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Why You Should Shift to Online Teaching

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen, is enough to change this world”

There’s no better way to put the power of education into words. These words by Malala Yousufsai imbibe the essence of education and teaching.

Teaching is one of the most satisfying vocations on the planet for the effect it provides for people in the future – it takes tolerance, devotion, energy, and the capacity to accomplish more with less. Having said that, our education system has its share of flaws and blemishes. But the trend is changing and there’s hope.

It is quite fascinating that day by day, nothing changes, and yet, when we look back in time, nothing is the same. I still remember waiting for the school to reopen so that I could flaunt my new umbrella and bag. The joy of seeing your favorite teacher coming to class and there are countless other things that take us down memory lane. However, with the advancement in technology, classes are currently going online, and teaching is getting redefined. Online teaching and remote learning have become the need of the hour. With more and more students undertaking coaching from online teaching giants, teachers and tutors are struggling. Not to mention the sudden onset of this global pandemic. Schools and colleges as we know it have come to a standstill and the only option is to start online teaching and live classes.

Here Are the Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Shift to Online Teaching

Live classes; classroom app; online coaching; live classes; students and teachers
  1. Reach

If you are an independent tutor, working from your home, your reach is limited to kids in your locality or town at the maximum. But with online classes, you can reach a large multitude of students and can take your teaching to the next strata. For this very reason, teachers shift to teaching online. Teachers get to teach students from geographically diverse locations. Most often, the reason why teachers step back from going online is the unavailability of an effective platform. The existing ones can seem overwhelming for a teacher who is new to the online setup. However, fortunately, there are online teaching platforms that provide a one-stop solution to these troubles that teachers face.

2. Convenience

More than often, teachers find themselves in a tight schedule set up by institutions and universities. With online teaching, the schedules can be relaxed, and the lessons can be made more engaging through the various online tools available. Virtual classrooms have become the buzzword and once you get the hang of it, it is easy and convenient. It can also help save money.

3. Effective, Efficient & Saves Time

The online setup helps in areas or the important territories of classroom management. Online assignments and live tests give a safe and time-recorded road for turning in tasks. Automated grading and attendance marking can take a huge load of work off the shoulders of teachers. This decreases the problems that are associated with face-to-face guidance.

4. Myriad tools

The web is a sea of information. Online teaching is accompanied by gazillion study materials and tools and can help in engaging with students on a higher level. It is common for teachers to think that online teaching cannot be engaging. However, this is a misconception and online teaching opens vistas to a whole new world of opportunities. There’s better organization when you take your classes online. It saves time, effort, and paper.

Virtual classroom; online teaching platform;teaching app

It is very easy for us to sit back and blame the system for everything that goes wrong. It is pivotal to note that change starts with you and your surroundings. Online teaching is the present and the future. It is time for us to rethink, reshape, and redefine. If you are a teacher who wants to take your classes online but doesn’t have a clue as to how to do it, stay tuned to our blog page. We will be discussing in detail how to take your classes online in our next blog. Until then, keep exploring.!

Teachmint is keen on changing the future of education with its advanced LMS and ERP tools. With more than 20+ modules for educational institutions like admission management, attendance management system, performance management, and more; it is changing the teaching-learning experience.

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