How to Teach Online-6 Tips

COVID-19 definitely took a toll on all of us. People have become technologically evolved and in the same light, the education sector has seen major changes and it is certainly headed in the right direction. We have now moved on to gain and share knowledge virtually, rather than in a four-walled classroom setup. The new Online Model is comparatively new, and it is adding a lot of advantages and benefits to the chart.

Through this article, let us see how one can excel at executing an online class through a teacher app and make the process smooth and efficient. We will be covering the major things to keep in mind when you teach online.

1. 'A Teacher is Always a Student' Approach

The online teaching process and its seamlessness hugely depend on how one approaches it. In the same light, learning about fundamental issues like technical things, feedback mechanisms, etc. always works in your favor. At the end of the day, you have to accept the fact that it is impossible for everyone to know everything from the start, hence learning is fundamental.

2. Blending

The traditional model of learning, which includes a physical classroom hugely, endorses the usage of face-to-face teaching and learning, as well as text-based education. However, the modern way of digital teaching has a completely different flow. Online education takes into account a blended mix of aspects of traditional learning and new age codes. Both models cannot exist in isolation. Online education, though self-sufficient, also requires detailed physical explanations to the students by the teachers, maybe through a phone conversation or while you teach online.

3. Making Real Learning, Certain!

Online teaching is reshaping mainstream education. What we have today is a perfect mix of online education and conventional methods of teaching. Teachers are now also playing the role of a facilitator in a model which is largely led by the students. The most important thing in this scenario is to still keep education as the center point. The focus must be on formative assignments rather than summative ones. The tests or exams must not be judgmental, but rather valuable. Furthermore, engaging in tasks like group assignments, group discussions, etc., only adds to consciousness and presence of mind for the students.

4. Apt Duration

The duration of online sessions must mirror that of the school timings. This adds to the seriousness among both teachers as well as students. At the end of the day, it is not about using technology for passing time, but rather taking away something valuable and skillful. Having said that, in the set duration, maximum emphasis must be given to research, inquiry, practicing, and introspection rather than students just sitting behind a screen - in all blues and dull! Feedback must also be a vital part of this fixed duration.

5. Managing Trivial yet Important Issues!

The new normal has not only shifted the landscape of education at home but also that of the working sectors. It is quite common that a certain household might have students studying online and professionals doing work from home! This might create a situation where people lack a number of devices at home. A well-communicated, as well as well-set timetable, is a must in this case so that nobody faces repercussions. In the same light, a place must also be designated for each, to avoid disturbances.

6. Holistic Learning

Students' holistic development must also be taken into account while teaching online. The new model of education has widened the horizons of gaining knowledge, beyond the four walls and blackboard. While scholastic areas must be focused on, the co-scholastic areas must not be ignored. They play a major role in shaping an individual's confidence and self-esteem. This further makes online classes more engaging. Therefore, extracurricular activities like debates, discussions, role-play, one-act plays, interview activities, singing, dancing, etc. must be continued.

Online Education is like the rising sun. It is full of light and opportunities. This model of education is not only providing students to learn from the comforts of their homes, but also provides teachers with more opportunities to contribute to the process. Hence, it is important to deal with an online spectrum of education wisely and deeply, rather than just on the surface!

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