How To Influence A Behavior Change For Better Learning Outcomes

Behavior change is significant for a disciplined life. It can influence one's personality, social appearance and thereby interrelationships with others. Be it a teacher or a student, Changing Behaviour is crucial for maintaining a good rapport.

A few points will be discussed in this article to manage behaviour related issues effectively. To manage behaviour or implement Behavior Change among students, school-wide, classroom-wide or individual student-focused strategies can be followed.‌‌

Maintaining a healthy environment in the classroom is crucial for both teachers and students. Behaviour Change can influence the ambience of a learning space. A positive and functional atmosphere in the learning centre also influences the behaviour of the students and teachers. Thus, a delicate balance between the two needs to be maintained, as both are interrelated.‌‌

A classroom has its environment and interrelated components, typically the students, the teacher, and their interactions. Along with their interrelationships, the equipment, books and a variety of other activities altogether interact to influence the behavior of the classroom's inhabitants. Behavior Change might be needed sometimes to maintain the decorum of the classroom.‌‌

Behavior problems in a classroom are not desirable as it increases the stress levels for teachers and students. It also disturbs the pace of classroom study. Furthermore, it raises a conflict between the learning objectives and the learning process. A positive Behavior Change is crucial to maintain the balance between all the components of classroom ecology.‌‌

A school is ultimately the learning center where students get educated by the teachers and gain knowledge. A well-balanced ambience of the classroom has a significant influence on both the learning and teaching processes. As students and teachers are the main inhabitants of that learning centre, their behaviour plays an essential role in maintaining its dynamics. Behavior Change can have a positive influence if directed correctly.  It minimizes disruptive behaviour and rewards achievement.‌‌

Bringing Behavior Changes for Better Learning Outcomes

Showing More Strictness

Poor classroom management ability of the teacher is often related to disruptive behavior. A teacher should have proper classroom management skills to avoid such stress-inducing situations in the learning space. A confident and competent teacher will have the ability to engage students in the classroom. Good group management skills help students stay focused and maintain the decorum of the classrooms by behaving appropriately. Bringing a slight change in behavior by being more strict will help a teacher effectively manage a variety of children under one roof and influence students to change their behavior in a classroom.‌‌

Communicating Better

Teachers should communicate with their students about the rules which need to be maintained in their classes. This will ensure that the students know how to behave during a class. Each instruction or command should be conveyed, one at a time, to the students to avoid confusion and chaos among the students. As a classroom consists of varied students, a teacher should focus on not all students being the same. It is the responsibility of a teacher to look after each student and check if they are keeping up with the pace of classroom study. This, communicating better and being more considerate towards the students can help in getting better learning outcomes.‌‌

Showing More Interest

The amount of effort you put into something shows how keen you are on that. Effective teaching and a classroom with a low level of disturbance require prior planning and consistency. To effectively handle many different students, teachers need to put in a little more effort than required. For instance, arranging classroom activities so that the easy and brief activities are well-balanced with longer and difficult ones to improve engagement and learning, thereby reducing disruption. When the difficult ones follow a few simple activities, it helps enhance the transition to a new activity.  It gives more time to the children to adapt to the new routine or task, which ultimately helps in better learning outcomes.‌‌

Frequent Use of Praise

Praise by the teacher has been shown to positively impact the one directly receiving it and other fellow students. A teacher should more frequently praise the students who are well-behaved or have achieved something great. Both verbal and non-verbal praise is effective. Praising helps students to gain confidence and give them the motivation to perform better in class. If the recognition is for behaving well, it will encourage them to behave well in every class. Verbal praise should be specific for the student and descriptive. This will influence other students as well and encourage them to behave well in a similar manner. Thus, the overall decorum of the classroom will be maintained, and disruptive behavior will be in control. It will ultimately lead to better learning outcomes.‌‌

Being Better at Organization

Disruptive behavior is often associated with a learning shortfall. Difficulties in assigned tasks and activities need consistent monitoring. All students must be equipped with entry-level skills and complete and be engaged in assigned tasks. Active participation and learning can only lead a student to successful completion of the curriculum. Motivation and encouragement to sustain a given activity also come from active participation. Opportunities to be involved and complete classroom activities, access to classroom resources, and study materials must be readily available to every student. The teacher plays a key role in maintaining the coordination of all these factors. Hence, being a bit more organized in these matters to get the optimum learning outcomes.‌‌


Managing various students can sometimes get challenging, resulting in the disturbance of classroom etiquette and affecting the learning outcome. Simple Behavior Change can allow teachers to effectively avoid chaotic situations in the classroom and maintain a positive and functional learning atmosphere. Students also need to focus on their behavior to maintain classroom decorum. A healthy relationship between the teacher and students is essential for obtaining the maximum learning outcomes.

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