5 Reasons to Incorporate EdTech in Your Classroom

Education has evolved drastically over the years. From teacher centred to student centered instruction, education has come a long way. The advancement of technology has played an important role in redefining education. Today, we will be looking at the importance of EdTech and the major benefits of incorporating EdTech in your classroom.

Before delivering deeper into the advantages of EdTech, let’s take a look at what EdTech is:

What is EdTech?

EdTech is short for Educational Technology. It is a combination of two words, i.e., education and technology. It focuses on using technological tools and media to impart knowledge.  From simple computers to sophisticated applications for teachers and students, everything that is technology-bound can be termed as EdTech.

Any software that helps teachers and students can come under educational technology. From class reminder apps to digital tools to online whiteboards to virtual classrooms, EdTech is helping to increase engagement and make classrooms more inclusive and interactive.

It has brought ease and convenience to the table. It helps to create a strong learning loop.

With the said technology, teachers can grade assignments easily, and students can watch recorded lectures this helps them to catch up on missed out lessons and is a boon while doing revisions. Another advantage of this technology is that it helps teachers create a strong classroom community and can stay connected with students and their parents without any hassles.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at five reasons why EdTech should be incorporated into the classroom.

5 Reasons to Incorporate EdTech in Your Classroom

1.Increase Student Engagement

These digital tools help to increase collaboration and engagement in the classroom. The biggest mistake when it comes to communication is the misapprehension that it has happened. Contradictory to popular belief, you can see an increased engagement in online classrooms because of the myriad tools available for communication and collaboration.

For instance, the live chat feature in Teachmint acts as a platform for students to raise their doubts and queries and teachers can clear them then and there. It is easier to share study materials and other resources through apps such as Teachmint. With gamification of lessons, students are more engaged and interested in learning.

2. Accessibility

The kind of accessibility to education that technology has brought in is commendable. Students can access their classrooms from anywhere at any time and also, and they have a wide range of options to choose from. Technology has made it possible for people to look beyond geographical barriers. The student and the course can literally be poles apart and yet, the student can access and complete the course because of the EdTech tools available. The kind of access to educational materials is also noteworthy.

3. Personalization

EdTech opens the door to a personalized learning experience. In place of textbook material and classroom activities, EdTech helps students to learn at their own pace and time. As mentioned earlier, it brings in a sense of ease and convenience. It also helps teachers to come up with new teaching strategies and methods. The kind of options that they have is not limited to PowerPoint presentations and charts. They can use animations and games to cater to specific student groups.

4. Easy Grading

Paperless and comfortable grading is another major advantage that educational technology has brought into the picture. For example, with Teachmint, teachers can create online tests whether subjective or MCQ in just a few minutes and when the students submit their answer sheets, MCQ is automatically graded and teachers can grade the subjective tests as per their ease and comfort.

5. Automated Reports

Thanks to educational technology and tools, it is easier to track progress and growth. With automated reports and real-time growth analysis, EdTech helps save time and effort. There are various EdTech tools that are designed to help teachers with classroom management and administration. Teachers can keep track of student progress, and their behavior patterns and keep parents informed using the technology available.


Educational technology helps in the democratization of education. It helps to take education to the nook and corner of the world and helps to ensure that quality education is imparted to kids across the globe without any discrimination or division. It also helps people navigate through the education landscape in a more effective manner. Education technology is an improved and impactful way of learning, and it is here to stay. It is all set to transform the future of education and can even promote the growth of the economy.