Tips to Spark Curiosity in Students to Increase Engagement

Curiosity, the innate attribute that motivates an individual to learn and know more, is essential for the students to master. Only if students are curious enough can they be energized to follow the quest of learning more. After all, seeking knowledge is possible if they find the right mental force and interest to know more about a certain topic or subject. If you are a teacher, you may wonder how you can spark curiosity in your students and make them engage in the classroom.

Children are supposed to bubble with questions and enthusiasm. But, all students may not behave in the same curious way? Curious students ensure a greater engagement rate in an online class. Online teaching is not only about dictating notes but strategizing well to deliver the lessons in a way that the students’ curiosity gets piqued to a great extent.

But, how can you do that? Well, there are several ways of doing so. Make the students enthusiastic about the “learning-how system” and see how they get energized to learn more. Let’s see what are the various ways to ignite curiosity in the minds of the students.

Tip #1: Curiosity Journal

Students love being creative and enjoy indulging in activities that invoke fun and uniqueness in them. Ask each student to use a journal to keep a track of the intriguing questions that they have in mind and note them down in that journal. Once they have got spare time, advise them to research well on the question that is lingering in their minds. After getting hold of the answer, ask them to write that down in the journal. This will be a good way to satiate their curiosity and come up with a mind full of answers.

Tip #2: Introspect & Reflect

You might be shocked to know this but the fact is that students grow further curious when they get time to feel tranquility. Ask them to stay calm and consider the things that they have learnt and reflect on the knowledge that they have gained. Encourage them to come up with questions at such peaceful moments and under those serene conditions, they can respond by presenting interesting questions and seeking out the path to find answers to the queries that emerged out of their inquisitive minds.

Tip #3:Multiple Perspectives on a Specific Subject

Students tend to show greater interest and become curious when you make the students view a specific concept or topic from multiple perspectives. Show them the various ways to approach a topic, and pique their curiosity by bringing to light the myriad of perspectives that can be applied to a single concept. Interest the students by making them look at the various possibilities that a subject can entail. And, see how well your students come up with mind-blowing, interesting questions to the fore.

Tip #4: Address Questions

Students’ curiosity knows no bounds. The questions they ask you out of curiosity are not necessary to have direct relations with the lessons you are teaching them in the class. So, it is essential that you designate a specific time from the total class hours to address the unrelated questions of the students. Give them the much-needed choice, free will, and sheer independence to present their ideas to the class and address their questions to you so that you can answer those. Quench their thirst to know more and douse their curiosity by responding with apt answers and don’t stop explaining them things till they get satisfied with your response.

Tip #5: Model Curiosity

Make the students feel that you too are excited to learn about something new. Curiosity is contagious! Transfer the same energy to the students so that they get the urge to know and learn more and see how well they come up with interesting questions. Model curiosity and see how they get inspired to replicate your energy to learn and know more. Students learn from their teachers and their demeanour. Act enthusiastically and see how curiously they behave. Address your students’ interesting queries and aid them in expanding their knowledge.

The more curious the students are, the more engaging the classes will be. Ensure your students participate actively in the class and spark their curiosity in the lessons that you will be teaching them. Happy Teaching!

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