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Why Do Schools Need Admission Management System?

As more and more students are applying for admissions, the procedure of entire admission management is becoming more challenging. Furthermore, with a continuous increase in applications, following a manual admission system might leave the school in the rearview.

The admission procedure is so long, and it becomes difficult for staff to manage many files, back-to-back calling parents for follow-ups and handling admission inquiries. Solving all these issues is the reason why is admission management system needed for the schools. A software for dmission management is a way to facilitate the admission procedure efficiently, easing the role of school management staff by 70%.

So, let's explore the concept of why is admission management system needed for schools and how it helps them to streamline the admission process.

What is an Admission Management System?

The admission management system is a way to make the admission procedure smooth. It works for both the parties, teachers and parents, thereby speeding up the admission procedure. This system helps schools complete 70-80% of the work. However, with this system, parents can easily fill out the application forms, pay the admission fees, and track their application status without visiting the school regularly.

School management staff have a lot of work during admission sessions, but with the help of an efficient system for admission management, they can proceed with the process effectively. There is no need for paperwork, and teachers easily get all the details in their dashboards. An ideal system would increase the admission procedure's efficiency and accuracy, saving a lot of time and energy.

Teachmint's software has amazing features that simplify the admission procedure. Schools can easily collect the student's data and related documentation and accordingly shortlist the candidates. Additionally, after using this software, all the school's management staff have the best hassle-free experience for the admission procedure. Teachmint's software has an amazing user interface, and it is very user-friendly.  Parents, students, and teachers can easily access and fill out the admission forms.

After learning about the system, let's move forward to why is admission management system needed in schools.

How Does the Teachmint’s Admission Management System Help Schools?

We all know that school admissions are a very lengthy and complex procedure. Management staff need to maintain a lot of files and documents of the students. The admission management system is the best way to streamline the admission process. It also works for parents and management staff. However, using the system keeps all the data secure, and there are no chances of human mistake. It also gives an amazing experience and makes the admission procedure simple for parents.

It automates the admission procedure, saving teachers time and energy, and they can move quickly with the admission procedure. Schools can increase their work efficiency and accuracy. It also provides the school management with real-time data and gives an amazing experience to the teachers and parents.

Beyond this, the system is best for working parents, it is a gift for them. Working parents need to take leave from their work for the admission process. Standing in lines for long hours and visiting the school again and again, at times, becomes quite tedious for them.

Let's learn more about how the system helps schools and why is admission management system needed.

Proper Data Management

This system reduces the workload of the management staff. In manual admission, many documents and files are needed for data collection such as admission forms, I-card forms, parent information forms, and much more. However, with the help of the admission management system, schools can easily store all these data in their dashboard. Using this system, you can get all the important documents like fees, invoices, students' previous school RCs, etc.

Streamline Admission Process

School management can easily speed up their work using a well-defined system for admission management. It helps staff to get all things in one place. Management staff does not need to maintain long registers and store them physically. It also saves time, cost, human resources, and the admissions procedure works rationally. The automated process of filling out the admission forms, document verification, and admission fee payment all these things are done with just a click of the mouse.

In today's digital era and with the help of advanced technology, parents don't need to stand in lines for long hours to submit admission fees. They can pay the admission fees via a payment gateway from the comfort of their home.

Faster Application Evaluation

Manually checking the admissions applications is a time-consuming process. Parents and teachers always juggle the documentation, requiring parents to fill in multiple documents. But, using the system makes all these things sorted. Parents can directly upload their documents and fill in all the necessary details in the form. However, parents do not need to visit the school repeatedly to ensure they complete the form correctly.

A digital system helps the school provide a straightforward process for admissions to the parents. Moreover, management staff easily evaluate the application after using the automated system for managing the admissions because they have all the data in one place and they don’t need to open a register to match the information.

Massive Cost Saving

In the early days, the manual admission procedure was cost-intensive for parents and teachers. But with the digital system, schools can save a good amount. There is no need to print different applications like admission forms, I-card forms, parent information forms, backgrounds, etc. Everything can be filled out online by applying from the admission management software.

Automating the admission process leads to saving a  lot of time and reduces manpower. School management easily proceeds with the admission application without putting multiple staff for the admission process. It is cost-effective for the parent's side too. Now they do not need to visit the schools again and again. Parents can easily get all the important details from the dashboard. It saves their time, travel expense, and energy.

Digital Follow-Up with Parents

Calling parents repeatedly becomes challenging, and updating them about their application status and handling the admission inquiries takes enormous strain. But, this issue can easily be resolved using the software designed for admission management.

Teachmint’s system has an amazing feature: on-time SMS update. All the parents get the update of their application via SMS. Admission fee reminders and other important updates are sent via SMS. These features help the school management staff to follow up with parents digitally rather than calling them repeatedly.

Accurate Data

It’s quite normal having a typing mistake while putting the student's data in excel. Sometimes the person who is typing can make mistakes with typing names or address information. These kinds of softwares for admission management works best for it and gives accurate, error-free data. All student data is available on the software's dashboard, so there is no chance of errors. Some schools have multiple branches, so they need to compile all data in one place. Doing it manually takes a lot of time and hardwork, and there is a chance of getting a typing error. However, the system is centralized. All data is stored in one place, making the work easy without human error.


While paying admission fees, parents need to wait in line for long hours but, the digital system for admission management has solutions to this issue. Now parents get the SMS update from the school, and they can easily pay the admission fees via different payment gateways. Moreover, parents can get their invoices through the software. Parents also get the invoice for the fee payment after paying the fees. They do not need to wait in line to get the invoice.

Why is the Admission Management System Important For Schools?

During the admission process, parents and children are seen waiting for application forms in queues for hours. It becomes complicated for the school management to handle everything at one point.

School management staff starts getting massive workloads with managing the applications, handling questions from parents, forms distribution, collection, and so many other things. After this, shortlisting the student's application is another challenging task for the management staff. We all know that sometimes mistakes happen during the admission procedure. Moreover, parents enquire about school management to get updates.

Nowadays, everyone is moving with digital services, and the education sector has grown significantly with advanced technology. Parents are always attracted to the school's highly advanced technology facilities. Utilizing the digital system is one of the best marketing steps schools can opt for. There is so much competition nowadays; opting for this will make your school a leader in the market. It can become one of the best marketing moves to promote your school among other academic institutions.

However, the main question is why is admission management system needed, and the answer is to manage all these things easily and make the admission procedure efficient. The web-based system gives massive support to teachers and parents.

Let's explore the main reasons why is admission management system needed and how useful it is.

Flexible Admission Process

One of the most unique and major benefits of using software is it is entirely flexible for working parents. Applicants easily apply for school admission while sitting at home without physically visiting the school. With the help of a software for managing admissions, admissions are just a click away. Parents and children can now submit their applications with their smartphones or PC devices. Most parents are attracted to these schools more because they provide such amazing technology which works best for parents and the management staff.

Convenience for the Management Staff

At times, admission procedures are not convenient, not only for parents but also for school management. During the admission process, management staff works hard to collect the documents, forms, follow up with students, and so on. But, nowadays, with the help of highly advanced technology, school management can sort out their work in minutes just by clicking the mouse and doing all the needed work. Yes, the software does almost 90% of the management staff work, and they can smoothly go through the procedure.

Using a software for admission management saves a lot of energy, time and workforce. Management staff can get all the data and know the status of the application form from the dashboard of the system. They don't need to call parents again and again for the documentation. Everything will be smoothly working after having the software.

Zero Error

Before the introduction of the automated system, admission procedures were lengthy form-filling procedures and if someone made a mistake, management staff had to call them and repeat the same process again. The manual admissions procedure is so intense that anyone can easily make an error. Sometimes school staff commit mistakes while typing the student's data into excel, and like parents, while filling out the form, they may also make some spelling errors.

However, schools can work on these issues by adopting a software for admission management. This approach makes the procedure easy for parents and the same for the school staff. Moreover, relying on the automated system reduces the workload, and there is no delay in the procedure.

Centralize Data Collection

Most schools have several branches, and it is tricky to compile all the data on a PC in excel sheets, and there is a big chance of losing important information. Moreover, the process of collecting all the data, reviewing the applications and shortlisting the applications sometimes becomes challenging.

However, software works for all these issues. It is centralized software that students and school management staff can easily use from anywhere. Through the automatic submission of data across different school branches, the online admission process is made simpler and more efficient. Moreover, sharing student documents, details, data storage, and other primary information will be more accessible using the software for admission management.

Say No To Paperwork

In this digital era, everyone is moving with technology, and nowadays, all document work can easily be done via the internet. So, instead of maintaining files related to the student's and parent's data, it's best to have all this information in the database of admission management software. All these things can be done in just one click via using the software.

Moreover, working digitally is also a great initiative towards a sustainable environment. We are saving the paper for attempting to do no paperwork. It also saves a lot of time and human resources. Discussing the no paperwork features also leads to the correct information filling on the admission form. While completing the admission forms, teachers and parents will make fewer mistakes, and both parties will work smoothly on the admission procedure.

Managing & Storing Data Easy

Manual admission procedures are full of activity, and require several files and physical storage to store these files. Well, this is one of the significant issues school administrators face during the admission process. While settling down these files, there are more chances for misplacing the files, thus, resulting in loss of significant information data.

Moreover, the admission management software needs only digital space, not physical space and offers the best solutions to all educational institutes. Digitally you can make your data safe, can easily retrieve the data faster, and you can save all your significant pieces of information. However, it also reduces the workload of management staff, and they can easily manage all the information and speed up the admission procedures.

Application Status Tracking

Manual admission is very time-consuming, and parents need to wait a long time for an update. Often, management staff and parents get dissatisfied and end up with many endless calls to get one update about their admission status. However, using admission management will make the admission process easy for both parties. Teachmint’s software has amazing features, i.e., SMS update. Now parents can easily get the SMS update and track their application status from the software dashboard.

Moreover, in the digital era, parents now get all the school updates through SMS and do not need to visit the schools repeatedly. Thereby, saving time and effort for both parties.


The admission procedure is very intricate and requires a long paperwork process. Also, school management needs a lot of forms and other necessary documentation. Some schools make their application online, and parents need to print them. It takes a lot of expenses like printing, submitting the travel expense form, etc.

However, the digital system is the best cost-effective for admission. Parents can easily fill out the admission application on the software. All the documents are easily scanned and uploaded on the software. There is no need to visit the school repeatedly to get all the details. Parents and management staff also get some less workload. They do not need to maintain the extended register.

Therefore, after setting up a software for admission management, management staff gets all the information on the dashboard and can efficiently work accordingly. So, this system of admission management is time-saving and cost-effective for both parties. It also needs fewer human resources, and parents get the updates smoothly without waiting long hours.

Easy Payment Processing

The system has brought a new age solution for payment of admission fees. Now parents get the SMS update from the school, and they can easily pay the admission fees via different payment gateways. Moreover, parents can get their invoices through the software.

New Admission Process Experience

Today, we are living with highly advanced technology in the digital world era. Schools can make the admission process a fantastic experience for both parents and children via the software. Through a School ERP system, parents can take advantage of the admission process whenever it is convenient for them, regardless of their location. All parents, especially working parents, do a lot of hard work to get their children admitted to schools. They need to take a leave from their work during manual admission procedures. However, the web-based system of admissions is best for parents, and they are also more attracted to schools that indulge in high technology.

Hence, the automated admission management process benefits both schools and parents. Parents can easily pay the fees without standing in long queues and check the invoice digitally. They can easily submit the documents needed for the admission procedure on the dashboard of the software.

The admission management system always works best for the school management staff and parents. So, every school uses this system to get a huge number of admission leads and convert them into admissions.

So these are tremendous benefits of using admission management software, or you can say the answer to why is admission management system needed. Thus, these are the primary reasons why is admission management system needed in schools and how it benefits the parents. You can get to know more about this system once you install them and explore it.

To Wrap Up

Nowadays, every school is competitive with each other to provide better services. Well, the admission management system is one of the perks which attract parents. In today's digitization, everyone prefers working on their space via the internet. Parents mostly prefer schools with high technology and fast admission procedures that smooth the procedure. An ideal and effective system makes the work easy for management staff as well as for the parents. Moreover, now you know why is admission management system needed in schools. So, do you still have queries? Get ready to install the admission management software and learn how Teachmint's advanced technology accelerated the workflow and how it can help you become future-ready!

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