The Future of Education - Integrated School Platform (ISP)

Future of Education - Integrated School Platform ISP

There has been an increase in the usage of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, learning management systems (LMS), and digital content offerings in various forms over the years.

However, the options available to the public today are quite cluttered and unorganized.

Schools are unable to find all the features they need in one place.

Reasons for the Lack of Adoption

  • Multiple complicated dashboards
  • Difficulties with adapting to UI
  • Lack of Understanding

It is this gap between technology and its adoption that Teachmint is bridging with an integrated school platform.

What is an Integrated School Platform?

An integrated school platform can be best described as a well-organized interconnected web of tools and technologies that work together to make the process of management, teaching, learning, and analysis- easy, effective, and practically consolidated with one another.

It harmonizes the relationship between learning, teaching, and school management, giving every stakeholder the right amount of information as and when they require it.

Sometimes, schools are not sure about what they must do to improve efficiency. They often prioritize their immediate needs over what they need in the long term.

Teachmint, with its well-developed Integrated School Platform, offers a way to make the tools for short-term goals fit into their long-term strategy by bringing all the useful features under one roof.

Why Integrated School Platform is the Future

The benefits of automation in education are quite diverse and mostly relate to the administration of the school. An integrated school platform goes beyond and helps all the stakeholders in the institution. Here are a few reasons why ISP are the future of education:

Functionally Superior

An integrated platform for schools offers both the content for teaching and learning while also performing the functions of a school ERP. This helps coordinate and organize all the aspects of a school with a complete overview.

Here’s what Shashikanth, Director at Shree Institute of Miners, AP, had to tell us about his experience:

"Through Teachmint we can monitor all classrooms, recordings, and content shared by teachers. We can also track student performance on an individual basis which helps us identify weak students''

Improving the Efficiency of the School

An ERP system is a software solution that handles just the management side of things, whereas a learning management system aids in imparting knowledge in the most sophisticated and comprehensive way possible.

However, with an ISP, the functionality of each individual component is improved because they work so in an interconnected manner, in one place. This also improves the overall efficacy of the school.

Something for Everyone

An ERP system is restricted to handling the management side of a school. An LMS is specifically used when talking about teaching and learning sessions.

Schools that do not have any form of management software run the risk of low administrative efficiency. The schools that do use some form of ERP software use it only to address their management needs. The functioning of a school is not just limited to its management.

An ISP helps take care of both administration as well as the content requirements of an institution, irrespective of its size. This gives all the stakeholders the necessary tools to be on the same page.

Unlocks the Potential of the School’s Stakeholders

A school has different levels of management with multiple people taking on several roles. This takes place at various points in time and maintains the efficiency of the school. Using ISP, the job descriptions of each individual stakeholder become more fine-tuned and specific.

For example, the teacher will no longer have to take care of the managerial aspects of a classroom such as a roll call. That will be taken care of by the ISP, hence allowing them to experiment with different methods to maximize their output. This applies to all the stakeholders of the school and helps them understand their full potential on an individual level.

Upskilling for teachers not only helps themselves but also the students. In partnership with Orangeslates, Teachmint offers teachers courses to improve upon their skillset and helps the teachers become NEP compliant.

Better Communication

An ISP contains all the tools for efficient communication among the school’s stakeholders. This is because all of them will be using one platform.

A regular CRM or ERP requires manual entry of inputs to the system. When it comes to ISP for education, the database of information already exists, improving the time required for communication, efficiency and the amount of information conveyed.

Solving Challenges Using Integrated School Technology

The major concerns that most schools come across when using an ERP system are as follows:

  • User Access Management
  • Transparency issues
  • The analytical problems related to creating reports
  • Communication across stakeholders

Teachmint offers the perfect solution for these problems systematically. Let us go through them one by one.

User Access Management

In a traditional ERP system, the school management may not be able to understand which users have access to the full suite of information of the stakeholders. The amount of information that students receive will be significantly less compared to that of teachers, and the same applies to admins. Each stakeholder needs to have a clear idea of their own set of responsibilities to the school. This is not possible with just an ERP system because people either have complete access to it or no access at all.

This user access hierarchy problem can be resolved using Teachmint. The ISP gives the super admins, admins, teachers, parents, and students different levels of access. The right amount of information is handed over to the respective stakeholders.

Transparency Across Stakeholders

Teachers know how well the students are doing on a day-to-day basis and academically in general, but admins and parents may be left out of the loop. This transparency gap can be addressed by using integrated school technology. Parents are notified about the attendance, performance, and homework due by the student just as much as the student is. This keeps them on the same page with respect to the student’s progress in class as well as their academic performance in general.

Creating Reports

An ISP for education has all the information of students in a single database, making it easier to generate reports at a moment’s glance.

Since each student’s individual academic performance can be measured using LMS, Teachmint helps keep track of each and every aspect of a student’s school life. This helps create detailed data-backed reports of students and the classroom which helps teachers understand where students need help and in which subject or subject area.

In addition to getting student attendance reports, Teachmint also helps check teachers’ attendance and assess their performance effectively.

This amount of detail will not be possible on an ERP system because there is no provision for the systematic collation of data.

Seamless Communication

In a traditional ERP system, communication among different levels of management can be limited. ISP for education helps teachers and students communicate with one another on a much more professional level by:

  • Enabling engagement in class with the help of Live Polls and Hand Raise features
  • Giving timely updates in the classroom with the help of Notice Board
  • Facilitating interaction between students and teachers using Private & Classroom Chat

Parts of an Integrated School Platform

The main parts of an integrated platform for schools can be broadly categorized into 3 on the basis of their functionality:

Learning Management System

A learning management system is a software solution that helps teachers and students make education much more accessible and interactive. It includes a suite of tools that enables and promotes engagement, competition, cooperation, and independent learning in students.

Some of the features that come under Teachmint’s LMS are -

  • Assessments - Enables teachers to create different types of assessments for students
  • Reports & Analytics - Stats for classroom performance and individual student performance
  • Study Materials - Helps teachers share notes, videos, and other study materials with students with ease
  • Live Class & Recording - Conduct, record and share live classes from anywhere
  • Private & Classroom Chat - Helps students communicate with each other and with the teacher within and outside the classroom whenever required
  • Homework - Helps teachers create homework assignments within minutes and share them with students

Enterprise Resource Planning System

An enterprise resource planning software is one that helps regulate school management and effectively allocate resources according to the requirements of the institution.

Some of the elements of a school ERP system include -

  • Fee Management Software - Manages calculation, collection, and categorization of school fees
  • Attendance Management - Records and analyzes the attendance of the classroom and each individual student
  • Admission Management - Helps streamline and organize the admissions process of a school
  • Hostel Management - Makes the management of hostel admission and administration simple, efficient, and automated
  • School Yearly Calendar Planner - Helps plan out all the important events and exams in an academic year
  • Certificate Generation - Enables the creation of bonafide, character, and school-leaving certificates with the help of templates
  • Library Management - Helps organize the library by keeping records of books, the borrowers, and fines associated with them

Content Offerings

This part of the ISP includes the content that is created by the school for the consumption of the students and teachers. These content offerings may be in the form of short videos that explain concepts clearly and concisely.

What Digital Content Brings to the Table

  • Ease of explanation
  • Enables multimedia education
  • Makes concepts more understandable with bilingual content

Why Teachmint?

Teachmint offers the most sophisticated integrated school platform for the 21st century, bringing together the most effective elements of teaching, learning, and management together under a single roof.

It offers all the stakeholders of the institution an additional digital arm that can help them leverage their position in the most effective way.  Check out the entire suite of Teachmint’s features and see what we have to offer!