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Innovative Learning Environment

As education becomes digitized, the methods and strategies are changing with it. Life as we know it is constantly changing. And, as we grow and change with it, so does the way we learn. Today's learners live in an ever-expanding world of knowledge where they can take advantage of unlimited resources for their learning. The Internet has drastically altered the way we consume information, share our knowledge, and interact with others. Today, we find ourselves in a teaching and learning environment, where anything and everything is possible. The future of education is shifting with a technological landscape that is progressing at a dizzying pace, and there is an opportunity out there if you know where to find it. While this change happens, it is important to ensure that the students are in a positive learning environment. Exams, assignments, homework, new concepts, expectations! There are a hundred things that students worry and stress about. In the midst of all this, to ensure that they learn effectively, teachers must make the learning environment positive and creative. Steve Irwin said that education is all about being excited about something.

Classes have moved online and a lot of teachers think that it is hard to make the classes interactive. To capture the attention of students and keep them engaged, it is important to use innovative strategies and techniques in the online classroom. Let us look at five tips that teachers can use to create a positive learning environment.

Positive Learning Environment

A positive learning environment is characterized by active students who are pumped to achieve more and get better results. Here are some activities that teachers can try to make the learning environment better.

1.Create A Safe Space

A positive learning environment cannot be created unless and until the students trust their teachers. The classroom regardless of whether it is online or offline must be a safe space for students to voice their opinions and concerns. Mutual trust and respect play an important role in making the learning environment positive and active. To achieve this, teachers can conduct regular feedback sessions and activities. This will help to break the ice and bring in a rhythm.

2.Outreach and Develop

To create a positive environment, teachers must know their students, their background, and their behavioral patterns. While this cannot be achieved in a day, teachers can outreach, talk to their parents, and likewise. Understanding the students on a deeper level will help teachers to analyze their learning styles and devise the teaching methods accordingly.

3.Star of the Day

This is an activity that teachers can try in the classroom. Every day, teachers can select one or more students as the star of the day. This need not be based on academic achievements or performance. It can be for the efforts that the student puts in, a good deed that they have done or it can just be a token of encouragement. Such activities will help students to perform better.

4.Bragging Period

The bragging period is another activity that teachers can try to make their classes more engaging. Teachers can set aside some time for the students to brag about something that they are proud of. Teachers must guarantee that no success is small and encourage students to come up and talk about things that they are proud of.


Yet another activity that teachers can try is the dream journal. Ask your students to write about their smallest dream. Pick a student through a random method and help them take a step closer to the dream. This can be a biweekly or monthly activity. This way, the students will feel that they are valued members of the class.

Teaching is a complex profession. The essence of education is not just in conveying the concepts or covering the syllabus. It is much more than all that. Classroom management is not about running a tight ship. It is about connecting with the students and make them fall in love with learning. The teachers might have to try a gazillion strategies before they find one that fits. The activities and ideas mentioned above are sure to help.

We will be back with yet another amazing blog. Until then, stay tuned.

Happy Learning.

Happy Teaching!

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