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Stress Management Techniques

Are you struggling to maintain your presence in the online classroom? Finding it hard to grapple with the texts and lessons taught by your teachers? Turning the pages of your textbooks with your clammy palms is going to be no good if you don’t muster the power to address this issue.

Facing academic burnout and getting stressed about your studies is not an unusual thing. And, guess what? It is absolutely normal to get worried as to how you can complete your syllabus, to keep up with the pace as is prevalent in the classes, how to prepare for the exams, and the lingering thoughts in the mind continue to emerge.

The main question that now comes to the fore is that- can there be no way to battle with this state of mental health, that is, stress? Of course, there are! All you have to do is be quick in identifying the symptoms of stress that you experience due to overarching academic pressure.

In this blog post, we will share with you the various ways to cope with both studies and stress and manage things in a way that you don’t reel under the poor effects of tension.

But first, let’s see what stress is!

What is Stress?

Stress is a natural occurrence that gets triggered when we are upset, tensed or worried about something or someone. It is a bodily and emotional response to events happening around you and that have the potential to cause you grief and sadness.

Students facing stress stemming from their academics often pushes them to a discomforting state. Having to juggle between attending classes and completing other activities regularly often takes a toll on their mental health.

Right from attending online classes throughout the day, completing assignments, finishing the syllabus, tackling the pressure to move ahead at the same pace as that of the teachers in the class and maintaining things in personal life- all these make things difficult for the students. Striking the right balance between academic activities and maintaining your schedule is essential to stay stress-free and gain absolute mental peace.

Stress is a reaction of your body to situations that make you worrisome. You can even term ‘stress’ as your body’s response to a “fight-or-flight” situation.

Let’s see what the various ways to manage studies along with stress are!

3 Stress Management Techniques

#1: Study in Short Chunks

Studying for a long period may make it difficult for you to concentrate on the subject at your hand. Exerting too much pressure on your brain by studying for longer periods at a stretch may cause you to freak out vigorously. So, plan out your study sessions in a way that you study for a constant stretch of 45 minutes and then take a break of 10 to 15 minutes. Utilise the little break to rejuvenate your soul. For instance, you can do a bit of stretching exercises or read your favourite book to energize yourself before going back to your study sessions. Doing this can help you mitigate stress.

#2: Seek for Help

Whenever you get stuck in learning about something, immediately take the help of your teachers instead of stressing over how you will manage things. You may even reach out to your friends in case of any difficulty.

Moreover, if you feel that things are going out of your control and stress is taking over your mind, discuss this tormenting issue with your near ones without any delay. The faster you will take action, the more organized and happy you will be.

#3: Indulge in Pursuing your Hobbies

Things become tough often, and at such moments, don’t hesitate to enjoy doing the thing you love the most. Close your textbook for some time and indulge in pursuing your hobby. This can be anything. No matter if you love gardening, cooking, baking, reading, singing or dancing, pick up on your favourite pastime and get rid of that irritating stress preying on your mind. And, see how relaxing you feel!

Crumbling under mounting academic pressure and stress? Don’t, any longer! Follow the above 3 steps and see how relaxed you feel. You can cross these testing times! Good luck!

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