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Online Cooking Classes – How to Sell Your Course

It is always a great idea to earn from your skills. For instance, subject tutors share their knowledge with students and earn money. Similarly, if you have exceptional culinary skills, you can also make money by conducting online cooking classes. Moreover, after the pandemic, online classes have been very popular since people avoid stepping out of their homes as much as possible. You can run the courses at your own convenience. But, like any other business venture, you need to plan, design, launch, and market your course to reach out to your target audience and make the most of it. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the following things before starting your online classes.

1. Pick your niche

You can’t simply start an online cooking class without choosing a niche. It can be recipes of a specific cuisine, basics of cooking or advanced classes. For example, if you excel at making South Indian dishes, you can teach similar recipes in your online classes. Gradually, you can move on to teaching other kinds of recipes too.

You can create multiple classes and a playlist of classes for easy access. It is always better to pick a single topic and offer in-depth knowledge on the same rather than discussing a lot of things in a single class. Your class will be more focused and provide deeper insight into a single niche.

2. Devise a plan

The second most crucial step is to design a business plan. It will give a clear picture of how you want to take your classes forward. From choosing the equipment or utensils to budgeting, it includes everything. You should also set your long term and short term goals. Also, decide on who are going to be your target audience and prospective consumers.

Many people conduct online cooking classes, but you can always draw larger audiences and stand out from the rest if you have a good business plan.

3. Licenses and permits

All businesses require specific permits and licenses to operate. If you are serious about running your cooking classes, you should consider getting the related licenses. You can check with your local authorities and get the required permits, if any. Doing so will make your business credible and build trust among your potential customers.

Once you’ve checked with the authorities, create a list of the permits, equipment, facilities, safety measures and health standards you must follow. Again, complying with the existing rules and regulations will prevent the business from falling into any legal troubles in future.

4. Buy equipment and other commodities

A proper setup is needed for online cooking classes. Ideally, you should make a list of all the tools, utensils and equipment you plan to use in your classes. Once done, you can shop for them. Try to collect all the materials, ingredients, and other commodities that would come in handy for your online classes. It would be a good idea to decide the recipes that you’ll be teaching in your classes to gather all the related material accordingly.

Since you plan on offering a virtual class, you would also require a phone or laptop with a good camera and internet connectivity to help you conduct the class properly.

5. Get on an online platform

To ensure your online cooking classes are a success, choose the right online platform to conduct them on. Teachmore is helping several people create their online courses and run them successfully. The platform enables the tutors to run the online classes seamlessly. With Teachmore, you can focus on selling your course while it takes care of other related operational functions.  

6. Promote your online classes

Promoting your business is vital to its success, which is why you need to have an effective promotional strategy in place. You can promote your online cooking classes on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Having a substantial online presence will help you attract a lot of customers.

Make sure to have an attractive logo for your online cooking classes and post regular updates on the social media handles to build a significant following. You can also have a website of your own with detailed descriptions of your classes, course inclusions, timings and fees of your classes. It would help if you always thought of new ideas and ways to attract and engage your potential customers.


It is essential to consider all the above mentioned points before starting your online cooking classes. Having a solid plan and a well thought out approach will help you sell your online course better. In addition, equip yourself with all the necessary tools to run your classes successfully. To start your online classes and run them seamlessly, Teachmore can assist you in multiple ways. It is a great platform that helps you reach your target audience virtually  and sell your courses.

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