Importance of Physical Education in Schools

Physical education is the only subject in schools that helps in physical and emotional health, it helps children learn better and cultivates the character that they need to be productive adults. It is believed that Physical Education should be considered as a core subject just like math, science, and history. Children need to score better in academic subjects and exercise helps them do better in academic subjects but principles of health and fitness, are vital in the truest sense of that word. Being unaware of the principles of health and fitness only means that those children risk chronic disease and unhealthy life. Physical education is more than just running around the track. It teaches children key life skills alongside improving their health and wellbeing.

Let us look at some points stating how important physical education is in schools -

  1. Coping up with academic performance
    When a student is active in his or her PE classes, she or he is also active in their classes, which leads to active listening and full participation. Most physical activities that are done during PE classes are related to higher levels of concentration which in turn helps with better and sorted behavior elsewhere. Robust physical education helps children become better learners, better versions of themselves, and better people for tomorrow.

2. Physical and Mental Wellbeing
Participating in physical education classes puts students on track to make exercise a regular habit, it can help them from the risk of getting any chronic disease as it keeps track of the obesity level. Studies also state that people who are less active have a likelihood of experiencing sleep disorders. Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety issues, it also contributes to healthy sleep patterns, which in turn lead to better mental health, immune system functioning, and overall well-being. Furthermore, PE educates students on the importance of being physically active which can further help them live a healthy life.

3. Interaction skills
Apart from the classroom environment where there is tension for studies and assignments, PE classes are where students get to interact with each other in a free zone where they can interact. During physical education classes, they also learn how to cooperate during group activities. As stated, sports or physical activities are one of the best ways for students to learn about team building, leadership, and management skills.

4. Maintain stress levels
When in school or in online classes, students are always under some pressure for assignments or classwork, or home work. When they take an hour of physical fitness, it helps them reduce stress and gives them the strength to go on with the day. Physical education also leads to emotional resilience. It helps to break the monotony of academic studies and gives students the time to be free of academic pressure.

Physical Education in the era of Online Learning -
Physical education aims to get students moving and engage in physical activities. Although in a traditional classroom, the PE teacher could take the students to the field or gym area, in an online class every student is going to get their own spaces where they do not have to look if others are watching them or not. Doing physical education classes from the four walls of your room isn't a bad idea. Rather it helps students to get moving apart from their time in front of the screen, sitting in the same position for hours. Physical education during an online course helps students by giving them the time to relax and take a break from the constant sitting in front of their laptops. It is highly suggested that online schools or courses also include PE as a subject as it helps students stay physically active too. It is as important as in a traditional school to teach PE in the online education era, it is a must as it would help students say healthy and less stressed about their academics.

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