Things to Keep in Mind in an Exam Hall

After months of preparation and revision, the time has come to put your knowledge and abilities to the test. Let go of any lingering doubts or anxieties you may have had in the past. Fear and stress are common during exams and the point is to rise above them. Make sure your work is reflected in your performance.

Here are some tips to follow when you are taking an exam in the exam hall:

  1. Make Sure you Read and Follow Exam Hall Guidelines

Make sure you read the exam instructions included with your admission card before the test. A student should do this first before entering the exam hall. Your application may be withdrawn if you fail to follow any of these instructions.

2. Examine the Test Paper Thoroughly

Before you begin tackling the questions, read the entire question paper from beginning to end. You'll be able to better manage your time and your ideas this way. However, you should not spend too much time on this; instead, prioritize your tasks. As an example, if your exam is broken up into three portions with a total time limit of three hours, you would need to allocate 55 minutes for each section and 15 minutes for a general review of the material.

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3. Be Sure to Check Whether the Invigilator has Signed your Answer Sheets

The invigilator will sign your answer sheet if you forget to do so. If you take additional sheets, you must have them signed by the invigilator as well. Within 30 minutes of the start of the exam, you are responsible for getting your answer sheet signed by the current invigilator. The signature of the invigilator is required to authenticate your answer sheet.

4. Make a Plan for Writing Your Paper

It's important to keep your calm and focus on the questions you know the most about since this can help increase your self-confidence and save time. Take a few seconds to plan out your answer before you start writing it.

5. Organize Your Exam

It's a good idea to plan ahead of time and not stress about it. Plan your time so that you have enough time to go over the full answer sheet one more time to catch any mistakes. If you're stumped on a question, don't waste your time thinking about it; instead, move on to the next one. You will get time to solve the few unsolved questions if you finish early working on the other questions.

6. Don't Pay Attention to Other Candidates

The anxiousness of other exam takers might be contagious, so keep your distance from them. What others write or do on their response papers doesn't matter to you. Relax and have fun with your work. Don't worry if other students appear to be writing quickly and finishing their tests ahead of schedule; simply take your time and don't worry about it.

7. Pay Attention to Additional Oral Instructions

Pay close attention to the instructor's directions, as many of the exam papers contain mistakes that can be addressed verbally. Carefully listen to what the instructor is saying, or if there are any notes on the exam hall board, pay attention to them.

8. Keep Calm

Try to unwind without sacrificing pace, and keep anxiety at bay. As you enter the exam hall, there is nothing to be concerned about. Just have in mind that you're going to do great on the test. Relax and don't worry too much about the missing points. When you start writing, there's always a chance you'll remember something. Enter the hall with a full tank of water. A water bottle is also permitted in many exam halls.

9. Double-Check

Before you hand in your answer sheet to the invigilator, make sure to double-check all of your answers. You should double-check your answers in the last 15 minutes before the final bell. You must go over each response several times to find any flaws and make the necessary modifications. Alternatively, you may have accidentally left out a question or two.

10. Additional Tips

  • To avoid rushing through breakfast and getting ready, get an early start. Make sure you eat a nutritious breakfast every day. It kick-starts your system and gives you an extra boost during the test.
  • Make sure you haven't messed up the date, time, or location of the exam.
  • Arrive early for the exam. You don't want to be late because there are a lot of things that can go wrong on the way.
  • Answer questions that you are most comfortable with. As long as you label the questions correctly, there's no need to answer them in any particular order.
  • When your memory fails you, just start writing down anything that comes to mind and you'll soon be able to recall more information.
  • If you're feeling anxious, take a break. You'd be better off taking a five-minute break and then worrying and forgetting what you learned for the following 30 minutes.
  • Avoid going over your allotted time for a section or topic, or else you'll miss out on the opportunity to answer other questions and get bonus points!
  • If you're not sure about something, don't be afraid to clarify it with the examiner.
  • Examine your answers thoroughly before handing in the paper, and if you have extra time, do so.
  • Keep your cool. Just give your best and don't get concerned about the results.


It is in the exam hall that students are tested on their knowledge from the course of the semester. Exams are a source of anxiety for many students. However, exams are merely a way to gauge how well you've prepared, so there's no reason to feel anxious or stressed. Just follow the tips in the article to get the best out of yourself.

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