Time Management During Revisions- 6 Effective Tips

Examinations can be a major stressor in a student’s life. Time management is one way to counter this stress and prepare confidently. The concept of time management is subjective. It might look very different for you than that of your friend.

You must understand that no straitjacket formula guarantees success, so you must employ an approach that works best for you. Revisions are the trickiest in time management because the ratio of tasks to time is steep. In this article, we will discuss how you can practice time management during revisions.

Revisions require more planning because the syllabus is vast, and the time taken for each topic needs to be rationed. The distribution of time to each topic is really important while revising.

You cannot allocate equal amounts of time to each topic because there are some topics you know better than the others.

Therefore, your time management skills are tested to the fullest while revising for an exam.

Here are some tips that will help you revise in an organised manner:

  1. Chalk out a revision plan:

The first step to proceed with your revision is to make a revision plan. If you start revision without a plan, you might get lost. Scan the index of your syllabus and check the number of hours you have. Try not to draw a detailed plan so that there is space for minor changes in your schedule. A flexible plan prevents panic when you cannot strictly adhere to your schedule. You can distribute the heavy topics evenly so that they do not exhaust you or burn you out completely. You can use time management apps with reminders to ease your planning. This way, you can avoid overthinking about tasks and count on technology to remind you when it is time to revise.

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2. Create a study space:

Creating a study space often helps students focus on their studies because it creates a boundary between revision and other activities. Your study space can get you in the zone. Ensure the space is relatively away from the rest of the household activities and free from traffic noise and other disturbances. You can add personalisations to your study space so that you like staying there for long hours. A clock, a pen, and a water bottle are a must. Once you start with your revision, you will notice that studying in a different space is more efficient and effective. A solid study space can increase your productivity and save time.

3. Prioritise important topics:

When there is limited time; priorities have to be set right at the beginning. You can start by organising your syllabus and prioritising the important topics. Revising the important topics from the point of view of the examination will help you gain confidence while preparing. Keep an ample amount of time in your schedule for these topics so that you do not skim them over in a hurry. You can choose the easiest topics for you so that you don’t take a lot of time to cover them. If you emphasise quality over quantity, you will understand which topics to spend the most time on.

4. Take breaks:

Studying for long hours can be monotonous and tiring. After a certain time, the brain stagnates and stops registering information. This is why it is important to take periodic breaks during revision. It is an important time management skill because the breaks refresh your mind and capacity to study during revisions. It is advisable to engage yourself in some physical activity so that the mind gets some rest. You can go for a stroll or do a quick workout routine and return to your revision. Similarly, you can keep 10 minutes between study sessions to engage with your phone or do anything relaxing. Once you feel refreshed, you can get back to your revision again.

5.Avoid distractions:

Distractions cannot be eliminated from the routine, and it is not healthy to force yourself to not think about some things. What you can do instead is shelf thoughts and address them later. A very helpful mindfulness technique called noting helps individuals bring their focus back to the task at hand when their mind wanders off. Alternately, you can minimise the number of environmental distractions by creating boundaries around your study time and space. For instance, you can keep your mobile phone on silent mode or latch your room while studying. This way, you can eliminate some distractions from your immediate environment.

6.Check your progress:

A lot of time is wasted on repeated revisions of topics you already know. That is why it is useful to rule out the topics you know and focus on those you don’t. The best way to ascertain your knowledge of various topics is to take self-assessments and check your progress. By self-checking, you can gain some assurance before your examination and save lots of time. It can also help you realise your weaknesses and loopholes in your revision. You can opt for some mock tests and time yourself while attempting them.


Time management is all about understanding what works best for you. It is also about prioritising quality over quantity. You can spend hours on a topic and still not master it, while a few minutes of regular revision can make learning easy for you.

On the contrary, time management is all about allocating and distributing time. Some syllabus areas may demand time, but it is important to cover them slowly as they may be conceptual.

The last piece of suggestion is to manage your stress while revising because stress adversely affects the retention of knowledge. Divide your work, trust your plan, and dive right in. Everything else will take care of itself.

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