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5 Ways to Fight Teacher Burnout

It is the case for all individuals to face burnouts and teachers being full-time workers always handling students, notes, sheets, registers, and other staff, it is very much likely for teachers to face burnouts, isn’t it? Burnouts occur as a result of sustained stress that never subsides. It happens due to prolonged periods of intensity and excessive demands of energy, and strength to work throughout the day. It is no wonder that teachers and professors or anyone working in the education sector face burnout often. Accountability and responsibility pressures, the workload can increase the tension in them. It is included as a teaching technique to avoid burnout so that it doesn’t hamper your relationship with your students.  Let us take a look at how teachers can avoid burnouts and work on with less hustle.

Tips on avoiding burnout -
1. Be aware of your emotions, stress levels, and health
Ensure that you have time to keep checking on yourself along with checking on your students or family or friends. Strategies such as mindfulness, meditation, and journaling can help you release the stress building inside. The physical status of your body affects your emotional responses too, so never feel guilty about taking care of your health. Skipping meals is always a bad idea, how many notes you don’t have to make or papers do you have to correct, make sure to have your meals on time. Remind yourself to take a rejuvenating nap when you get home. Exercising helps a lot, make sure to exercise and release stress from school out there.

2. Put your wellbeing on priority
As teachers and educators, you must remember that you are only human. There is only so much time you can do in the time you have. You need to know to balance your life in and out of your school or college premises. Every individual has a different version of what we mean to have good well-being and happy work-life balance. Know yours and focus on your wellbeing. It is an important teaching technique to know and handle the balance of your life on and off work.  
Teachers always care for their students as their own children, but to care for them, you have to also care for yourself, just as the saying goes - you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you don’t take care of yourself, you are only going to look exhausted and stressed in front of your students. Sometimes you might get angry bursts from your stressful life in front of your students which is definitely not something you’d want, isn’t it?
Take time doing the things you enjoy; spend time with your family and friends. Step outside your teaching career only so that you could have a good one when you are in it.

3. Learn and share with your students
Whenever teaching, you could also share your daily life experiences with your students as examples. Read an interesting book - educational or non-educational, share the insights from the book with your students, it will help them gain the knowledge and know better from you. As they say - Teaching is the best way to learn, when you educate your students about your insights you remember better about them. Next, videos are an upcoming trend in teaching techniques, you watch a TED Talk the night before - you get to class and show your students that and talk to them about it. It is going to help you share things with your students and build your relationship with them.

4. Accept that you can say ‘No’ at times
It is okay to say that you cannot do something, whether it’s due to limited time, an already huge list of things to do, or the limited headspace. Know that your students or colleagues are gradually going to understand your unavailability.

5.  Make your notice calls
You have been noticing a student doing well for some time. Make their day, call their parents and tell them how good their children are doing. Find a student who is struggling, sincerely check on them and find out how to actually help them. Talk to your students about their headspace and health too, it is going to make you feel lighter and also allow your students to trust you. When you notice a student being not attentive, head to them, talk to them. It is going to help you stop getting annoyed from students being inattentive and rather let you know about the cause so that you can help them and it’ll make you feel better.

Hope these tips will help you avoid burnout and make your teaching experience worthwhile. Stay tuned to read more blogs on guides for teachers.

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