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Online Teaching Platforms in India

Online teaching is registering a spike worldwide. It is no surprise that online education has opened new doors for many people professionally. Nowadays, many educators are shifting to online education platforms and online teaching has become their full-time profession. The availability of various mobile teaching apps and Live teaching apps have made things easier for educators online. The online teaching platforms in India are commendable and are redefining education altogether. Let's have a look at a few benefits of this new realm of education so that you can give it a firm thought.

6 Reasons why you should start teaching online

1.Fluent interaction

Easy communication between students and teachers is one of the most important aspects of online teaching. That’s why it is essential to have easy, adaptable, and free communication between students and teachers. Why is it crucial? More often than not, it is seen that some students face difficulties in asking their queries in traditional classrooms. Online teaching platforms provide an impeccable solution as they reduce the distractions that are present in traditional teaching methods, making them stay more focused and attentive. For instance, a student can simply text in a “thumbs down” icon for a concept that he did not understand. Similarly, for something that they understood clearly, a “thumbs up” icon will work. Moreover, some online teaching platforms enable you to record lectures for later use. This is also helpful for students who cannot focus in class for a long time.

2.Flexible work hours

As much as online learning platforms provide students with easier accessibility, they also enable online teachers to work as per their schedules. Teachers can record lectures and upload them online. Online teaching platforms in India are helping teachers in ways more than imaginable.

Now, you do not have to wake up at 5 to take a class at 7! Online teaching can save up a lot of your time and energy that you can always invest in working on your teaching skills or focusing on weaker students.


Online classes offer automation, which is a somewhat missing factor with offline teaching. As a teacher, you do not have to keep reminding your students about the due dates of a project or fix some specific hours to study. With online teaching, you let your students take up the responsibility. It makes them more responsive, accountable, and responsible.

No doubt, you are there to assist students, but a major part of the responsibility still lies on their shoulders. This way, you are also teaching them to take greater control over their learning journey. Students can plan their learning experience according to what suits them as mostly all these choices are up to them.


Gone are the days when geographical or physical constraints could hinder learning and teaching. Now with online teaching platforms available, all you require is a proper internet connection and good teaching skills.

With these two assets, you can reach out to students residing beyond your region, state, or even country.

Also, as said earlier, you can record your lectures with some of the online teaching platforms. You can also have lifetime access to them. There’s no limitation on time and location. It is imperative to talk about online teaching platforms in India that are making a marked difference.

5.Reduced costs

Offline teaching comes with a lot of expenses. You will probably have to incur the cost of renting a room or a building or commuting from your residence to your workplace. Whereas, online teaching platforms can save a lot.

Though, you will be required to invest in the necessary equipment and internet connection. These will still be much less than what teaching offline requires.

6.Develop a deeper connection with your students:

The environment of online classes offers a great opportunity for shy students. They can participate uninhibitedly in discussions, present their perspectives, and pose questions as well as answer them. If we take a look at offline classes, students who question the teacher after the class gets over do not get the desired response. This may be because the teacher is preparing for the upcoming class or is already tired due to the previous class. Online learning enables teachers to know and develop connections with their students on a more personal level.

Why go with Teachmint?

Teachmint is the number 1 online teaching platform in India. With over 10,00,000 registered teachers and 20,00,000+ classrooms, Teachmint makes your online teaching journey seamless and full of learning.

Going on board with Teachmint comes with a lot of bonus points. Here's why you should go with us:

To be a part of the Teachmint family is hassle-free. All you need to do is the following:

  1. Register yourself: Register yourself as a trainer and create your classroom. Enter your grade and subject.
  2. Send the invitation: The next step is to invite students to be a part of your class. You can invite them via different platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, messaging and likewise.
  3. Final step: You can manage your attendance, fees, record live classes, share study material, and what not. The only thing left to do is ace online teaching!

What's more?

Teachmint allows you to teach in your language, create doubt sessions, and organize and share study material! The app also provides you class reminders and timetables to make sure your teaching goes unhindered.

Now that you have gone through the article, you have many valid reasons why you should kick start your online teaching journey with Teachmint.

With everything getting digitized with the advancing technology, teaching has remained no exception. Furthermore, the pandemic too has added to the cause. During some past years, Ed-tech companies in India have been showing keen interest in investing. The amount invested has risen to $1.09 billion.

It has also been observed that based on the current trends, the online teaching market will show an upward trend in the coming years. Therefore, it’s high time to make the switch if you haven’t yet!

Teachmint is the leading ed-infra provider helping educational institutions improve their efficiency. With our offerings like LMS, attendance management, fee management system, and more, institutes can boost their productivity multifold.