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A Guide to Micro Teaching Lesson Plans

So, your recruitment agency has recommended you for a fantastic teaching position, and you have just been asked to interview. You've now been requested to give a microteaching session to exhibit your abilities, understanding, and expertise in your field. Here's a guide to micro-teaching lesson plan.

Your micro-teaching session will demonstrate to your future employer the type of teacher you are and provide feedback on your teaching method. It might be an intimidating idea, but here are some pointers for planning and delivering an excellent micro-teach lesson.

The fundamentals of micro-teaching concentrate on the six concepts listed below. Let's have a closer glance at the micro-teaching method.

  • Planning

By requesting that instructors deliver a class for a small number of pupils, teachers are given the flexibility to plan effectively. They select the lesson and what activities they want to undertake in class. It is similar to lesson planning, but it is not an entirely composed class. This is the initial phase in the micro-teaching cycle. The planning is carried out following the trainer's directions.

  • Teaching

The next stage is to begin teaching. The trainee follows the lesson plan and presents what they have planned and prepared. The supervisor is usually in the class to oversee this.

  • Observation

The instructor watches the trainee teacher's class and later provides comments and suggestions based on the findings.

  • Re-planning

The teacher trainee re-plans their methods and strategy, looking at the comments offered by the trainer and evaluating their performance. This might include refreshing their presenting style, communication skills, or other essential teaching skills.

  • Re-teaching

The stages are redone, and the trainee delivers a class once again. Microteaching is simply a cyclical process that relies largely on experimentation.

  • Re-observation

Once again, the lecture is monitored, and feedback is given. As previously said, micro-teaching is a cyclical process. The trainees rehearse, study, and refine their teaching abilities to confront a class full of learners confidently. Once the supervisor is satisfied with the trainee’s skills, they can conduct classes full-time.

Features of Micro Teaching Lesson Plan

Gaining knowledge

The initial stage of micro-teaching entails data compilation. During this stage, the trainee gains knowledge about the needed abilities by analyzing relevant books and seeing various instructional videos. Furthermore, as a teaching feature, this phase comprises the logical awareness of necessary skills. This is one of the major features of a micro teaching lesson plan.

Acquiring Skills

This is the operational phase of the micro-teaching initiative. During this stage, the apprentice teacher is expected to design lessons and master skills using the model taught at the beginning. Two elements primarily influence microteaching. These elements are communication and setting. The lesson's size, the class's time, the skill to be gained, the supervisor, and the pupils are all part of the setting.

Phase of Transferring

This is the final and most crucial stage of micro-teaching. In this, the learner is placed in an unmanaged setting. Both teachers and students may learn and improve through this system. However, unlike the other levels of micro-teaching, this occurs in an actual classroom.

Components of Micro Teaching Lesson Plan

Micro teaching is a creative style of training in which a teacher trainee leads a lesson for a small number of kids for a short time. This is aimed to improve teachers' abilities. This strategy has proven to be helpful by concentrating on a single skill at a time. Therefore, it is critical to have micro-teaching abilities.


Make a detailed outline with a beginning, midway, and finish point. Establish your goals and ambitions to guarantee that your students attain the intended result. It is useful to know how many kids will be in the class, where the teaching will happen, what materials will be accessible, what level the students will be, and how long the session will last. Micro-teaching sessions typically last 15 to 30 minutes. If you do not receive this information, you may request it.

Make a backup plan if you go over or under the planned time. Prepare the things you can add to the class if you have more time. Alternatively, if you're working overtime, make sure you can cut items if required.


Before beginning your session, assess your learner's past knowledge. Even though you will have learned this ahead of time, it is important to evaluate it yourself at the start of the session. Then, suppose the students appear to be informed about your topic. In that case, you may immediately modify your session to meet the learner's needs.


Establish your goals and purposes for your students; this would keep you focused and on schedule, but it will also keep the students interested since they will know what they are working towards. You can begin the lesson by announcing what you will teach that day and end the session with a quick conclusion of all concepts learned in that class.


You have prepared to give your session after creating a strategy, assessing your students, and defining your goal. Keep your pupils involved with exercises or open dialogues. You may also use this time to observe the classroom and understand the kids and the institution. When running operations, keep your time under control. Activities tend to drag on, so keep the session moving to reach your final objective.

Finishing your Session

Remember to pack things up after your session and offer the opportunity for questions. Now that you've got everything in order rehearse your lessons in front of family, friends, or coworkers so they may offer you valuable comments ahead of your lesson. There might be issues you overlooked or sections you could improve. Make sure to keep calm and enjoy the process at all times.

Microteaching, with its demonstrated efficacy among beginners and professionals, aids in promoting real-time educational practices. The critical skills of microteaching, such as delivery and instruction, assist new teachers in learning the art of teaching quickly and to the greatest extent possible. This technique's influence has been extensively seen in numerous modes of schooling.

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