“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
What is a community? In simple words, a community is a group of people who share a common interest or practice similar interests, activities, profession and likewise. If you are a teacher and meet another teacher while you are travelling or in a function, you immediately feel a connection and you find it easy to talk to them because you practice the same profession and you know that they can relate to what you are saying.
Since time immemorial, human beings have had the needs to form a community and fall into groups. Over the years, these communities developed and now, we have a lot of communities. Today, we will be talking about the advantages of being a part of a community.
1.Support System
Communities act as a strong support system. For instance, if you are a part of the Teachmint Teacher’s Community, and if you are facing troubles with teaching methods or if you have doubts regarding the changes in the education policies or any queries, the other teachers in the community lend a helping hand.
2.Sense of Belonging
Community helps to create a sense of belonging. When people from the same professional background become the part of a group, they have similar stories and life instances and they immediately feel a connection. As mentioned, being with people who are hailing from similar background help to develop a sense of belonging. It also creates a safe space.
3.Learning from Experts
When you are part of a community, you get to learn from the experts and get better at what you do. For instance, in Teachmint teacher’s community, teachers get to talk to the founders and clear any queries that they have based on online teaching apps and the new features. They also get to connect with experienced teachers. With group discussions and sharing knowledge, teachers get to be better at what they do.
You get to share your teaching methods, you also get to talk about your classes and this is an effective method to get the word about your classes out there. You can also collaborate with other teachers and strengthen your teaching business. You get to build and develop your network.
5. Resource Sharing
It is impossible for a person to know everything. Change is the only thing that is constant and with the world changing at a rapid pace, it is important to stay updated and to upskill oneself. As teachers, it is important to learn everyday. The education sector is evolving and knowing what's happening in and around is of paramount importance. Communities act as a platform for sharing resources and regardless of the profession that you practice, if you are part of a community, you get to read, learn and know a lot.
Here is how why you can be a part of the Teachmint Teacher’s Community:

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." – Coretta Scott King
The essence of a community is the members of the community and with experienced teachers and educators from across the country, Teachmint's community of teachers is one of a kind group that is a platform for quick problem solving and creative thinking.
Teachmint is keen on changing the future of education with its advanced LMS and ERP tools. With more than 20+ modules for educational institutions like admission management, attendance management system, performance management, and more; it is changing the teaching-learning experience.