Effective Learning through Smart classrooms

With the massive wave of digitalization taking over the world, it was only a matter of time before which education would also be completely digitalized. From digital payments to working from home, Everything is now on screens and monitors. We are encouraged not to use paper cash or paper receipts, it is high time to make the shift for the most paper-consuming sector i.e. education. Smart classrooms are an improved version of traditional classrooms. They redefine education by incorporating the values and principles of traditional classrooms all the way from Gurukuls, to new and improved modern classrooms.

Just like smartphones, smart homes, smart cars, and smart cities, smart classrooms as a concept are new, popular and hitech. The digitally equipped classrooms have advanced features like cloud storage, smart organisation of data, monitoring of student skill level etc. Smart classrooms are not limited to just adding audiovisuals to educational information, with the help of technology, experiments can be performed virtually through practical simulations. Video conferencing can allow integrated real-time lectures from experts from all around the globe. The kind of exposure that wasn't possible before, is now just a click away on a smartboard.

Benefits of Smart Classrooms

There are a number of advantages of a smart classroom, which allow education to be accessible equally to all. Earlier schools were only for the privileged. Due to various handicaps, quality education couldn't reach the farthest corners of our society. But with the gift of technology, these obstacles can be overcome. Smart classes overcome geographical boundaries with the help of remote lectures from top global universities and schools. They add to the skills of the teacher and make the classroom more conducive for two-way learning.

Here are some benefits of smart classrooms:

  • They provide the best technology for education by using tools like self-assessment tools, E-libraries, Recorded lectures that can be replayed, and other learning management systems.
  • They facilitate student-teacher communication by aiding collaborative learning.
  • They decrease the educator's burden by handling all the clerical work like attendance registers, student profiles, student report histories, and organizing all the data digitally in cloud storage.
  • They can provide students with a clearer understanding of complex concepts through audiovisual displays.
  • They adapt according to the teacher and students' evolving needs.
  • A smart classroom provides a student with an improved classroom experience.
  • Provides real-time access to the internet during classes. Every resource on the web is available to the students and teachers to aid in their learning.
  • The smart classrooms are designed with a user-friendly interface so that it is easy for teachers to use and students to watch and learn from.
  • Smart classrooms help students familiarise themselves with technology from a young age in a positive way. The world is quickly shifting from its old ways to technology in every field and it is best if children make this shift at a young age
  • Encourages curiosity and creativity in students.
  • Has improved academic performance.
  • Uses compatible smart gadgets like the smartboard and the smartpen.
  • Smart classrooms build industry specific individuals. The gap between education and the demands of the industry, in terms of skills and competence, is met by smart classrooms.

Smart Classrooms: Effectiveness in Today's Time and Age

Today, we depend on technology for almost everything. And why not, technology makes our life easier, better, and more comfortable in every way. The way forward comes with digital integration. The old concept of a classroom, with books and a blackboard, cannot make sense in this new age of fast development. We need smart classrooms that can meet the needs of a generation of smart students who have grown up playing with a smartphone or a tablet. Generation X has grown up with smart technology, they need their schools to grow at their pace. Smart classrooms support customized education. This is why smart classrooms are the most effective educational tool today. They are able to provide the cutting edge features that are expected by young parents and their new generation of kids. Tools like big data organisation, cloud backup storage, web surfing in the classroom, audiovisual learning etc. are the latest in the field.

They make academics interesting, competitive, and state of the art.

The future of education

In the coming years, industries will become more mechanized. As task automation is already a part of most fields like information technology, aviation, architecture, etc., technologically sound professionals will become a basic demand of every industry. The future of education lies in building such professionals through the conducive ecosystem of smart classrooms. Such classrooms focus not only on meeting the industry demand but creating a league of individuals who have holistic development. Digitalization of classrooms can take education to a level that could never be imagined in the past. The future seeks up-gradation and innovation. The archaic concept of a classroom is not being erased but made better. Smart classes offer the best of the past and the present to meet the needs of the future.


Understanding the role of smart classes for the next generation is the need of the hour. Their significance has grown immensely in the current times as the availability of the internet has spread across the globe. Complex concepts are being broken down via comprehensive videos and presentations. Teachers are being trained to facilitate these classes. It has become a requirement for teachers to be technologically competent to teach using all the facilities of smart classes, and the results are visible. Soon, paperless studies and online assessments will be a part of the educational ecosystem in India and all other countries around the globe. Smart classes are not only more effective but the inevitable future.

Today, Teachmint offers education infrastructure to institutions and helps them digitize and automate their activities. It helps schools make smart decisions faster and aids in the learning process with a robust and efficient school ERP and LMS solutions respectively.

Here’s a video from Teachmint about low cost online teaching set up for teachers: