Live Classes and the Possibilities They Present


Live face-to-face classes are the best way to learn, whether it is from the comfort of your own home through a screen or out in the brick and mortar classroom. Live classes make learning much more interactive and especially in an online setting give the feeling that the teacher is there with them. However, that’s not all live classes can do. Here are a few things that live online classes can do other than being a digital classroom for online learning.

Combined Study Sessions

A lot of our students and teachers use our live classes to conduct study sessions/hours/rooms. It makes the whole process easier for them because they will have the same feeling of oneness and the feeling of being surrounded by their peers. They just have to log into their online learning platform and start the class. This is especially important because of 2 reasons:

  1. While a lot of students do love to conduct combined study sessions with their peers, they might find it inconvenient because they might be living in different parts of the city, and traveling to a common location might be inconvenient for some.
  2. With the pandemic situation still not completely at bay, students can make use of online classrooms to hold combined study sessions.

Even if there is hardly any cell phone coverage in that area, due to its low bandwidth requirement, the Teachmint app can be used from even the remotest parts of the country, hence making it extremely useful in a combined study session.

Doubt Session

Clearing doubts in today’s online world would mean calling your teacher and asking them over the phone. However, with an online education application like Teachmint, our teachers and educators are making use of it to clear doubts and resolve them with immediate effect. This is made even easier by the fact that the student and the teacher can see each other in real-time and hence if they have any doubts during the doubt-clearing session, they can use the hand raise feature on Teachmint to do so.

Revision Made Easy

Teachers can use the same live class feature to hold revision sessions and quizzes. This is where one of the most exciting features of the Teachmint app comes in - the live poll feature. Teachers can use the Live Poll feature within the classroom itself. Understanding what the feature does is quite easy - in the middle of the class, the teacher can pose a question with a preset amount of time, at the end of which the teacher will be able to see the choices the students have made and how many got the answer right.

School/College Events

Just because they can’t meet does not mean there should be no fun! Teachers can use Teachmint to conduct events such as talk shows, awareness speeches, and other activities conducted by their respective schools and colleges. They can have a live, fun interactive session with the students, thanks to the hand raise and instant poll feature.


There is much more you can do with Teachmint. There are so many features that make the whole online classroom experience much more interactive, interesting and fun for the students. Feel free to make use of your own creativity to come up with more use cases for these features as our teachers have proven is possible. Learning has never been easier and more personalized, so go on Teachmint and create the class of your dreams.  

Teachmint helps schools envision a future where their students are equipped with 21st-century skills. With our advanced learning management system, you can improve the teaching-learning experience. Our offerings like education erp, admission management system, fee management system, and others conveniently digitize educational organizations.