How to Tackle Teacher Upskilling with Teachmint

Education is a fast-growing sector that has witnessed many changes over the past couple of years. One of the main changes is the introduction of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), a document produced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) regarding the future of education in the country. One of the most pressing matters addressed by NEP 2020 is the issue of teacher education (section 15).

It is imperative that as technology changes with time, so should the education system. To keep up with the change in technology, teachers need to upskill themselves as well, not only to help them operate in the new environment they have but also to upscale themselves to take their lessons to the next level. This is where Teachmint can help.

Teachmint is partnering with OrangeSlates, a top teacher upskilling forum, to promote reliable and constant upskilling of school teachers all over India. Through this partnership, we offer various teacher training programs for educators to know, train, upskill, exercise, and revisit topics as and when required.

How Teachmint Promotes Teacher Upskilling

For teachers, some ideal practices need to be followed to deal with upskilling positively. Here are some essential teacher training programs that our partnership with Orangeslates provides to handle teacher upskilling in a better way:

Be an Assertive Communicator

Communication and interaction are the keys to enhancing the bond between a student and teacher. This course makes way for holistic education and impactful interactions. It will act as a guide to let teachers learn and improve their communication effectiveness. Only communication can help guide the students thoroughly in the learning process which will also help the students understand their assignments in the right way. Besides this, learning is a two-way methodology while the teacher helps a student grow academically, the student can help the teacher decode any sort of roadblock that may come while handling the online tool or technical aspects.

Bring Creativity to Your Classroom

Creativity and new approaches are good ways to extract the best from teachers and students. It enhances the skills of everyone involved & helps further their true potential. This course seeks to provide excellent results based on the combination of creativity and intuitiveness to make classes a better place for experimentation and exploration. The entire teaching process and school management have experienced a complete makeover, switching from the conventional paper-based approach to an entirely digital one. This shift has completely transformed the old-school process of handling school responsibilities. Today, with the help of our Integrated School Platform, Teachmint aims to bring about a new digital spin to the conventional classroom atmosphere.

Socio-Emotional Learning in Everyday Classrooms

This course focuses on enhancing the socio-emotional abilities of teachers. To ensure this is done in the right way, the educators get access to three model lesson plans based on precise models and can explore various teacher upskilling programs for implementing SEL skills in everyday classroom teaching. Teachers must consider every obstacle as a new learning opportunity.

Interpersonal Skills

Along with academic performance, teachers need to work on their personality development. Soft skills are becoming vital in every line of work. These skills help build leadership qualities, non-verbal and verbal communication, and critical thinking. These interpersonal skills will help educators with their personal growth, help them understand the views of other people, and improve their communication skills.

Suggested Read - Importance of Interpersonal Skills for Teachers

Online Graphic Designers

Every individual has a different learning pattern. While some people find learning easier with the help of audio tools and lecture recordings, others prefer the visual medium. The usage of great visuals and impactful imagery significantly influences learners. It helps in the enhancement of visual thinking skills. This course enables teachers to understand the basics of graphic design, how to use images in their teaching, and how audio and visual aids elevate the teaching-learning experience.


Teachmint has been aiding in improving the education system through our Integrated School Platform. The partnership with OrangeSlates and the inclusion of upskilling courses in the Teachmint ecosystem have helped us provide a top-notch forum for teachers to adapt to the up-and-coming needs of the education system. With the expansion of advanced digitalization and tech-savvy solutions, Teachmint aims to improve both operational and academic performances.

Schools are increasingly digitizing this technologically progressive world. Including an Integrated school platform in the process of school management enhances efficiency and improves the significance of education. An integrated school platform carries the potential to convert difficult school procedures into simple mechanisms. It is as part of this ecosystem that we are offering teacher upskilling courses through Teachmint’s partnership with Orangeslates.

With Teachmint’s integrated school platform, the schools can easily automate almost all the strenuous tasks that otherwise were laborious and time-taking. Here is a video on how Teachmint makes school management easier: