The need for PBL or Proficiency-Based Learning

Proficiency-based learning is also known as competency-based learning. Proficiency-based learning is the method of teaching that emphasizes students' progress based on topic mastery rather than grades, age, attendance, or other characteristics. Learning skills are explicit, should be measurable, and are designed to empower students to take ownership of their learning and knowledge demonstration in this approach. This type of learning involves assessment for students that is meaningful. Here students are provided with different support based on their individual abilities and capabilities. Through this approach, students show the expertise of content which results in them being able to progress new objections creating a more unique learning experience for each.

In today's date, many schools and colleges are moving towards the approach of proficiency-based learning as it puts out how students are learning the actual content and not just measuring the time of learning.

Let us look at the importance of an approach like the proficiency-based learning approach -

  • Proficiency-based learning allows for student engagement as there is more relevant content for all students. Also here, all instructions are tailored to individual needs, shaped according to individual learning styles, which therefore allows students to move through their learning curriculum at their own pace. Therefore this prevents students from getting over-exhausted with study pressure.
  • The approach focuses on equity for each and every student. As this time of approach benefits all by allowing them to learn and progress at their own individual pace by creating time and space to do so, students get sufficient time to complete their assignments and meet all deadlines on time. Students also get time to understand each concept properly. In this process, professors or teachers also provide different feedback for different individuals to cope with all suggestions.
  • This type of learning also provides students and learners with equal opportunities. This type of learning encourages students to develop a positive attitude towards education by allowing them to access equal education opportunities.
  • In earlier educational systems learners were required to remember what they were taught, they had to do several revisions and memorize the concepts. Yet in proficiency-based learning, students are expected to have their own understanding. This system demands them to reason, make a reasonable judgment and use creativity in arriving at solutions. In proficiency-based learning, students are expected to give their own viewpoints about different concepts.
  • Another point of benefit in proficiency-based learning is that it keeps students motivated and allows for flexibility and tends to lend itself to adaptation depending on a learner's individual need. In this type of learning, there is no benchmark, there isn't any routine to be followed or deadlines to catch. Here students are ready to progress and with their expertise, they are allowed to take their own time in learning.
  • One of the most important points in proficiency-based learning is that it focuses on skills-based assessment. Here learning is based on real-world skills, all lessons are planned in a way where students understand in-depth and about their use and importance in real-world skills and concepts.
  • Another point to note is that in proficiency-based learning students are allowed to have a great sense of personalization of concepts so students can pursue learning in the contexts of their passion according to their own ability. There is greater flexibility for where and when and how students learn. In this type of learning, students are allowed to put out their own points of understanding of particular topics.

Proficiency-based learning is a must for students today as it creates a learning environment that fosters strong social and emotional development and develops achievement and learning for each individual learner, it encourages an equal learning experience.

Hope this blog helps you to know about the importance of PBL and you implement it in your learning environment. Stay tuned to read more such blogs.

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