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How to Improve the Quality of Education? Tips for Private Schools

Private schools are everywhere in India. In fact, they are much more in number as compared to the government schools. Therefore, a huge responsibility for educating the youth lies in these schools. If your kids study in private schools, you would want them to get a high-quality education. However, you must not go by the costly fees charged by these schools as the price does not give an educational guarantee. To impart high-quality education to the students studying at different levels, a private school can follow some of the tips that are mentioned below.

1. Extensiveness of curriculum

The curriculum not only refers to the subject or syllabus pattern adopted by a private school, but it also refers to the learning phases in which the syllabus is covered. The private schools must create a sequence of activities based on their previous experience. These activities must include the ones that help the students overcome certain challenges in school life.

For instance, some students will face the challenge of counting and performing difficult Math calculations. The school faculty must arrange ABACUS classes that will help the students to overcome difficulties in counting and other basic calculations. A private school must also arrange tours to science museums, art galleries, climate observatories, etc., to develop the perspectives about different topics in the students.

2. Hiring top-notch teachers

The most simple way to impart high-quality education is by recruiting highly experienced and skilled teachers. Private schools must set certain parameters when it comes to the education and experience of the teachers. It will help them to pick only those teachers who are experienced and skilled when it comes to grooming students.

However, the recruiting body must also have a flair to judge whether the teachers that are to be hired are passionate about teaching or not. Most of the time, even skills and experience don’t matter if the teachers themselves are not passionate about teaching. Therefore, passion, experience, and credentials should be the top priority of a private school when hiring teachers.

3. Focusing on the mental health

Burdening the students with too much academic work can affect their mental health. Most students are traumatized by the pressure of coping with the syllabus. Therefore, private schools must also focus on balancing academic work with extracurricular activities. It will not only boost the mental health of the students, but it will also create a feel-good factor while they are attending the lectures.

Sports, dance, drama, and other social and cultural activities have a positive impact on the minds of the students. It not only improves their creative skills but also boosts their mental clarity and focus. Most private schools include these activities in their general curriculum but they don’t manage to assimilate all the students into such activities. The teachers can focus on reading the inclination of the students and enrolling them in related activities.

4. Empowering students

A private school must provide an inclusive environment to the students. The staff and teachers should not only focus on their learning abilities but must also try to groom them into all-round personalities. They can include leadership and personality development programs to develop the leadership, collaboration, and other skills of the students.

The students must feel empowered enough to raise their queries, doubts, and complaints in front of teachers and faculty. The private schools can prepare programs related to social work, cleanliness, etc., that allow the students to step forward and show their presence of mind, leadership, and coordination skills.

5. Full-fledged infrastructure

Private schools must focus on developing their school infrastructure. Everything from benches to classrooms and computer labs to lighting facilities must be checked and kept up-to-date regularly. Also, the faculty must focus on building a school library that contains all sorts of books to develop the academic and extracurricular skills of the students. The toilets must also be sanitized and cleaned on a daily basis to promote the hygiene and health of students.

Tips for Private Schools

Now that you have gone through the ways of improving the quality of education, let’s look at some interesting tips that can prove to be of great use for the students:

  • The lectures must be sequenced in such a way that the students don’t feel bored. For instance, a relatively lesser difficult subject like Civics or Economics can be placed between two difficult subjects like Math and Geography. Subjects like Physical Training and Sports should be spaced properly to provide much-needed relaxation and physical activity for the students.
  • The water sources of a private school should be regularly cleaned to avoid any untoward incident. The health of the students and teachers should be the topmost priority for any private or government school.
  • Flowering and fruit-bearing trees must be planted inside and around the school campus. There must be enough trees around the classrooms to provide pure and healthy air for everyone to breathe. Trees also provide shade and students feel much more relaxed and comfortable when trees, flowers, and fruits are around!
  • The schools must engage with the parents on a regular basis to know the behavior of the students at home. Also, the parents can give some useful insights regarding the learning and other habits of their kids. The teachers can use these insights and incorporate them smartly to improve the overall quality of education.
  • Apart from the general syllabus, the schools must also focus on grooming the linguistic skills of the students. They must be encouraged to learn new languages and must be motivated to participate in essay and story writing competitions to make them literati!


All students cannot be engineers and doctors. However, all of them can be successful in their own ways. Therefore, the schools must prepare programs that focus on each and every aspect of their personality. Private schools can also emphasize digital programs and initiatives to reach and educate students more consistently.

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