Innovative Pedagogy - A Guide

Innovative Pedagogy

The term pedagogy refers to how teaching happens. An educator's beliefs determine how learning takes place and this requires meaningful interactions between teachers and students. By helping students build on their prior knowledge base and develop skills and attitudes, educators can help students succeed.

What Is Innovative Pedagogy?

Innovative Pedagogy involves the study of innovative teaching practices and their effects on the learning process. A thorough understanding of pedagogy is needed to develop young people who will become future learners with a deep knowledge of subject matter and a broad set of social skills. The National Education Policy 2020 mandates that learning should be holistic, integrated, inclusive, enjoyable, and engaging.

8 Main Innovative Pedagogical approaches

Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is for you when you want to do more with less. Computational thinking is a powerful approach to problem-solving that lets you accomplish more with less effort. It has helped people become better problem solvers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Computational thinking is an art of problem-solving that can be taught as part of mathematics, science, and art or in other settings. It is not just about encouraging children to become computer coders, but also about teaching them how to think like computer scientists so they can tackle complex challenges in all aspects of their lives.

Learning By Science Or With Remote labs

With innovative pedagogy, you can develop science inquiry skills and boost motivation by interacting with actual scientific gear, such as operating remote laboratory experiments or telescopes. Initially designed for scientists and university students, remote access to specialist equipment is now available to aspiring instructors and school kids who want to utilize it for their own purposes.
Remote lab systems can enhance student learning by providing hands-on experience and observation opportunities that complement textbook learning. Such systems also bridge the gap between science education inside and outside the classroom. For instance, students can use distant telescopes to make daytime observations of the night sky during their science classes.

Embodied Learning

Embodied learning is about self-awareness of the body interacting with the environment to support education. Rewritten in an objective tone: Embodied learning involves the physical movement of a practitioner interacting with a real or simulated world to support the learning process. When learning a new sport, physical movement happens naturally during training. In embodied learning, the physical trainer working with learned skills and behaviors reinforces the education process.

Adaptive Teaching

All learners learn differently, but most educational content is designed to be equally engaging for everyone. This makes it impossible for learners to reach their full potential because many are left behind, and bored. Adaptive teaching offers a solution that lets teachers create personalized learning experiences for each and every student.

Adaptive teaching systems help knowledge workers accelerate their skills, by maximizing their time spent on the most important tasks, while simultaneously improving mastery and productivity. Teachmint offers an integrated and adaptive learning solution, helping online learners learn better and faster.

Context-Based Learning

Our ability to learn is enhanced by understanding the context in which new information occurs. When we attach meaning to something, we add value to it; when we relate new information to what we already know or have experienced, we can see it in a broader context.

Context is the content of a learning experience. We can create context by interacting with our surroundings, holding conversations, and making notes. Similarly, when exploring the world around us in museums and on websites, we can use guides and measuring instruments to understand better how context shapes and is shaped by learning. Thus, to design effective sites for learning at schools and museums, it's important to understand how context shapes and is shaped by the process of learning.

Unintentional learning

Unintentional learning or Incidental learning is unplanned or unintentional learning that occurs when people carry out any activity related to what they want to learn. Recent research has focused on how mobile devices can be used to support incidental learning.

In contrast to formal education, incidental learning takes place outside the classroom and is not led by a teacher, inspiring students to rethink discrete learning fragments as components of more integrated learning journeys and may prompt self-reflection.

Learning Through Discussions

Discussing or debating scientific topics helps students deepen their understanding of science and mathematics by encouraging them to attend to contrasting ideas and refine their claims. Moreover, publicizing technical reasoning helps students learn how scientists collaborate to establish or refute claims.

As a teacher, you can assist students in developing their ability to take turns, listen intently, and reply constructively to others by encouraging open-ended inquiries, use the models to construct explanations and restatements in more scientific language. Teachers can master these techniques and overcome difficulties such as effectively communicating their intellectual experience with pupils with professional development.

Critical Learning

Learning outside of school can be just as educational, as it can spark further interest in and motivation for learning. The connections between learning inside and outside of the classroom can be mutually beneficial – just as much for informal learning as for formal learning.

A good way to engage students in learning is for the teacher to pose a question in the classroom and then for students to use evidence from a museum visit or field trip to answer the question. These types of crossover learning experiences, which combine elements from school and the wider community, take advantage of each setting's strengths. These opportunities for learning not only engage learners but also help them to build a more complete body of knowledge.


The need of the hour is to not just stick with the old method of teaching and testing but to create an environment that is supportive of creativity with innovative pedagogy. Combining several subjects, going beyond the fundamentals, stepping outside the classroom, and ultimately arriving at a fresh and different result will help pupils develop an innovative streak from the beginning. Understanding the fundamentals is a good starting point, but students must then apply their knowledge to find solutions by experimenting until they identify the optimal solutions.

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