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Phases of Teaching

The importance of teaching and teachers can never be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in character development and shaping the future of the economy. What is teaching? In simpler terms, teaching is a systematic process. It involves sharing knowledge and wisdom from one person to another. The primary functions of teaching are:

  • To impart knowledge, and
  • Develop the skills of the learners.

However, teaching has evolved in the last couple of decades. Modern teaching is about offering opportunities for learners to develop a wide range of intellect.

It aims to prepare future critical thinkers who can assess problems and resolve them. There are three variables of teaching. They are:

  • Independent Variable (The Teacher)
  • Intervening Variable (Learning Experience)
  • Dependent Variable (The Student)

These variables play a crucial role in determining the nature and format of the learning processes. Do you also aim to make it big in the field of teaching? If yes, then you must first understand the different phases of teaching.

Phases of Teaching

There are three primary phases of teaching. Let us have a look at them one by one.

I. Planning Phase (Pre-Active Phase)

As the name suggests, planning how to teach is done in this phase. It includes all the activities that a teacher needs to perform before and during the classroom session. Please note that this planning has to be in broader terms. It includes:

  • Identifying the objectives of a chapter
  • Deciding the teaching methods and strategies
  • Identifying the available teaching tools

Moreover, the components of one of the most essential stages of teaching are:

  • Selecting the teaching content
  • Organizing the teaching content
  • Identifying the suitable teaching methods
  • Justifying the objectives and principles of teaching
  • Identifying and preparing for the usage of appropriate evaluation tools

Steps Involved in the Pre-active teaching phase:

  1. Determining the teaching objectives – What are your teaching objectives? What kind of behavioral changes do you expect in the students post-teaching session? These are some teaching goals that every teacher should determine. Make sure you decide the goals keeping in mind the psychology of students and needs of the society. It is like a foundation on which the teaching methodologies will rest.
  2. Selection of Content – Selection of content is a crucial step of this phase. You should consider:
  • The expected behavior of the students
  • Level and importance of the proposed curriculum
  • Identification of the relevant teaching methods
  • Determination of the evaluation techniques

3.Sequencing for Presentation – It is time you sequence different elements logically. Make sure the arrangement stimulates the learning of the students. At the same time, it should also ensure the achievement of teaching objectives.

4.Identification of Instructional Methodology – Instructional methodologies play a vital role in the attainment of teaching objectives. So, make sure you pick the methods that justify the content, the needs of the students, and their learning patterns.

5.Determine the Usage of Teaching Strategies – Determining the teaching methodologies alone won't solve the purpose. You must also understand which strategy should be used at what time.

II. Execution Phase (Inter-active Phase)

This phase is about executing the plans made in the first phase. The teachers offer a learning experience to the students through different teaching modes. Everything will take place in a predetermined learning environment.

The prime purpose of this phase of teaching is to encourage constructive interaction between the teacher and the students. So, whether it is a classroom, library, or laboratory, the teaching environment is already planned and designed by the teacher. Some examples of this interactive phase are:

  • Providing academic explanations
  • Asking questions
  • Seeking a response from the students
  • Offering guidance

Steps of Inter-active Phase

  1. Perception – The first thing that a teacher should do is assess the students present in the class. Why is it necessary? It is essential to identify the students who can be interested, negligent, troublemakers, and obedient in the class.
  2. Diagnosis – The teachers, in this step, will make efforts to assess the students' knowledge. They can do it by discussing the interests and academic backgrounds of the students.
  3. Reaction – The teachers will analyse how the students respond to their questions. Interestingly, the students will also learn appropriate ways to react to the different teaching strategies. The crux is, the reaction stage aims to stimulate verbal and non-verbal interaction in the classroom.

III. Evaluation cum Feedback Phase (Post-Active Phase)

It is the final phase of teaching. This phase occurs when the teacher is done with the classroom session and looks back to assess the entire process. It includes:

  • Evaluation activities like quizzes, assessments, instructional situations, and observing students' reactions.
  • Summing up the teaching session. The teacher will ask a few questions from the students to evaluate their knowledge achievement.

Activities of the Post-Active Phase

  • Measuring the Dimension of Behavior Change – The teacher will compare the previous behavioral stats of the students to the expected ones. How would you know if your teaching strategy is effective? Once you start achieving desired behavioral changes.
  • Determination of Testing Techniques and Tools – The teachers also need to identify the appropriate teaching testing techniques and tools. Experts believe that tests are better than performance assessments.
  • Changing Testing Strategies – The teachers can change the testing strategies if they do not get the desired results. They are free to either switch to a new testing methodology or go for a tried and tested one. Last but not least, the aim of every teacher should be to improvise their teaching methods and strategies with every passing day.


So, this was all about the various phases of teaching If you want to enter into the teaching profession, make sure you are well aware of all the stages of teaching.  The most striking part is, all phases of teaching offer a scientific basis for creating effective teaching techniques.

Teachers should try to encourage maximum interaction with their students.  Experts believe that it is the best way to share expertise and knowledge with the students. You can also connect with an experienced professional to know more about the nuances of teaching.

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