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Habits Of An Effective Teacher

“A good teacher, with meticulous planning, prepares himself for teaching and the student for the acquisition of knowledge.”- Sir APJ Abdul Kalam

A teacher is a teaching professional who works to help students acquire knowledge, competence, and virtue. An effective teacher is an individual who impacts their students positively. Creating a positive classroom environment, experimenting with teaching techniques, helping students in improving their grades, etc, all are the qualities of an effective teacher with effective teaching skills. The responsibilities of a teacher go beyond teaching, in order to be students’ favorite teachers, individuals have to walk few extra miles. Being passionate about their job tops that list because a person can only be good at what they do when they love doing it.

Do you remember your favorite teacher from school or college? Do you remember their qualities, habits, or traits? I am sure you do.  But something that you might not know is the fact that every teacher who becomes their students’ favorite does work hard to reach there. Teachers initially try to build good habits and down the line, those habits turn into the top qualities of those teachers. Here are the best 5 habits that all effective teachers share-

5 Habits Of An Effective Teacher-

  1. Committed- Effective teaching rule no.1- be committed to your work for only discipline & dedication makes an effective teacher. Teaching continuously for long hours can sometimes get monotonous, but that is the time when teachers need to recall their goals and motivate themselves to give their best. A prime example of this can be found in the ways virtual classrooms work. Teachers take continuous classes(without any break sometimes) and yet they take each class as their first class of the day, their energy is always high.
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek”.- Mario Andretti

2. Organized- At any given time in the day, teachers have a thousand things to deal with. Evaluating student assignments, making lesson plans, coming up with effective teaching strategies, and whatnot. Therefore, in order to be fully efficient at every task, teachers should keep themselves organized. Maintaining task lists is the best way to do so. An effective teacher never fails to stay organized and clear about their goals & targets.

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.”- Peter Walsh

3. Growth Mindset- Teaching is a profession that demands updating oneself with time. The prime quality of an effective teacher is the same, in order to keep their classes informative they try to acquire the latest knowledge on the subject. Effective teaching is only possible when the information is accurate. Therefore, all the teachers should look for updates whenever needed.

“You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better. By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you will become a lot better.”- John Wooden

4. Proactive- Effective teaching is a combination of right planning, actions, and results. All these three steps are dependent on each other to get the job done(getting fruitful results). The first step that is planning has extreme importance. Teachers should always make sure to plan their classes well in advance, this will not only help them in effective teaching but will also help their students plan their learning accordingly.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”- Abraham Lincoln

5. Optimistic- Students love when their teacher explains the concepts in a positive way. The positive energy of a teacher motivates the students too. If effective teaching is the major focus for the teachers, then they should put in extra effort in looking to the brighter side always. For instance, if a student is not performing well in the class tests then scolding him should not be the reaction of the teacher. An effective teacher will always try to understand the problem of the child and then help him find a solution for the same.

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.”- Roy T. Bennett


Whatever you do, do it in a way that inspires others. Being a great teacher can be a tough job, but it is not impossible. Building the above-mentioned habits can surely help you achieve your goals as a teacher. Read more such amazing articles here.

Happy Teaching!

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