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The Morrison Approach - A Guide


The Morrison Approach is a revolutionary approach to teaching that allows for personalized learning, critical thinking, and active participation in the learning process. The "Active Learning" system is based on the belief that people learn best when actively involved in the material being taught. It eliminates the traditional format of teaching from lectures to tests. In its place, the Morrison Approach has an approach of relating all topics to each other, carefully considering why teachers want their students to do something and holding their attention with colorful visuals, movement, and different interactive experiences.

According to the Morrison Approach, individuals construct their knowledge and meanings as they acquire experience. Understanding and reflecting on activities can help students reconcile previous ideas with new knowledge. Educators must integrate inquiry, exploration, and assessment to implement constructivism in the classroom. Students learn new concepts through the guidance of their teachers, who serve as facilitators.

The Morrison Approach Explained

The Morrison approach is a process that helps you to work out what kind of person you want to be, what your core values are, and how to achieve them in your life. The Morrison Approach is a handy tool for helping people looking at changing careers or starting up new businesses, whether they're looking at changing jobs or starting their own businesses. The Morrison Approach is summarised in the following five phases.


The teacher begins by identifying knowledge gaps and understanding students' prior knowledge. To be ready to learn, students need to develop an interest in upcoming concepts.

It may be helpful for teachers to ask students what they already know about the topic or assign them the task of writing down what they already know. Additionally, students are introduced to the concept for the first time at this time. Teachmint's Digital Content offering helps introduce such topics by using multimedia, hence reducing time on the part of both the student and the teacher.


As students explore the new concept through concrete experiences during the exploration phase, they actively explore the new concept. As part of the scientific method, students may be required to communicate with their peers and make observations. The hands-on learning phase allows students to be engaged in the learning process.


If students need clarification on their understanding, their teachers will help them ask questions. Teachers need to get students to share the information they learned during the Explore phase before offering technical information directly during the Explain phase. In addition, teachers may use video, computer software, or other aids to help students grasp the information.


The Morrison approach elaboration phase allows students to apply what they've learned. Their understanding will be deeper as a result of this. To reinforce new skills, teachers may request students to prepare presentations or conduct further investigations. During this phase, students can solidify their knowledge before being evaluated.


Both formal and informal assessments are possible with the 5E Model. Students can be observed during this phase so that teachers can ensure that they are grasping the core concepts. The way students approach problems is also useful to note if they approach them differently after learning something new. The evaluation also consists of self-assessments, peer assessments, writing assignments, and exams.

Application and Effectiveness

Students can experience a complete learning cycle when confronting new concepts for the first time using Morrison's Approach. Each phase of the Morrison Approach should be the basis for at least one lesson within two to three weeks. Overfocusing on each phase reduces the effectiveness of the structure, and students may forget what they learned.

The Role of the Teacher in the Morrison Approach

This teaching method is based on the idea that children learn best when they are allowed to participate actively in the learning process. The teacher and Morrison approach in teaching works by allowing children to follow their interests. The teacher will help them with tasks that may seem difficult or confusing at first, but once they have mastered them, the child will be able to take over and complete the task independently. The teacher also helps children connect what they are learning and real-life situations, which helps them remember what they have learned better.

There is a strong belief that good teachers are the ones who can get the most out of their students. The Morrison approach is based on two main principles. The first principle is that teachers should be able to use all of the resources at their disposal to help students achieve success.

The second principle is that teachers should make an effort to understand their students' needs, interests, and abilities so they can better tailor instruction to meet those needs.

The teacher and Morrison approach both stress that effective teaching involves more than just delivering content (or information). It also involves helping students develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge that are important for them in life after school.

Finally, both approaches stress that it's important for teachers to be genuinely concerned about students' well-being—to understand what motivates them and how they learn best—to help students reach their potential as individuals and learners.

Learning with the Morrison Approach

Learning is a continuous process that occurs throughout life. It starts at birth and continues until death. The process of learning involves a variety of activities such as observing or listening to others; reading books and articles; watching, taking part in, and discussing various activities; making observations about one's immediate environment; talking about what one has observed; thinking about what one has observed; deciding on conclusions based on those observations; analyzing information related to the conclusions.

For learners to learn effectively, they need the right motivation, an effective learning situation (environment), appropriate materials and methods, opportunities for practice and reflection, persistence in trying new things, and appropriate feedback from teachers or peers to help them improve their performance.


One of Morrison's most important aspects is that it focuses on reader response and not simply or exclusively on New Criticism. Instead, Morrison fully recognizes its value as a great reader and does not denigrate the power of that reader's response as central to the success of any novel. Its emphasis on reading for personal growth and an ethical life seeks to enlarge our vision beyond interpretive limits and toward a broader, more human perspective.

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