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Role of Technology in the Education System

“We are changing the world with technology.” This remark by Bill Gates exemplifies the prevalence of ever-changing technology in our lives, which impacts prevalent teaching methods. With the introduction of new technology, there has been a shift from traditional teaching and learning techniques towards a much more creative and dynamic approach to learning. The competition is no longer about ‘who gets the best score,' but rather about ‘who learns more,' because of which educators are being pushed forward to focus on a far more holistic approach to education.

In ancient times a student-teacher intervention was possible only when both were present in the same place at the same time. A student often had to travel great distances to obtain knowledge; but with the development of improved technology, this became less of an issue. Various schools and institutions were established to reach as many more people as possible. With the invention of printing machines, everyone could have their reading material and have access to all written materials in their local libraries. Then there was the introduction of desktop computers, which was a first step towards decreasing mankind's workload. These desktops took up a lot of room and were difficult to transport. They were confined to one spot and were inaccessible to everybody, prompting the development of laptops and palmtops. While desktop computers evolved to meet human needs, telephonic machines were evolving at about the same time. Now that we have smartphones that can function as a desktop, phone, camera, and a variety of other machines, all we have to do is buy one smartphone and stop worrying about having to acquire a variety of other equipment.

Technology has played a critical role in the growth and development of the educational industry. The development of online education software and applications changed the way that people followed to learn all around the world. Smartboards replaced blackboards in schools to provide teachers a platform to teach while using presentations and multimedia to help pupils learn more effectively. Teachers were able to use these smart boards in the classroom to administer quizzes and oral examinations. Teachers could easily use the offered modules to instruct students and clarify their notions in case of a topic that required practical expertise. These digital tools soon became a requirement for teaching pupils. However, another issue with these smartboards was the limited access that students had to them. This further led to the idea of online teaching and online access to the content that a learner might require while studying a course.

When the epidemic struck, the entire world was placed on hold, and everyone was confined to their homes. That is when educators decided to begin their lessons online, and that is when the use of a Live Teaching App became well-known throughout the world. This is a change that would have happened anyway. The pandemic just catalyzed the process. These applications allowed everyone to attend courses from all over the globe from the comfort of their own home, and to take multiple courses at the same time. We all know someone who has started a small business as a result of a chance to learn something new online. These educational applications are particularly advantageous since they are available to everyone. In today's world, everyone has a smartphone, which allows them to download these apps and continue to pursue what they like. As a result almost every institution has put up their courses on these applications and made their content accessible to the world.

Online Teaching Through Mobile has become the new norm. An individual no longer has to worry about going places to learn what they like, all they have to do is download an online teaching app and they are ready to indulge in as many courses they wish to be in. Through these mobile apps, one can learn from anywhere and at any point in time. With the coming up of this technology, anyone from any age group can learn without much difficulty and at a reasonable expenditure. People can combine courses from any field and learn them together. Professionals taking these courses are also given the ease to work and reach out to the world without any hassles. They do not need various gadgets and infrastructure to start teaching. All they need is knowledge of their subject, good network connectivity, and smartphone and they are good to go.

New technologies over time have made themselves useful to every individual reducing human workload to a great extent. The concept of Live Teaching App which enables an individual to practice Online Teaching Through Mobile provides every individual to learn as much as they feel is sufficient for them. It grants one with a space to learn without many terms and conditions.

Teachmint is keen on changing the future of education with its advanced LMS and ERP tools. With more than 20+ modules for educational institutions like admission management, attendance management system, performance management, and more; it is changing the teaching-learning experience.

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