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Top Features of a School Admission Management System

The quality services offered by schools automatically attract numerous parents and their children. Loads of queries are difficult to handle. Adding to them, there are long lines of parents submitting the admission forms. Extracting the information from an overwhelming number of forms, validating their statements and documents, and finalizing the decision is tedious, challenging, and full of struggles.

The consequence is loss of peace, excess workload, stress, and fatigue. The effect is loss of productivity, mistakes at work, and unavoidable loss of the school. The scenario belonged to a well-established and well-known school that lacked an organized system for admission management. Serving the most important mentioned purpose, there are several features of the admission management system enlisted for the users and readers.

What are the Features of the Admission Management System?

An effective system for admission management for a school helps perform the admission operations easily by spreading out the most categorized representation of information. It facilitates visualization, which eventually helps in report generation. Here are the specific features according to usage:

Activities to be done Using the Features of the Admission Management System

This section elaborates on the performable actions of Teachmint’s system for admission management in. The enlisted are the features and benefits of activities.

Features of the Admission Management System

The specific features of the admission management system are:

  • Make customized admission and inquiry forms

These are representative of the school and hence are open for tailoring. The feature includes adding or removing information like a student’s middle name, class seeking admission for, declaration, and other important, relevant data according to the school’s preferences and requirements.

  • Handle different applications in one place

The columns are named to provide precise information. For instance, the inquiry column will enlist the candidates who have just queried about the information. Similarly, other sections like the first call, interviewed sections, and others state the obvious.

  • Validate the Documents

The available forms require minimal human intervention specifically to judge the students. The multiple actions that can be easily taken on the forms through Teachmint are the verification of documents and the information stated in forms through uploaded proofs. The judgment by school officials also includes checking the eligibility criteria, past records, and student performances. They can cross-check stated and summarized marks in specific subjects based on the opted stream, overall percentage, or attendance record.

  • Track the information

It allows managing the information in a go on a single page. All the information is present adjacent to each other, thus providing an overview for subsequent decision-making. The information tracking assists the school officials by providing minimal need to switch between different tabs.

  • Online fee collection and management

The school administrators are free to collect and manage the fee information available on the admission management portal. The fee-related data is clearly specified along with the name to avoid any discrepancy. The acceptability of payment through any mode and the bank provides flexibility to parents.

  • Create Web Pages

The endeavor is highly beneficial in expressing the school’s presence to the world. The website increases the reach to the right audience. It attracts students interested in extracurricular activities by informing them of the offerings of the school. The website also increases the school’s rankings in state and national-level competitions. The next step would be to fill out the inquiry form for further details. The features of the admission management system allows the creation of inquiry and admission forms for quick assistance to parents.

  • Choose the Session and Manage the Data

The Teachmint eases the operability by requiring minimal processing by authorities. Thus, users are required to choose the session and set lead stages to accept the applications for admission. The numerous incoming applications can effortlessly be searched by student name, phone number, or ID. The student data can be managed through different steps like interviews, shortlisting, rejection or confirmation of admission, or deleting the lead as per the requirement. The same can be communicated to parents through provided contact details.

Benefits of the Fetaures of the Admission Management System

The benefits of utilizing the features of the admission management system by administrators are:

  • Automated steps for all the actions, such as allocation to classes
  • Lesser paperwork
  • Organized process
  • Effortless communication
  • Filtration of data for easy selection, rejection, or finding the suitable candidate
  • Reliable filters, search functions, and accuracy of information
  • Availability of reports for the data
  • User-friendliness for unspecialized parents
  • Effortless online fee payment
  • Easy fee receipt generation without manual involvement
  • Check the complete profile with student information
  • Modify or edit the student details

Features of Visualizing Information on School Admission Management System

This system also provides data to gain information, perform actions and create reports. Thus, the features are:

  • Choose the time duration to visualize the information

The visualization function provides complete information about the different lead stages. It informs the authorities about details such as the number of inquiries, with name, ID, contact number, fee status, and mode of inquiry. The data is categorized into - inquiry, first call, interested, interviewed, shortlisted, rejected, and students with confirmed admission are available for any number of users.

  • Switch between weeks, months, or sessions

To further ease the viewability for users, they can easily switch to a specific time period. The availability of precise information allows filtering the data to only the required number of students.

  • Fee transaction

The school authorities are free to check the students with completed or incomplete fee status. It allows insight into confirmed or unconfirmed admissions. The feature helps in identifying the number of filled or vacant seats for classes and sections based on the fee data and other information status of candidates.

  • Manage the follow-ups with completed information

Follow-ups in the above-specified cases are necessary for timely decisions. The schools do not want to lose meritorious students. However, the parents may be finding any sort of difficulties which can be easily communicated through the following. It allows the categorization of follow-ups into complete, missed and planned sections.

Benefits of Visualization in Admission Management System

The different benefits obtained by visualizing the data from the system are:

  • Less number of switching to different tools or pages
  • Easy comparison among different categories
  • Ability to check the notes with each student for easy remembrance of key information
  • View action status to reschedule or complete the follow-up

Other Possible Uses of Admission Management System

The data on this system can be used for the generation of different types of reports. The multiple possible types are stated below. However, the report generation is not limited to the below-mentioned ideas, and rather, it contains room for creativity depending on the perspective of insights.

Know Enrollment Status

It considers the inquiry requests generated through any mode of communication. The official generating reports can expect maximum inquiries from online platforms. But, they should include telephonic conversations and in-person inquiries as well before generating the report.

For instance, the gap between the number of inquiries and final admissions indicates a lot about the school’s representation of features. Similarly, fee data can be represented to indicate the collection insights, the uptake of optional facilities, and the most preferred payment mode. The optional facilities can be customized according to the needs of students for a better benefit to the school. The preferred modes of payment can be focussed more on the arising issues (if any).

Learn About Facilities

Schools provide different services which can be enrolled into as per the requirements. It refers to optional services such as dance classes, music lessons, sports activities, classes for competitive exams, or vocational courses. The number of parents opting for such services can be monitored to know their usage or requirement among students.

Gain Insight into the Mode of Payment

With the high percentage of parents opting for online fee transactions, schools hold the responsibility to optimize the feature constantly. The reports can allow dynamic insights into the preferred mode of payment. The most preferred platforms can be further optimized to resolve the issues. The least preferred ones can be looked into to know the reason for low usage.

Curate Schedules for Teachers and Students

Creating the timetable for teachers and students is a tedious task. It needs multiple information and multiple considerations, like

  • Number of classes, teachers, and sections
  • The preferred subjects of teachers
  • Number of students taking vocational or other courses
  • Equal distribution of free and study time
  • Maintaining the right frequency of specific subject classes for syllabus completion
  • Generating extra classes if required

This system intakes the maximum amount of this information that is required for curating the timetable. Thus, it is a beneficial tool to check while curating the schedule for both students and teachers.

Advantages of the Features of the Admission Management System

The introduction of digitalization and modernization in the system used for attendance management provides numerous advantages to school authorities and parents using the school’s websites.

What are the Advantages of an Admission Management System For Administration?

School authorities and administrators can use this system to avail its benefits. The advantages served to them are:

Effortless management

The ideal characteristic of software is to not only collect or list all the details. Rather, it should be able to replace the existing method more efficiently. It requires additional features besides the existing ones to facilitate the employee working on the tool without creating confusion. The Teachmint’s system is designed keeping the above characteristics in mind.

The spacious organization with clickable options to perform the actions allows speedy actions. The sorting option replaces searching and turning over hundreds of pages for a single piece of information. Filtering the information option replaces jotting down the information on another paper or copying based on certain criteria. The profile with multiple options concerning admission facilitates admission management. It also provides students’ details and the freedom to edit them.

One Webpage System

One of the highly beneficial and unique advantages of our expert-designed system for managing the attendance records of your school is one webpage solution. It has been created for administrators and authorities to remove buffering time and find every information in one place. The organization is clutter free and organized in the best possible way to relax the eyes and mind. It also benefits by allowing comparison among different sections.

Generate reports

Loads of information about students, parents, fees, opted services, classes, and other selections can be easily mapped into one report. The report generation will allow statistical analysis of the preferences, efficiently tracking the school’s growth and progress. The downloading feature further allows easy data transfer to be shared in presentation reports. Else, it also allows sharing the information for better visualization.

Better security

The tool system provides unmatched security compared to other methods of admission management. An example of the above statement is the presence of important features like access control. The option limits unauthorized actions on a critical set of information. Additionally, the presence of ‘view only’ settings does not deprive other employees of student details.

Apart from user access control, network-based security is also available from Teachmint. The cloud-based system prohibits the penetration of other network-based threats, such as viruses or malware. The advantage is generally absent in computer-based software, where users rely on separately purchased antivirus for protection.

Huge Accommodation

Be it any number of inquiries, let's say five hundred. So, the approximate number of admissions can be expected to be above a hundred. Now, the same scenario occurs in five branches of a specific school. It is practically impossible and useless to tackle such a huge amount of information through physical handling. Traditionally used software or tools are built with limited capacity. Welcoming the age of digitalization, Teachmint allows infinite information with easy tracking options.

Ease of gaining information

The earlier times witnessed the physical filling of forms with parents leaving the incomprehensible sections blank. These important sections for school then need to be communicated through phone calls or other modes of communication. The system eliminates the requirement of old worldly methods. A simple email or SMS communication can do the needful. The follow-up allows sending gentle reminders without harassing or embarrassing the parents with multiple calls.


The non-software-based admission management process utilized buying or taking physical forms from the school. The free forms were usually taken in double quantity to make up for the mistakes in filling up the first form, adding to the wastage and school resources. Digitalization replaced multiple areas requiring forms, and the school admission process is one of them. It contributes to environmental conservation by setting up the school as a live example to practice it. Opting for an effective and digital system for admission management, schools can boast of their concern and, subsequently, solutions for the environment. It enhances the value of school.

Increased efficiency

Simple paper-based or excel-sheet-based data is prone to loose or missing out. Human authorities are susceptible to mistakes and may lose one or two forms. They may also end up missing out on filing the details from one form for further processing. The consequences will be the parent’s waiting to hear from the school, wasting their time. It will also decrease the reputation of schools exhibiting them as careless.

The issues can be easily avoided by incorporating an automated method of admission management. The availability of multiple information and automated actions leaves no room for human errors or mistakes. The information can be sorted based on the actions required of them. It ensures a decrease in the chances of missing out on any lead or application.

Confirmatory message for fee receiving with credentials

The admission process can be time taking and hectic. Lack of information and waiting for further procedures decreases the opportunities to try for admission to other schools. Furthermore, the rejection after waiting for a long time is disheartening for parents and leads to a loss of confidence in students. It also limits the choices for students.

Thus, an efficient communication system in admission management is necessary to avoid such a scenario which eventually leads to a decrease in the school's reputation owing to such actions. Incorporating the feature, the Teachmint’s system allows effective communication. It provides an option to send messages for admission forms and fees. Authorities can also set up a follow-up date and time with a message.

Global Recognition

The system designed by Teachmint for admission management comes with the option to exhibit an online presence. It is one of the most beneficial options for any school. It allows maximum reach to the students and parents. Displaying online presence provides a platform to efficiently showcase the happening life of the school with pictures providing proof. Showing the school's multiple facilities provides a way to reach the maximum audience interested in different sectors.

What are the Advantages of an Admission Management System For parents?

The parents also benefit from the distinct features of the admission management system through the following points:

Flexibility in admission

Global recognition is an effective method to increase the reach and welcome inquiries about the admission procedure. It is highly beneficial for the parents to relocate to a specific place where they can confirm the admission procedure beforehand. It helps students not to lose their study progress, thus not creating a gap or dropping a year. It also exposes the student to school life from any corner of the world.

Time Management

Students’ time is precious. The speed of query resolution for admissions or hearing back from the desired school is the determining factor for admission. The quick process saves their time and effort, further conversing their mental health. As elaborated in previous sections, the efficient organization and communication system allows on-the-spot information. The facility to schedule follow-up calls allows no disturbance in the busy schedule of either party and aids in the provision of accurate and precise information.

No need for expertise

The design of Teachmint’s admission management system is to provide user-friendliness. It ensures that parents do not need the expertise to scroll through the created websites or web pages and gain information on services provided by the school. The admission and inquiry forms customized for schools are also simply curated forms requesting information in simple English language.

Easy Receipt Generation

The payment windows in any school often oversee a long line of humans eagerly waiting to pay the fee and being frustrated in the process. The online mode of payment overcomes all such shortcomings, where parents can pay any amount at any time while sitting comfortably. The spontaneous receipt generation allows timely actions without waiting to do other chores. The payments can be displayed anytime owing to online storage on a drive, phone, or laptop.

Cost-effective Approach

Parents can save multiple types of costs by introducing an efficient and digitilised system. They need not regularly visit the school for constant updates about the opening of admission procedure, buying or taking the forms, submitting them, processing through submission of documents, and paying the fees. The printed forms will also not require a processing fee, and they can be provided free of cost. It saves transportation costs, time, and mental stress.

To Wrap Up

The school admission management system introduces modern touch to the school’s operation. Facilitating the operations in school and decreasing the efforts of parents, allows collaboration of meritorious students and top-quality schools. Teachmint’s admission management tool is known to increase efficiency and productivity, provide security and speed up the overall admission procedure.

Learn more about Teachmint plans here.