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MBTI and Its Significance in Personality Assessment

MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It is a model that helps individuals understand how they interact with other people. Moreover, they also develop an understanding of their communication preferences. This tool also lets people know how they will react under different circumstances or situations. Furthermore, it makes them more adaptable to the environment and they get an idea of how they can deal with the situations around them. The scope of MBTI personality test is not limited to improving the interpersonal approach; instead, it can be applied to resolve conflicts, manage changes, and value diversities.

Uses of MBTI

This tool can be applied in various other aspects of personal and professional lives, including:

  • Career development
  • Self-development
  • Team management
  • Understanding stress reactions
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership skills

However, this tool is not suitable for judging the capabilities of an individual; instead, it talks about the preference of an individual.

History of MBTI Test

MBTI personality test has evolved over the years; however, the original version of this tool was developed by two Americans, Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. The research towards the development of this tool started in 1917 when Briggs began her research into personality. There is an interesting story behind the development of this personality tool. When Katharine Cook Briggs met her future son-in-law for the first time, she noticed a stark difference between his personality and that of other family members. This encouraged her to look for the differences between the personalities and how different personalities shape the world. She decided to read biographies to understand the personalities of famous characters. Subsequently, she developed a typology wherein she named four kinds of temperaments: meditative, spontaneous, social, and executive. Later, she found that Carl Jung had also conducted a study in the same field as her. Katharine along with her daughter worked to make Jung’s work more accessible and useful in everyday life. After that, more than 4000 research papers have been published validating the work of Carl Jung.

Different types of preferences in MBTI

MBTI uses four scales to talk about preferences. These preferences are opposite to each other, and they are:

  • Extraversion and introversion

This preference decides where one gets their energy from.

  • Sensing and intuition

It filters the kind of information an individual will use.

  • Thinking and feeling

It tells about the features an individual can use to make decisions.

  • Judging and perceiving

This tells how to deal with the world.

Let us look at the difference between the different types of preferences.

Extraversion vs. Introversion

People who are extroverts tend to act before they think. They are more likely to get into action first and then think about its consequences. Moreover, these people are expressive and like to share their interests. However, introverted people are the opposite. They prefer to spend time on reflection and like to think about things peacefully. They get more energy through concentration and focusing on their work.

How to know if someone is an introvert or extrovert?

Some of the questions that may help individuals understand if they are introverts or extroverts are:

  • How do they operate in a meeting? If they like to talk things out, they are an extrovert. Likewise, if they like thinking about different scenarios, they are introverts.
  • What kind of working environment do they prefer? If they like to sit in a quiet place when working, they are introverts.
  • What kind of hobbies do they pursue? If they are more interested in meeting others, they are extroverted.

Sensing vs. Intuition

People who prefer sensing are more inclined toward gathering information. They focus on the present moment and adopt a realistic approach to everything. In addition, they are more observant of the happenings around them. On the other hand, intuitive people are more inclined to their interests and focus on the bigger picture. They are anticipative towards the future and have an imaginative approach.

How to know if someone is intuitive or sensitive?

The following questions may help an individual understand their characteristics.

  • What kind of instructions works well for an individual? Are they more likely to perform well in the case of step-by-step instructions or they are more likely to work things out by themselves?
  • How do they like to learn about new things?
  • What information do they need when trying to buy something? If they rely on facts and specifications to know about a particular thing, they are more sensitive.

Thinking vs. Feelings

People who are more inclined towards thinking are more likely to decide after analyzing all possible options. They use cause-and-effect analysis and reasoning before making a decision. People who are judged by their feelings depend on their intuition. Moreover, they are more likely to understand the viewpoint of others. They offer praises and focus on relationships.

How to know if someone is getting judged by their thinking or feeling?

  • How do different individuals like to make a decision? Do they step out of the situation to decide objectively, or do they weigh things after considering their circumstances?
  • How do they like to be recognized for a task? Do they need constant appreciation throughout the project, or want to be recognized at the end of the task?
  • How would they help someone facing a problem?

Judging vs. Perceiving

People who have a judgmental mindset act in a particular way and prefer to stay within a structure. Moreover, they like to plan their activities. People who are inclined towards perceiving are more likely to be spontaneous and like going with the flow.

How to know if someone has judging or perceiving personality?

The following questions may help an individual realize their personality.

  • How do they approach their professional deadlines? How do they proceed with a task? Is it a step-by-step approach, or do they prefer working flexibly?
  • When do they work, and when do they spend time on other activities?

An individual’s personality can be assessed correctly using the MBTI. It can help an individual identify their personality type, strengths, and preferences. This personality test is used by various organizations to assess the personality of their potential employees. To conclude, MBTI is one of the best tools to evaluate anyone's personality.

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