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The Social Responsibility of Being a Teacher


There is no question that a teacher's job comes with social responsibility. Students will be the ones to make a difference in our society because they are our future adult citizens. A teacher has a social responsibility to build an inclusive society. Teachers are the ones who are shaping the future of their students. Since students are the future adult citizens, they would be the ones who are going to bring about a difference in our society. Hence, it is the social responsibility of the teachers to nurture students who are informed and advanced in terms of their thinking process.

In this article, you will learn about the social responsibility of being a teacher and how they can make a difference through their students. Let us look at how they can contribute to the development of society.

Be an Inspiration to Your Students

After their parents, it would be the teachers with whom students would be interacting the most in the initial years of their lives. Because of the same reason, they would be relying on their teachers for a number of reasons and moreover, they will be learning a lot from them. Therefore, it is imperative that the teachers set some standards in their behavior towards the students and their colleagues.

Students will be closely observing you and learning a lot from you. Always keep in mind that, you have the opportunity to instill good qualities in your students that are going to stay with them throughout their lives and it could become the defining characteristic of their personality. So, be an inspiration to your students to be amazing human beings.

Know Your Students

Your students will be hailing from different cultural, social, and economic backgrounds. These factors do play a major role in their academic performance. These elements do have a significant impact on how well they achieve academically. They may not be falling behind in their academics because they lack the ability to perform well, but rather because they are unable to focus on their studies as a result of these social or familial issues. You might try to identify the key elements that are influencing your pupils' academic success and resolve them.

Also, if a student is facing an economic crisis and because of this he/she decides to drop out of school, it is your responsibility to stop such things from happening. Discontinuing their education can hamper their promising future. It is the social responsibility of a teacher to find out the problems that his/her students face and find solutions for them. As long as a child is not in the education system, they cannot build a brighter future for themselves. Hence, make sure your students are not dropping out of school and if they are, find a solution by discussing it with school authorities and their parents.

Educate Your Students About Societal Issues

Students contribute to society in many ways, and when they grow up, they will lead it and implement all the essential reforms. Students must be aware of societal issues in order to develop a feeling of responsibility. As a result, they will be receptive to all societal happenings and will be considering them. They develop the ability to think critically as a result of this, and as they become more aware of societal issues, they will analyze those issues and will come up with their opinions about them.

Teach them to voice their opinions as this will help them in building their confidence and building a feeling of being a contributing member of society. It falls under the social responsibility of the teachers to nurture a community of students who are capable enough to analyze a situation in a broader perspective and in an objective manner and to come up with solutions.

Develop A Sensitive Community

Teachers can have a significant impact on students' ability to build community sensitivity. Teachers might aim to foster a welcoming attitude in their students because they have the power to change society through their students. It is the social responsibility of educators to make sure that they are instilling in their pupils a sense of empathy and compassion for all people, not just their peers. Hence, teachers help in building a society where everyone is treated equally, respected, and valued regardless of differences.

The social responsibility of teachers is to inculcate in their students a spirit of inclusivity. In this way, teachers are assisting in society's collective development. Since students are tomorrow’s adult citizens, teachers are therefore developing an ideal society where each individual is valued. The change in attitude among children starts at home and then it is catalyzed by teachers through their education at schools. Hence, schools are a major contributor to societal changes.


The article discusses the social responsibility that a teacher holds. They are the initiators of societal change and can bring innumerable changes to society. It is the social responsibility of each teacher to be objective in his/her teaching as it would help students to formulate their own views and opinions.  Additionally, a teacher should never impose their viewpoints on students but rather should let students come to a conclusion on their own. A teacher should train students in this manner. The teacher has a societal responsibility to guide children in the proper direction and create bright futures for them. A better society results from better education. Teachers should therefore be aware of their social responsibility and try to make a difference.

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