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World Students' Day

“The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise... Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers.”- APJ Abdul Kalam

15th October since 2010 is celebrated as “World Students Day’’, also known as “International Students Day” to mark the birth anniversary of India’s 11th president Sir APJ Abdul Kalam. The United Nations(UN) in 2010 declared 15th October as the “World Students Day’’ or “International Students Day”.  The Bharat Ratna recipient is also popular for his role as a teacher, he continued teaching till his last breath. Shri Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, a man with zero haters and uncountable admirers. The man who loved children and worked hard to assure their well-being was also known as the “Missile Man Of India.” His dream was to make India a developed country. He strongly believed that the youth of any country is its biggest asset. He was someone who always encouraged students to acquire the best education possible. Here are the five major contributions that Shri APJ Abdul Kalam made to the world of education-

  1. Education For All- APJ Abdul Kalam believed that education is the direct path to growth and development for any country. He not only believed in educating India, but he also gave India a mission to completely get rid of illiteracy. The mission is still alive and India continues to grow each year.
  2. Mobilizing Resources- A dream without a plan is just a plan. Mr. Kalam not only gave India an idea to fight illiteracy but also made sure that there are enough resources in the schools for the students. His idea of a healthy classroom was ventilated rooms, enough light, and the best faculty. He always prioritized funds and expenditures for children’s education.
  3. Promoting Rural Education- Sir APJ Abdul Kalam made sure that no corner of India lacks quality education, good schools with all necessary amenities, etc. He wanted every home to be equipped with books and every young mind to be capable of dreaming big.
  4. Opening New Paths to Travel- From coming up with the idea of an expandable rocket project to being the project director of India’s first satellite launch vehicle, Sir APJ Abdul Kalam has always opened new paths for all young minds. He believed that a person can achieve anything they can dream of.
  5. Constant Encouragement- Sometimes all a student needs is a little encouragement from the right person and someone to believe in them. Shri APJ Abdul Kalam always encouraged students to do good in life. His words were the perfect medicine for every wound a child might have. Maybe that is why “quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam” still remains the most searched text on the internet. He motivated children to study well along with making them understand the importance of education.

Ways to Celebrate World Students Day 2022

Every year, this day is celebrated under a unique theme. In 2021, the theme was ‘Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace.’ Likewise, there will be a unique theme to celebrate this day in 2022.

Schools organize programs on the event of World Students Day. Here are a few ways using which teachers and students can celebrate this occasion.

  • Speech Competition

Teachers can organize a speech competition at this event. They can choose an array of topics for this competition. To prepare a speech, students can take help from various online and offline sources. They can surf the internet to know fascinating facts about Dr. Kalam.

  • Raising awareness about the work done by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Many people are unaware of the greatest achievements of Dr. Kalam. They may not know how he changed the scope of scientific education in India. By organizing an awareness competition, teachers and students can learn more about the work done by Dr. Kalam.

  • Debate

Teachers can conduct debates on multiple topics related to science and research. It will help students gather knowledge about the happenings in the scientific world.

  • Painting Competition

Teachers can organize a painting competition where students have the opportunity to show their creativity. They can draw inspiration from the life events of Dr. Kalam and create a masterpiece out of it. Also, they can write quotes or use calligraphy to make the most out of the painting competition.

  • Essay Writing

Writing down thoughts is one of the best ways of self-expression. Teachers can use the power of writing to mark the celebration of World Students’ Day. They can organize an essay writing competition on this occasion. Organizing such events will help students read about the personality of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

These competitions make the celebration of World Students’ Day memorable for students and teachers. Moreover, they get an opportunity to showcase their oratory and writing skills.  

Significance of World Students’ Day

World Students’ Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of one of the greatest scientists and beloved presidents of India. Other reasons to celebrate this day are mentioned below.

  • It focuses on the importance of education in every individual’s life.
  • It is a day to recognize the Fundamental Right to Education.
  • It commemorates the work done by Dr. Kalam in the field of science and technology.
  • This day also celebrates Dr. Kalam’s fondness for teaching students.

On the occasion of world students day or International students day, let us recall the qualities of a good student-

  1. Disciplined- The first and foremost duty of a student is to be disciplined. It is believed that with discipline comes success. Students should always make a routine and follow it religiously. It is also observed that the students with a disciplined routine tend to shine brighter in academics.
  2. Open To Feedbacks- As human beings, students tend to make mistakes. Teachers appreciate their students when they do good, they also correct them wherever needed. In such situations, it is very important for the students to deal with the criticism positively. Taking responsibility for the mistakes and correcting them on time is the best way to deal with the feedbacks rightly.
  3. Self Confidence- Self-confidence is the key to become a wonderful student. There may be some sunny days as well as rainy days in a student’s life, but no matter what the situation is, a student should always remain positive in life. Being confident in dealing with any situation and trusting oneself competes for nothing. Overcoming stage fear with optimum confidence is the best example for the same.
  4. Raising Questions- A lot of students assume that asking questions would make them look or sound stupid, but the reality is the exact opposite. Asking questions is a sign of understanding and it assures the teacher that the student is putting effort into getting thorough with the concepts. Hence, no matter how foolish a question may seem in the student’s mind, they shall never hesitate to ask questions in the class.
  5. Ambitious- “Without having an idea about the destination, no one can travel the best road in life”. Hence, to be a good student and have a bright future, students should have a clear goal or ambition in life. Being ambitious is the best quality a student must have along with a good plan to transform their dreams into reality.

Quotes by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

“If four things are followed–having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance–then anything can be achieved.”

To become a life-long learner and great student, every individual should focus on getting a quality education. Moreover, they should know in which direction they need to move. Gaining knowledge is a difficult task, and it becomes more complex in the absence of a perfect guide or educator. However, with the right mix of aim, hard work, and perseverance; one can achieve excellence.

Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect. If only the real sense of education could be realized by each individual and carried forward in every field of human activity, the world will be so much a better place to live in.”

With the help of education, we can change the face of society. The right knowledge not only helps in societal development but also improves the self-esteem of individuals. If a person has in-depth knowledge of a particular subject, they feel more confident about themselves. Moreover, they try to impart their knowledge. It helps in the overall development of society and makes it a better place to be in.

Don’t take rest after your first victory; because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.”

Most of us are so elated by our first victory that we stop giving that extra push in our next task. However, this is not the appropriate approach to fulfill any work. We should be equally enthusiastic and passionate about every task we perform. It will enhance the chances of getting success.

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”

Dreams have the power to change the world. You must have a vision before that vision becomes a reality. Therefore, each of us should focus on establishing clear goals and missions.

“Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts, and thoughts result in action.”

If you are constantly thinking of something, chances are high that you may attain your goal. If you want success, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. Thinking about a particular thing multiple times a day will motivate you to take action toward fulfilling your aim.

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.”

Having multiple things in your mind at a given point in time will not help you achieve your goals. To get success, you must give undivided attention to a particular aim. Focusing on one thing at a time will help you attain your goals.

If you fail, never give up because FAIL means First Attempt in Learning.”

Not being able to taste the fruit of success does not make you any less of a person. If you fail on your first attempt, you can always try to succeed by putting more effort into your task.

Creativity is seeing the same thing but thinking differently.”

We are all creative in our own ways. However, creativity does not depend on how you can see a thing or a problem, but it depends on how different your thought process is.

On the occasion of World Students Day or International Students Day, all the students should pledge to make APJ Abdul Kalam’s dream of making India a developed and educated country come true. All they have to do is give their best in whatever they choose to do as students.

We wish all the students a very happy “World Students Day”, keep shining!

Suggested Read: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

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