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World Nature Conservation Day & How Can Schools Promote Sustainability

Nature and humans are dependent on each other. We cannot deny that a healthy environment is a foundation for a stable and productive society. Moreover, a healthy environment also enriches the generations to come. To recognize the importance of nature, 28th July is celebrated as World Nature Conservation Day. This day reminds us that we must preserve, protect, and sustainably manage all natural resources for a better future. Adopting a sustainable lifestyle can help in preserving the environment and fulfilling the objectives of World Nature Conservation Day. The main objective of this day is to conserve trees and animals that are on the verge of extinction.

Methods to conserve the environment

Conserving the environment is the responsibility of every individual. All of us need to join our hands to promote sustainable development. Some of the actions that may show a positive impact in this direction are mentioned below.

  • Use limited resources; try to use a single product multiple times. Also, try to recycle the products. Buy reusable and biodegradable products as much as possible.
  • Protect water, electricity, and non-renewable resources of energy.
  • Plant more trees and take care of them to make the environment greener.
  • Spread awareness about environmental conservation.

One of the best ways to reduce wastage is to follow the 3 R's- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Schools play a crucial role in teaching students the importance of conserving nature. Educational institutions are among the places that consume a lot of paper as most of the work is carried out traditionally using registers and other forms of paper records. Let us see what these institutes can do to promote sustainability.

What can schools do to promote sustainability?

Schools are among the most important places that can teach students about the importance of conserving nature and the need to fulfill the objectives of World Nature Conservation Day. They can reduce paperwork and take an eco-conscious step by adopting automation. By taking a technology-driven approach, schools and other educational institutions can make this environment greener. Let us look at different automation steps that schools can apply in practice.

Automatic fee collection with fee management systems

What are the typical scenarios at the fee collection counter in schools and other educational institutions? We see a long line where students and parents stand for hours to submit the fees and collect receipts. Now, try to imagine the number of trees that are cut down to fulfill the paper requirements. Schools use paper in different ways-they use paper to distribute notes and other learning materials among students. In the fee collection process, they use paper to provide acknowledgment slips to parents and students.

With the help of a fee management system, schools and universities can automate the fee collection process. Moreover, they can use the system to send payment notifications to parents and students. The system is easy to use and provides comfort to parents as they can submit the fees on time without visiting the school campus. In addition, they can use different payment methods like cards, UPIs, and other online payment modes. All these small steps can create an enormous impact on the environment. By reducing paperwork, schools can promote the objectives of World Nature Conservation Day.

Reduced paperwork and enhanced learning through LMS

When teachers are inclined toward providing the best learning experiences to students, being on the same page is vital. Teachers and students should understand the expectation of each other. A learning management system brings them together and streamlines the processes.

In a typical classroom, teachers distribute learning resources in paper formats. Mostly these papers are discarded after a single use. It impacts the environment negatively and enhances paper wastage. With an LMS, teachers can share learning materials on a common platform. Students can use this platform to access the study materials. It reduces wastage and provides a wholesome learning experience. Moreover, the platform can be used to solve students' doubts in real-time.

Automated attendance to eliminate bulky registers

Every year, schools and universities maintain bulky registers to record student attendance. These files and registers not only make the space look cluttered but also use a lot of paper, thus adding to already existing issues of deforestation. With an attendance management module, educational institutions can reduce the amount of paper used in maintaining attendance records. An automated attendance system records the attendance in real-time using RFID and other advanced systems. As the system uses online processes to record attendance, schools can eliminate the use of paper from their system. They can fully depend on an automated attendance system for recording students’ presence and absence.

School apps for effective communication

Earlier, school admins had to use notice boards to communicate about events and share crucial information. They had to take printouts and put the same on the notice boards. The traditional system of sharing information used paper. However, with an ERP system, educational institutions can share the information in real-time. They can connect with all stakeholders through a single platform and pass on crucial information.

Student information system for maintaining student data

Maintaining student data takes a lot of time for school staff. They need to collect and segregate information before maintaining student records. In addition to taking the time and effort, this process also consumes a lot of paper. With a student information system, admins can manage the records hassle-free. They can maintain the data in a few clicks without facing any fuss.

Educational institutes can use the education ERP and LMS systems to streamline the process and reduce paperwork. By reducing the wastage of natural resources, educational institutes can serve the objectives of World Nature Conservation Day. This day is celebrated to make us understand the importance of nature and how it helps in our growth. Let us take a pledge to reduce wastage and contribute to ecological balance by making small changes in our habits. Schools, parents, and students can use advanced technology like LMS and ERP to reduce paper wastage and contribute to the environment on this World Nature Conservation Day.

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