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Peace Education - How to Implement it in Schools


The primary objective of education is to build a society where everyone respects each other and lives in harmony. For this, individuals ought to respect each other and accept differences.

This is where peace education in schools is relevant. Individuals ought to learn the importance of peace in the society we live in to grow as responsible adults. It is from schools that reformation begins in society. Students gain an understanding of the importance of being able to resolve problems amicably when they learn about their rights and obligations as community members. Now, before we learn how you can promote peace education in schools, let us look at what peace education is.

What is Peace Education?

Students learn the skills and information necessary to resolve a conflict without resorting to violence through peace education.  Hence, peace education is centred on the concepts of social justice and nonviolence. It advocates for a fair and inclusive society where people can coexist peacefully without encountering discrimination. Now, let us learn how can you promote peace education in schools.

Promoting Peace Education in Classroom

Instill Empathy Among Students

Empathy is the capacity to understand another person's thoughts or feelings. It has been proven that empathy is a significant predictor of how successfully people resolve conflicts. It may be challenging for you to comprehend someone's motivations for acting in a particular way and how their actions affect those around them if you are unable to empathize with them.

Storytelling, role-playing games, and other activities that provide children with the chance to practice interacting with one another are just a few approaches to teaching empathy.

In order to inculcate empathy among students, you can promote social-emotional learning in the classroom. The main objective of social-emotional learning is to develop students’ social and emotional competencies. This learning promotes empathy for others and teaches them how to control their own emotions.

Nourish Students’ Physical and Mental Well-being.

Schools should give importance to students' physical and mental health in order to promote peace education. Because it has an impact on our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Moreover, physical health is a crucial element in fostering peace. For instance, anxiety or sadness brought on by stress may result in violent behavior or even suicide.

Physical and mental well-being are interrelated and therefore, good mental health lowers the chance of illness and keeps our bodies healthy. Mental illness has a significant impact on our ability to socially and emotionally interact with people, which also has substantial influences on our relationships with the people around us.

Introduce Compromise, Cooperation, and Conflict Resolution.

You can be a role model for your students through your behavior. This is crucial when discussing collaboration and conflict resolution in the classroom.  It is beneficial to demonstrate and promote courteous, compassionate, and cooperative behavior in your classroom. In this way, they will understand that these traits are valued outside of the classroom as well. Students will gradually start internalizing these principles and will become a habit if you demonstrate them to them in front of the class every day.

In addition to this, you can include conflict resolution and negotiation in the curriculum. Through a variety of activities and classroom behaviors, you can teach students how to think, behave, and act in conflict situations. This teaches students to be empathetic and resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner.

Foster Inclusive Attitude in Classroom

Teaching students about the global community will help them understand how interconnected we all are. When students learn about the similarities and differences that exist in society, they are most likely to foster an inclusive attitude among them. Because, when students learn about differences, they tend to accept and respect everyone the way they are. You can teach students about their rights and responsibilities as members of their community. Conflicts can be reduced to a great extent when people learn to accept each other for who they are.

Another way by which peace education can be introduced is through a trauma-informed approach means recognizing that students have experienced trauma. Trauma can be caused by a variety of events, including violence, poverty, and neglect. It can affect how a student learns, behaves, and feels. As teachers, you can bring about positive changes in the lives of such students. This can rule out any conflicts that may arise due to the trauma they have experienced.

To learn why inclusive education is important, read our blog on All About Inclusive Education


Teachers should prioritize peace education in their classrooms since it is a skill that can be mastered. Through peace education, you can teach students the origins of conflict and critical thinking skills through peace education. This enables them to comprehend potential causes of conflict, which may stop them from engaging in such conflicts in the future.

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