education are similar to walking into the dark.

A respectable and comfortable life

Though money is not everything, it is the medium to obtain just enough! Education is the key to a financially-sound life. As mentioned earlier, a good education helps land a respectable income. It means impressive (or enough) money and the ability to live a stable life.

Giving back to the community

Students have NGOs at colleges; they go on field trips to understand villages and visit nursing homes and orphanages to interact with the admitted. These trips and visits are an essential part of education.

It is via education that individuals get to interact with the realities of the world, empathize, realize, and then decide to make a difference in the world.

For instance, when someone teaches children in child shelters and orphanages, they feel the difference. When someone visits nursing homes, they see the difference. So, you know, education helps connect with people and sow the seed to make an effective change at a personal level that reflects on humanity.

Digitally connected modern society

The importance of education is further heightened with virtual classes and study-at-home. For instance, people can now communicate with teachers regardless of geographical barriers. Moreover, education has democratized learning with online platforms.

Students learn history, culture, geography, philosophy, and science in schools and colleges without visiting schools due to various restrictions like the pandemic—this information shape students’ understanding of the world and life events even at home. As a result, they can differentiate between right and wrong to take a stand.

Education also helps accept societal changes, where movies play a vital role.

Equality and empowerment

Education makes people equal. People feel empowered. If there is a group of educated people, it is improbable that they will care about a petty and intangible matter such as the caste or gender of each other. Educated people know their rights and stand against social evils.

Therefore, education is a boon to empower yourself and make the world a better & happier place. We hope pointers for the importance of education will enlighten your quest to know why education matters.

Happy learning!!

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