Traits Of A Good Teacher

“ If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” - Chinese Proverb

When children open their eyes to the world, they know nothing. In the journey from being an infant to being an adult whatever they learn, they learn from their surroundings. The surroundings of children are what affect their learning the most. Parents and teachers play an equal role in shaping a child’s mindset and future. Children in any country spend an average of 6-7 hours with their teachers and hence, teachers play a pivotal role in their lives. Teachers not only teach us to read books, but they also teach us to read life. The lessons of a good teacher never end with their class, instead, they stick with the students for a lifetime. Teachers are not only the guiding light for their students but also their well-wishers. From preparing children for exams to worrying more than them for the results, teachers put all their heart into teaching.

A good teacher can impact a student’s life in uncountable ways. Here is a list of top five qualities that make a good teacher-

  1. Encourage the students often- A good teacher always believes in the rule of appreciation because a little encouragement is never harmful. Little encouragement can light up the whole world for children, especially, when it comes from their teachers. Compliments like ‘I see your handwriting has improved’ or ‘your participation in the classroom discussions is good, keep it up’ can help the students accelerating their learning and perform better in academics. So, to be a good teacher, make sure to be a cheerleader.
  2. Give feedbacks- There can be no improvement until we know where we stand. And there is no better way to help your students evolve than to give them regular feedback. Giving feedbacks not only helps a student evolve, but it also makes the students realize that their performance matters to you. Make sure to give feedback in a way that is motivating and balanced. A good teacher also makes sure to find a comfortable environment for the student before giving feedback. For example, a student may not be comfortable is receiving criticism in front of his classmates. In such cases, teachers should look for a comfortable space to give the feedback.
  3. Make students feel comfortable- Whether it is a comfortable sitting arrangement in the classroom or making sure that no student is bullied, a good teacher never misses anything. Providing the students a good mental, physical and emotional environment is very crucial to help their minds bloom. A good teacher always walks the extra mile to assure the comfort of their students.
  4. Adapt new teaching methods- The world and especially the educational system is rapidly changing and evolving each day. Education is no more limited to a four-wall classroom setup, neither is childrens’ minds. To make sure that students learn the concepts well, a good teacher should keep experimenting with the teaching strategies. Making use of animated movies or live experiments are a few examples of making the class interactive.
  5. Maintain an emotional connect- The days are gone when teachers were supposed to maintain a 'strict teacher' image. The 21st century expects good teachers to have a friendly and healthy relationship with their students. Teachers are considered to be the guiding light for their students and hence, they should give students the space to share their real emotions. There are a lot of issues that students may face at a growing age, and having a teacher’s support at that time compares to nothing.


There are a million traits that can be added to this list, but understanding the students and their needs tops it all. The best way to become a good teacher is to identify what the class demands from you as a teacher. Just like every student, every teacher is unique and so is their way of teaching. A good teacher should always make sure to be true to their profession, give themselves enough time to understand a classroom, and act accordingly.

We wish you all the best, happy teaching!

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