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The Role of Teacher in Students' Life


A teacher plays an essential role in every student's life. A teacher imparts knowledge, instils ethics and sound values in their students, and helps students find solutions to modern-day challenges. The role of a teacher in a student's life is not limited to academics or extracurricular activities; they are also responsible for shaping the youth of tomorrow and thereby contributing to a better society.

As a teacher, one must motivate students and bring out the best in them. Teachers must have certain qualities like patience as every student's grasping power and learning pace differ; they must have problem-solving skills to help students overcome their challenges; they must treat all their students equally, and they must possess leadership qualities so they can create future leaders.

In this blog, we will discuss the important roles of a teacher:

Role of Teacher as a Motivator

The most critical role of a teacher in a student's life is to bring out the best in their students. Despite how slow or fast a student's pace of learning is, or if they are good or bad at a particular subject, teachers must believe in their students and push them to achieve their full potential. If a teacher truly believes in their students' potential, then the students will also believe in themselves and work hard towards making it true. Many studies have shown that teachers have the power to influence their students to achieve great things in life. Exceptional teachers will always strive to encourage their students to create a positive mindset and grow and progress in life.

As a motivator, a teacher must inspire students and recognize their interests. Depending on each student's interest, they can hone their skills from an early age. It is very important for a student to be truly interested in a subject to excel at it. There are several ways teachers can stimulate interest in learning in their students. Teachers can explain to their students why it is essential to learn a particular subject and try to find a connection between all subjects. Furthermore, they can explain to the students the real-life applications of all the subjects so they can easily relate to them. This way, students will understand the benefits of learning and achieve good results.

Role of Teacher as a Leader

A teacher is a great leader. The role of a teacher in a student's life extends beyond teaching. Teachers do not only have to teach educational subjects but also have a moral responsibility to impart essential life skills to students that are useful in their personal lives. Teachers must teach their students to become creative, innovative, and resourceful citizens of the future. As leaders, they must guide students to become better human beings and to take good initiatives to make the world a better place.

Role of Teacher as a Role Model

A role model is an important figure in everyone's life; they inspire us, encourage us, and bring out the best in us. A role model is someone we can look up to and follow and whose behavior we absorb and imitate consciously or unconsciously. At an early age, parents play an important part in their children's lives; however, as they go to school, they see teachers as their role models. Teachers also play a crucial part in shaping the students' character and future careers. Some students might even choose a career based on a subject taught by their favorite teacher because they develop a deep interest in it.

Students can be a better version of themselves when their teachers are good role models who instill moral values and qualities like honesty, commitment, and fairness. Good teachers must strive to be an excellent examples for students rather than just verbalising. Sometimes, even a teacher might make mistakes, but instead of hiding them, they must admit their mistakes so that the students can watch and learn from them. They should teach the students that it is okay to make mistakes as all of us are humans. One can make mistakes and correct them.

Teachers must also teach their students about critical thinking through demonstration. When making important decisions, they must think aloud, discuss the pros and cons of a particular problem in front of the students, and try to be impartial when making judgements. This way, the students will quickly understand the process of critical thinking and practice it in the future.

Role of Teachers as a Mentor

It is challenging for students to choose a good career path as there are a plethora of options available. Here, a teacher can be crucial in guiding students in the right direction. Teachers can help students in defining their short-term and long-term goals. Students may not be able to discover their interests and hidden talents well, or they may not have the correct exposure, but teachers can help them make informed decisions based on the students' interests. The role of a teacher in student's life is also to help them discover their hidden talents.

Role of Teachers as a Friend

A friend is someone who can understand us and whom we can rely on. If students think of teachers as friends, they can rely on them and make mistakes without any fear. Learning will no longer be a burden but simply a transfer of knowledge. There will be a better relationship between the two based on trust and openness, which will positively affect the student's learning outcomes.


The role of a teacher in a student's life is crucial and has various facets. We can say that teachers significantly influence their students' lives in all aspects. They are responsible for molding society's next generation and facilitating the growth of humanity as a whole. Every student needs a good teacher to guide them so that they can build a strong foundation for a better future.

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