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Parental Involvement in Education – A Guide

There was a time when all parents did concerning a child’s education was look up the school diary, inspect the tri-monthly exams report cards, and occasionally attend the parent-teachers meeting. Sometimes, moms would ask children how the day at school went, maybe even help with the homework infrequently. That was it.

Parental involvement in school education has indeed come a long way since then. Now more than ever, as parents, you need to be closely involved in your children's school life and academics. You must want to play more vital, active roles in their education, which is great for kids today. Extensive and deep-rooted parental involvement in children's day-to-day education is highly advantageous for them. It is like a second pair of eyes and ears watching your precious little ones closely; knowing their parents' care means a lot to children. Greater parental involvement in the education of your children also leads to bonding and understanding between them that goes deeper. It reduces the generation gap, if any existed prior, and ensures both parties communicate more openly.

What is Parental Involvement in Education All About?

When you become a source or a medium for educating your child, or even when you supervise your children’s education regularly, you become closely involved in the education of your wards. But merely scanning or skimming the class reports teachers forward to you does not help. You must sit in and listen to the teaching sessions, sometimes even assisting the tutors as they impart education.

When actively involved in your child's education, you will follow up daily on what your child has studied. You can take concrete steps to revise study content with your children. With this, you can regularly seek information about your child’s progress from your teachers. You are also prompt and earnest about taking any corrective steps needed to improve the academic performance of your little ones.

Suppose a teacher’s role in education is like oxygen in the atmosphere. In that case, your role as parents who take an active interest in your child’s studies can be compared to the trees and foliage that help increase such oxygen levels. Proper parental involvement in a child’s education greatly strengthens their learning process. It provides a significant boost to the motivation levels of a child. Knowledgeable, cooperative parents, in addition, also support the tutors and simplify the process of teaching young kids.

How Can Parents be Involved in the Education of Their Children?

There are multiple ways to involve parents in their kids' day-to-day academic activities and student life. The young child is first introduced to the concept of books and reading when you read them bedtime stories. Little by little, the young one also looks forward to reading such books.

You can also capitalize on this by offering engaging, pictorial books to young children. These can aid in slowly familiarizing the young ones with everyday objects and their names.

The second way of parental involvement in the education of your wards is when you monitor your children's daily homework and study times. This way, you know what your kids are studying and how they are faring in tests taken from time to time. You are also well aware of any subject or academic area that needs more attention and effort from your child.

In later stages, parents can supply their kids with more educational material and also plan trips to nearby museums and planetariums. The fact is, involvement in your children’s education need not be entirely scholarly or severe and solemn. It could also be fun and filled with the promise of experiencing new things before learning about them.

Of course, motivational talks and speeches to your child before tests and exams, and generally just listening to them about how their school day went, is another way to become involved in their studies.

Nowadays, online educational portals walk the walk and talk the talk. They have created parent apps wherein parents can be in the know of everything – right from the attendance of their children to how they are faring in regular tests conducted. Sometimes, such coaching centers also make the live feed available to parents who wish to be more closely involved in their kids' education.

Advantages of Parental Involvement in Education

The active participation and involvement of parents in the education of their offspring have many benefits and advantages.

  • School teachers and coaching tutors get a second pair of eyes and hands to coordinate learning activities. Following up with your kids on what they have learned on a particular day or week also helps solidify such learning and helps kids retain information better.
  • Children are naturally motivated to perform better in studies when they see their parents actively interested in their school work and study life. They know that parents are closely following their progress and wish to earn their appreciation and approval. Parental involvement in education acts as a catalyst in children taking more interest in their academics.
  • Overall, children and parents bond better when the latter takes an active interest in their child's studies.

How Parent Apps Help Parents Play a Proactive Role in Their Child’s Education:

Today, many schools, educational institutions, and coaching centers invest in the online presence of parents through parent apps. These online platforms enable a child’s parents to check their daily attendance, homework, online classes, and related information about their academic life.

Parent apps also notify you about daily or weekly announcements, events, exam dates, and any remarks teachers might have for their children. These parent apps allow you 24x7 access to your child’s school hours and academic world.


Increased parental involvement in their children's academics is very beneficial and essential for their good academic performance. Parent apps created by educational institutions facilitate such involvement and let parents play an influential, proactive role in their children’s academic lives.

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