Tips to Make Your Child's Summer Vacation Productive

Summer vacations are the most loved holidays by kids. They eagerly wait for it so that they can take a break from their exhaustive academic schedule and spend that time chilling in their homes. However, they might start feeling bored by the end of their long summer vacation. If your child is also facing the same issue, here are some of the best things that they can try to make their holidays happy and memorable.

Top 10 ways for a productive and happy summer vacation

If your child is complaining about the vacations and wants to do something productive, you can ask them to try the things mentioned below.

Part-time jobs

A part-time job is one of the coolest ways to spend the summer. You can make your kid join a part-time job to help them get exposure to the professional world. Moreover, it will also make them financially independent and they will learn to respect the time and hard work. You can encourage your kid to take a part-time job to make them more confident. Most high school kids are equipped with the knowledge to carry on the responsibilities of a job.


Encourage your kids to develop their hobbies or interests in the field they like. They can apply for various internships to get exposure to the activities of their choice. Internship opportunities help students develop their professional network that might help their later careers. Look for these opportunities on various job portals to select the best for your students.

Summer school classes

Attending classes during summer vacation may not be the most preferred idea. However, kids and teens can take summer school classes to clear their concepts on various topics. It will give them a head start, and they might develop their interests in the subjects they find complex. Your kids might hate attending a summer school, but they will thank you later.

Tutor younger kids

You can encourage your kid to start a part-time tutoring business in and around your vicinity. They can give extra classes to their juniors or kids studying in elementary school. If your kid is skilled in a particular subject, there are chances that other parents will approach them. Moreover, tutoring will give them a hold on the subject. Providing classes to younger kids is a low-stress job that teens can take during their summer holidays.

Learn life skills

You may not find the time to teach crucial life skills to your kids during normal days. Your hectic work schedule and the active school life of kids may not allow them to focus on other skills. Summer holidays are great to teach crucial life skills to your children. For example, you may teach them how to cook. Moreover, enrolling them in swimming classes can also help them acquire skills. Some other tasks that you can teach your kids are:

  • Doing laundries
  • Writing a cheque
  • Cleaning know-how tips
  • Baking
  • Other household chores


If your child is at the age where they can learn to drive, you can enroll them in a driving school. Alternatively, you can teach them to drive. It will also give you the time to strengthen your bond with your child. Also, it will help them understand road safety tips and what practices they should follow while driving. The vacation is also a great time to make your teen learn highway and nighttime driving.


Volunteering is a great way to serve the community according to your time and convenience. Encourage your kids to take up volunteering during their summer holidays. They can choose to visit an old-age home or distribute food among the underprivileged. Also, volunteering at an animal shelter is a good way to teach empathy to your kids. They will learn to respect all kinds of life through volunteering activities.

Online events

Various educational institutions conduct webinars and other online events for students. Making your kid a part of such events will help them explore different fields. They will learn about various fields and concepts that they were unaware of. Moreover, these online events allow teens to join various online forums and communities.


Giving time to your body is the best investment. Likewise, taking care of your mental health is also crucial. You can teach various forms of exercises to your kids during their holidays. It will not only make them active and fit but will also help them pass their time.


Making your kids learn a new musical instrument is one of the ways to help them utilize their time during their summer holidays. They can use the resources available online to learn musical instruments on their own. They can learn guitar and other instruments through online resources.

The best way to help your kid spend a productive summer is by finding a healthy balance between indoor and outdoor activities. Assist your child in exploring their interests and hobbies to make their summertime productive.

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