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Characteristics of Technology Stack- All You Need To Know

We often hear the word tech stack, but do you know what it means? A tech stack is a combination of technologies, serving as a pillar for your web or mobile application. It consists of the front and back end and helps users get a unique experience when using a web or mobile application. Moreover, these stacks decide what kind of applications you can build for your company.
Using a tech stack can help you scale your business. Moreover, it provides room for advanced customization and reduces your go-to-market time. As a result, your business can grow exponentially by using the right technology. That’s why it is crucial to focus on the characteristics before choosing a stack for your ed-tech company.

Characteristics to Consider in a Tech Stack

Every business wants scalability to gain maximum benefits. However, this goal can be compromised when you do not choose the right technology for your business. If you are willing to provide the best experience to your target audience, you must choose a tech stack that fits your business requirements.
Here is a list of characteristics that you must consider while choosing a tech stack for your company.

1- Consider the platform-

Define your expectations from your business. It is vital to understand how you would like to grow your business. If you choose a tech stack without understanding your expectations from your company, it could be a futile move. For example, try to understand how your target audience will use your application. What features would they like on your application? Is your audience more into mobile applications or web tools?
There is a difference in mobile and web application interfaces. Moreover, they also require a different set of tools and frameworks. So first, find the answers to the questions mentioned above, and then invest in a suitable stack for your application.

2-Define the project type-

Consider your project type before investing in a tech stack. You may define your project based on its size, complexity, and business goals. The major project types include:

  • Small projects: These have specific requirements, and you can deliver them swiftly.
  • Mid-sized projects: The projects in this category require technological commitments. For mid-sized projects, you must use sophisticated technologies.
  • Large projects: A large project involves creating a social network, online marketplace, and order management system. Large projects require sophisticated technologies, several programming languages, and different integrations.
    Consider your project size before finalizing a tech stack for your ed-tech startup.

3- Scalability-

Scalability is essential for every business. If you want your business to stay firm, you must choose an appropriate tech stack to accelerate your growth. In addition, the stack must be able to handle the increased pressure. For example, if you want to add new features to make your application more interactive, your chosen tech stack must help you achieve your objectives.

4- Team expertise-

It would help if you considered the efficiency and expertise of your team members before choosing a tech stack. Your team requires expert developers who can efficiently use all layers of the stack. As the project complexity grows, you may find challenges while looking for an experienced developer.

5- Maintenance-

It would help if you chose a stack that is easy to maintain. Moreover, choose a stack that your team can easily handle after the release of your application.

6- Cost-

You may use open-source IT frameworks and tools to develop a tech stack for your company. However, they come with limited features, and you may have to pay a hefty subscription fee to avail all benefits. Moreover, specific tech stacks require the high expertise of developers. Hence, all these factors may affect the overall cost.

7- Time to market-

If you want to launch your application within a few months, choosing a tech stack that reduces app development time is vital. Therefore, consider your go-to-market time before making a tech stack your priority.

8- Security-

Some apps require high security before being launched in the market. Moreover, you must meet the licensing and regulatory requirements before launching your mobile or web application.

Technology selection can make or break a game. Because of the growth opportunities in the education industry, ed-tech companies need to choose the best. If you lag in the race of excellence, you may lose your credibility. So to provide the best experience to educators and students, you must consider the points mentioned above before choosing the right tech stack for your company.

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