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One stop fee management & digital payments for education institutes

Comprehensive Guide to School Fees Management System

Fee collection is integral to any school requiring intense work. It is also one of the great responsibilities in school, as the accountable individual has to handle the parents' hard-earned money.

The central idea behind the development of any technology has been to ease challenging tasks. Therefore, within a dozen years, new methods have been introduced to ease transactions. Similarly, the fee management section in schools has also undergone development with modernization.

The modern systems for fee management help school admins and parents heave a sigh of relief owing to the ease of different tasks. Helping parents by providing numerous facilities, the incorporation of these systems in school management has the potential to bring forth revolutionary changes. But let us understand the hype about it with this comprehensive guide on what is school fee management system and fee management system features.

What is School Fees Management System?

Simply defined, the school fees management system is a one-stop to handle all the financial work relating to the student’s fees. The tool or software assists in managing various tasks associated with fee collection, tracking, management, and receipt generation. It automates the processes through programming and digitalization. The system nowadays can also generate reports which help gain insights into overall transactions and due amounts.

Incorporating digital calculations and eliminating manual intervention has statistically reduced errors such as the exchange of digits, wrong interpretation, and common typing mistakes. There have been visible benefits of fee management in increased efficiency and productivity by providing the multiple facilities offered by fee management system features from quality providers. Teachmint provides numerous facilities, whose walk-through is provided in the article. However, before that, let us gain basic information on what is school fees management system.

Fee Management System
Benefits of fee management

How An Ideal Fee Management System Should Be?

Why a Fee Management System is essential owes to several benefits that make it a necessary component of school administration. An ideal version of this system should at least provide the following benefits:

Transaction Ease

Before the introduction of UPI and code scanners for payments, fee submission required waiting long hours to pay the fees at schools’ fee offices. The problems have been faced by numerous people who had to compromise their work hours.

The times have changed, and now schools accept digital payments. The integration this system has further eased the long list of transactions. The systems are directly linked with payment-receiving devices, which automatically manage and update real-time information. The information is reflected in a user-friendly format, ready to be interpreted by the users.

Ability to Handle Multiple Finance

As evident from the fee receipts, the schools do not solely deal with fee collection. Instead, there are various other charges, such as tours, picnics, discounts, fines, registration fees, examination fees, caution amounts, scholarships, and others. Managing these simply in an excel sheet or on registers is a tedious task prone to errors and miscalculations.

The fee management system features must automate every aspect of finance. It should benefit the school by maintaining transparency and clarity on charges both for parents and administrators. Furthermore, the system must clearly indicate the generated revenue and the remaining amounts.

Quick Calculations

The fines and discounts are not imposed on each student enrolled in the school. Rather these are charged for specific students or certain groups. Thus, finding the specific category to impose a fine or avail discount is impossible without the aid of design software to carry out the instructed function. The schools will facilitate with the benefits of fee management system designed to bring out all the students meeting the desired criteria of the school to effortlessly implement fines, discounts, scholarships, travel fees, and other applicable charges.

Safe Payment Method

The benefits of fee management should include the highest possible security to prevent fraud and data compromise. These systems must provide selected payment methods with added security. The cloud-based storage and transparent indication of charges must allow safe, secure, and knowledgeable transactions.

Controlled Access

The security of the financial data of the school is significant. It must be handled by certain officials authorized for the function. An ideal system provides benefits of fee management that include limited access to other job profiles. Only one user is expected to control and modify the settings. Moreover, the settings can be modified for special access to any individual at any point in time, thus providing a control facility. The function is incorporated for the school administrator, who has authority over profile settings.

Remote Access to Data

The availability of fee management system features is expected to be in the form of an app as well as a portal-based solution for the schools. It must allow the services to be accessed anywhere, anytime.

Moreover, it must promote updating information on the go, using any device to read and cross-check the data required. Typically, in traditional settings, an inspection of details requires a person to be available in the school administration office. However, with the benefits of fee management solution, the officials on leave or traveling for meetings can also perform the actions, thus not compromising the functions.

Report Generation

Generally, the system is designed to generate reports about different transactions automatically. These provide insight and a glimpse of general information without working out every transaction and information of students. The information assists in making decisions, curating strategies for the growth of schools, and recognizing the regions with maximum expenditure.

Information Communication

The systems must be integrated with communication channels to ease the operation. The system allows automatically generated fee messages to reach the concerned students/ parents. The admins are required to simply click the options, and the messages with automatically and specifically calculated amounts for each student will be sent to the parents.

Organized Structure

The benefits of fee management systems always use an organized structure carrying all the information on fee transactions. Besides the current session, there might also be students with due amounts for previous sessions. Considering this information for calculation, the proper order of representation is important. Therefore, this feature is often provided by several systems.

Teachmint’s Fee Management System Features

Why a fee management system is essential? The Teachmint system is coupled with key characteristics that make them worth the choice. Their specialty eases the daily functioning of the school and proves advantageous to the school's growth. Choosing trusted and worthy software is important at this point.

Here are some of the important attributes that Teachmint’s system provides, along with the added features and advantages.


We often see that accounts departments are handled by experienced people who have devoted several years of their lives to developing proficiency in manual management processes.

Introducing technology to them may not go easy with them. The experienced job holders working for multiple affairs for a long time are well-versed with school finances. Thus, the user-friendliness and ease of operating the tool are crucial fee management system features being opted for by any school.

Teachmint presents an easy-to-understand and much easier-to-use fee management system features that helps people of all age groups handle the transactions and explore the details.

Data Backup

The financial information is among the specific school data that needs to be kept safe. Formerly used systems never promised data security. It could lead to information leakages such as bank account details, unauthorized transactions from school balance, discrepancies in fee amounts, and other fraudulent activities.

Teachmint’s software offering facilities of fee management ensures a secure data network regardless of user location.


Ater monitoring and tracking the fees, it is important to inform the individuals who have not submitted the fees. The automatic generation of messages containing due amounts is another necessary step.

Teachmint offers the feature to notify parents of pending fees with a conveniently built communication app holding multiple advantages and features for school admins, parents, and student assistance.

Overall Fee Management

Schools deal with multiple aspects of charges to be received from the students. The system must be well-versed to work out all the types of fees. Similarly, it should be able to integrate with different payment modes for effortless transactions. It must also comply with fee amounts like fines, discounts, department fees, and other transactions. Teachmint offers much more than this, which will be covered in detail in later sections.

Information Extraction

The payment modes of users vary. They are not confined to UPI or online transactions. Some also prefer cheque and DD transactions. The system should be able to keep up with data available from such options. Our separate and careful organization section would be beneficial for handling such transactions.

Fee Register

Going online does not mean changing everything or complicating it. The fee register representation and style varies among different schools. We have successfully brought the replica of the actual fee register to the fee management section of our portal. It allows familiarity with the system and helps individuals understand things as they were used to doing earlier.

Overview Reports

The reports provide a summarized view of all the information. They are considered suitable for a glimpse of information without the need to go into the details. Schools deal with multiple types of fees. Hence, the reports should also be different for each of them to avoid complexity and confusion. Teachmint brings the overall informative reports in multiple categorized sections that help gain clear details. Figure 1 provides a small glimpse of multiple categories of reports available for download in our specially curated fee management system.

Figure 1: Different Types of Reports Available at Teachmint

Online Payment

Teachmint also provides integrability to allow online payment for schools. We have three secured payment modes provided with information on the processing fee of each to maintain transparency.

Automated Invoice

Integrating and generating an invoice is an obvious requirement. Thus, multiple settings exist to customize invoices specifically for any school to ease the endeavor for school management.

Automatic Fee Calculation

The portal allows structure creation for fee calculation by filling in several details. It reflects the changes in specifically selected classes which can be excluded or included for any class depending on the need. The same is also reflected on the fee receipts.

Fee Collection

The fee collection can be of two types, the regular one with a particular structure designed by the college or the other wherein the authorities request an amount for any endeavor. The options to perform both actions are clearly indicated and easily possible by entering the amount as per the requirement and selecting the required option.

Walk Through Teachmint’s Fee Management System: Classification

The above section provided a glimpse of the numerous services available in Teachmint’s tool for fee management. Below will be a detailed, informative guide indicating every feature.

Before heading to the detailed view, it is important to understand the classification system of Teachmint. The classes are categorized into secondary, middle, and primary sections. Here is what it looks like:

Figure 2: Classes Distribution in Teachmint

Fee Configuration

This section allows adding, deleting, or modifying the transaction amounts and categories, subsequently altering the total fee. The changes made here are reflected in the fee amounts of students. The setting page of the the system simply states the fee amounts and enables its configuration.

Fee Structure

Firstly, the school administrators need to set up a structure to collect fees. The fee structure section allows this action along with viewing in different categories. Here is how:

  • Create Structure

The users will get three types of fee structures to create, as depicted in figure 3. The details to be filled in are class and sections, fee structure and type, due date, and amount, followed by publishing.

The same will be visible on class-wise analytical profiles and reports. Simultaneously, the amounts will be automatically added to the calculation for fees.

Figure 3: Types of Fee Structure To Be Customized for Schools

  • View Structure

It allows school admins to view the fee structure. The users are free to visualize the structure or class-wise arrangement of fees.

Structure View: It provides information on different types of fee structures available for fee collection. It gives detailed information specifying fee name, type, classes, receipt series, due date, and total annual fee.

The installments can also be created as per the requirements. The fee breakdown into tax is also clearly indicated for detailed information. The schematic representation shared in figure 4 will give a clear understanding. It indicates the tuition fees. The school administrators can modify the published structures anytime.

Class View: The information will be displayed as class-specific details as implicated by name. The information structure will be the same as depicted in figure 4.

Figure 4: Structure View in Fee Configuration.

Offers and Discounts

The system should provide a platform to add new offers and discounts as per the changing time. Here the automatic selection of a suitable category is a prerequisite, as indicated in Teachmint’s facilities.

  • Create Discount

The platform to create a discount firstly asks for discount-related details. The user needs to fill in the discount name, type, its percentage and then select the categories where it will be applied. The discount type can be absolute or percentage.

The categories will be admission, activity, library, maintenance fee, or any other type. Selecting it will result in the application of, let’s say 12% percent discount on the selected fees.

The next step will list out all the students paying the chosen category of fees. The school administrator is free to add any class, section, or name from the list of students. They can also search by student name or phone number to apply for the discount.

  • View Discount

It allows viewing standard and add-on discounts. The standard discount contains tabulated information on discount name, amount or percentage, and fee type. The details can be edited and deleted. Simultaneously, the users are free to download and share the list of students receiving a specific type of standard discount.

The Add-On discount indicates a sum of the amount discounted from the fees. It is also represented in the tabulated form providing information on the student's name and phone number, class, discount amount, and category. The reason and receipt number are also depicted for information. The list of students can be checked for any student name or phone number by search option. Also, the school administrator can delete any discount type as required.

Payment Gateway

The parents need a secured payment gateway that can bypass the long lines of fee submission. It should be effortless and must provide transparent charges.

What is school fee management system benefit if it doesnot has a good payment gateway? Teachmint presents a perfect amalgamation of these features and delights its users with unexpectedly fast transactions from three trusted sources. Also, they can go with DD or cheque payment methods. The schools need not worry as the system is built to handle all types of transactions.

Teachmint offers online transactions through three platforms: Teach pay, Razorpay, and Cashfree payments. UPI and Rupay Debit Card transactions in Teachpay, and Cash-free payments are among the free transaction methods. Other methods request minimal processing charges already displayed in the payment section for customer transparency. The overall list of possible gateways for fee acceptance is:

  • UPI
  • Net-banking
  • Rupay Debit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard/Rupay)
  • Wallets
  • Corporate Card
  • AMEX


Similar to offers and discounts, the fine is also imposed on certain students. It requires choosing their category or specific individuals. Considering this, a separate section is provided for fine calculation and collection.

  • Create and View Fine

The fines can be imposed on any type of fee for any number of days. The school administrators choose the fine amount per day and whether it has to be imposed from the beginning of the session or not. The latter option is possible only for certain types of fines. Any fine type can be deleted at any time.

Figure 5: Form to Create Fine

Moreover, the fee calculations will instantly reflect the creation and deletion of fines. Some of the categories available for fine type selection are admission, caution, sports, security, computer, smart class fee, or lab equipment fee (generally applicable on breaking the equipment), and numerous other categories. Figure 5 represents the form to be filled out by school administrators to impose the fine. The students eligible for the fine will be visible on the same page with relevant details in tabulated form.

For instance, Figure 6 represents a snapshot of fine on medical aid fees.

Figure 6: Fine to be Charged on Medical Aid Fee

Previous Session Dues

Often students are seen to have dues from previous sessions. Incorporating those in properly calculated current fee structures is important. The tool considers the same, and hence school administrators can handle the same through a dedicated section. It is divided into two categories depending on the schools as users

  1. Existing Teachmint Users
  2. Non-Teachmint Users

Handling the data of both types is effortless and quick. Here is how:

Existing Teachmint Users

The Teahcmint users get added benefits due to the automatic data calculation. The required action is simply the selection of a batch or session and then importing the data. The debt amount will be automatically calculated and added to the current session. However, the users need to specify the type of fees due, where multiple categories of fees can be selected.

They also need to provide the receipt prefix, the receipt starting number, and the time from which it has been due. For instance, the dues for the batch of 2020-2021 will begin after the session of 2022 starts. Thus, select the correct year. Then click on import the data and expect something like figure 7, which shows the organized and tabulated representation of previous dues. Moreover, if needed or preferred, the users are free to update dues through files saved in devices. Also, delete the previous dues when fulfilled or not needed anymore.

Figure 7: Previous Session Dues Added for the Existing Teachmint Users

Non-Teachmint Users

The Non-Teachmint users are required to fill in the above-mentioned details. In addition, they are also required to mandatorily update the file containing details on previous dues. To ease the operation, clear instructions on methodology are provided, thus facilitating the endeavor. After filling in the required details, click the ‘import’ option and gain access to information, as represented in figure 7.


It is the section controlling functionality of multiple facilities offered by Teachmint’s system. The different types of settings are as follows -

  • Payment receipt settings
  • Demand letter settings
  • Online payment settings
  • Transport fee settings
  • Fee collection settings

Find the detailed methodology to control the same below.

Payment receipt settings

Teachmint offers the facility to print the receipt. Different aspects of the receipt can be customized here, such as receipt layout, different information to appear in the receipt header, and student and fee details.

In payment amount details, users can select between ‘show fee type wise breakdown of paid amount’ and ‘show an installment date wise breakdown of paid amount’ Also, add-ons like the digital signature of higher authority with designation and logo watermark can be added or removed as per the choice.

Demand letter settings

The school administrator or handler of the system can select any type of institute and student details to be visible or not on the demand letter. The red mark values will not be represented, while green mark details will be available on the demand letter. Figure 8 indicates numerous institute details to choose from for availability. Thus, the various features of Teachmint help you customize the documents in a very similar fashion as you would in a manual management setting.

Figure 8: Institute Details For Demand Letter Settings

Online payment settings

The online payment settings may confuse the school administrators if not programmed considerably. There can be certain cases where parents wish to pay in advance, while in other cases, they may want to pay the partial fee.

Teachmint is designed to allow schools to accept any type of payment. In addition, the tool also gives schools the freedom to decide their say on the same. All these controls are available in online payment settings.

Transport fee settings

The students may shift their houses during any session. Else, there can be transfer cases or any such circumstance. The consequence will be the transport requirement during any time of the session. However, schools may or may not allow the feature. To customize the tool specifically for the school, there is a facility to apply charges from the beginning of the session or not. Switching on or off the settings will modify the calculation of fees, fines, and discounts accordingly.

All the while, it must be noted that although Teachmint provides numerous fee management system features, every option can be easily navigated and benefitted from. The dashboard and the system are well-organized to facilitate user-friendliness.

Fee collection settings

As stated above, the fee collection may sometimes get late. The new Teachmint users will not be deprived of the facility to control the same. The fee collection settings are linked to collecting the ‘previous session dues’ section and allow acceptance or non-acceptance of backdated fee payments.

Help Videos

If you are thinking that all of this is too much to remember, don’t worry!

Teachmint considers the fact that at times the staff members might be unable to communicate their inability to use the features, or they might forget the functionality of some features. The tools cover all the users through the provision of help videos. Now no more requirements to ask others for help. Be it any work time; the videos will provide step-by-step guidance to perform any function listed in the fee configuration. The following image shows the various options available.

Figure 9: Help Videos in Fee Configuration

Fee Collection

After setting up the transaction rules, offers, fines, discounts, and gateway and selecting the amount, now is the time to begin the process of collection.

One needs to be well-versed with the options available in fee collection and what information they provide. It will ease the interpretation. It will also familiarize users with the current automation system available and how it will contribute to enhanced productivity and decreased errors. The section is divided into overview, transaction, and cheque/DD management. The fee collection part also has a help video section to assist in the endeavors without the need of asking for help.


It is a beautifully structured part of the system providing full information in minimal representation. The school administrators can expect the figures of applied fees, discounts applied, paid, and due fees. Since it is the main page, it is designed to be a fee-based centralized database. Thus, the school administrators can search for the student's name and phone number.

They can also switch between the total annual fee and the fee applicable to date. Additionally, there is an option to upload backdated payments and send reminders. The latter option allows sending reminders to all the students with pending fee amounts. Parents who do not have the Teachmint app installed will get SMS while the apps will be used to send notifications otherwise. Figure 10 gives you a sneak-peek into how the reminder would look like. It is customizable to help schools add their names, amount, fee payment link, and more.

Figure 10: Template of the Fee Reminder from Teachmint Portal

Next, the class-wise section provides collected and due amounts on the overview page. Click the same for more detailed information. This section will walk the readers through the class 12 information in the senior secondary section.

This page will provide all components of the fee: applied fee, discount, due fee, paid, and pending DD/Cheque. It also provides the list of students enrolled in class 12 with comprehensively covered details like enrollment numbers, class, the total amount paid, and due and action. The chart form of representation can be searched for the student's name and phone number. Users can filter the details according to payment status and section (figure 11).

Figure 11: Filter Section to Check Specific Details for Fee Collection

The section is also designed for fee collection, where school authorities can choose to collect a specific sum according to the fee structure. The notification received by parents will have clear information on the type of fees as indicated by school authorities. Moreover, besides sending reminders to specifically selected students, there is also an option to download the demand letter.

Another useful feature on this webpage is the student details. Clicking on a student's name displays the profile and fee-specific information of the particular student.

  • The student profile is beneficial for gaining basic information like photos, school details, guardians’ details, previous school details, and all the related information. The ability to edit these is highly controlled and specific for certain users as set by the school administrator.
  • The fee details are summarized for the school administrator, authorities, and finance department. It contains information on the total fee amount to be collected from the students, the provided discount, paid amount, and the fees that remain in balance.
  • In addition to this basic information, there are installment details with the due date and the option to collect fees. The users can add the installment or view payment history. The installment can be further viewed as broken down into individual components and edited to add on the fee or discount per the requirements.

You can expect the same information structure for all the classes.


This section allows visualization of all the transactions based on the selected date range. Here are the possible actions in the transaction section:

Result: Post application of date range, long tabulated results will appear.

Filter: These can be further filtered according to status and mode of payment, facilitating the viewing and interpretation of the information.

Search: The users can search for the student's name and phone number from the detailed information.

Key Information: The key columns in the tabulated results are receipt number, taxation ID, and status, along with other basic information such as amount, class, and student details.

Act: Cancel any transaction at any moment, and download the receipt to share or delete if generated wrongly. Here as well you can click the student name to gain profile and fee-based information.

Cheque/DD Management

This section is dedicated to the parents submitting their ward’s fees through cheque or DD. The functions like filter, search, act, and several key pieces of information. The difference lies in key information due to the additional presence of the disbursal date and mode of payment, which can be cheque or DD.

Help Videos

The help videos are similar to the fee configuration section serving the same purpose. In addition to these features, the users can request a call back if needed. The option will automatically generate a ticket with guaranteed service or the maximum possible resolution of the solution within half an hour.

Fee Report

The school fees collection and management involves dealing with their settings and payments through different modes, imposing different fines, discounts, and other important payment aspects. The information gets cluttered regardless of the highest level organization needing a summarized report.

As the information is massive, the categorization will also be multiple. Following this principle, Teachmint’s system provides reports from different aspects to provide all information handy.

Be there a requirement for student, installment, department, section, or any other type of report, it is available on our portal in combination with its detailed version. Here are the different types of reports available at Teachmint:

  • Overview
  • Paid and Due reports
  • Payment collection reports
  • Other reports


The overview part is designed to impart fee amount and student fee overview.

Fee Amount Overview: It is representative of the total school fee collection and its related aspects. The graph representation with a colored version allows easy interpretation of information, making it a user-friendly report. Besides, there are different installments to choose from to view.

Here is an example of the same, where figure 12 A represents data on all installments, and 12 B represents data for the 6th installment from 3 May 2022 (the data signifies batch of 2021-22).

Figure 12: Fee Amount Overview A. All installments B. 6th installment

Student Fee Overview: This is also represented in chart format but indicates the number of students eligible for fee payment. It represents the total eligible students in gray color, paid number of students in green color, and the number of students with due fees in red color. The newly created classes will also be visible, stating the message ‘No students assigned in the class’.

The chart presents information for different classes and sections and all classes. Figure 13 A represents the view for all classes, and figure 13 B represents the view for the Science section of Class 12. Note the red and green colored donut graphs exhibited for representation purposes.

Figure 13: Student Fee Overview A. All Classes B. Science section of Class 12

As stated there are multiple reports available in the fee management section. Let us explore the section now.

The paid and due amount reports are generated according to students, installment, department, class, and stion. The reports here in little basic information and few unique columns. The presence of these two types is clearly represented below.

Report Name

Common Information

Report Specific Information

Fee report

Paid and due fee amount

Student names, class and section and fee applicable till date


Installment dates, applicable fee, and discount


Department, the total number of students, number of students with due fees, applicable fee amount and discount


The class, total students, students with due, applicable fee amount and discount


The class and section, the total number of students, the number of students with the due fee, applicable fee, and discount. 

Besides visualizing, interpreting, and deciding based on this information, the users are free to filter or sort large amounts of information. They can select any date range, and fee type, download the complete report or fee type breakdown, and the installments deadline too.

Payment Collection

This section comprises multiple other sections categorized as Fee collection duration, fee type, payment mode, department and class, and section-wise. The previous section enlisted due amounts significant for future collection and accordingly taking actions. The present section is more focused on the total payment collected. These are beneficial for the following reasons:

  • The different representation views in automatically generated reports allow statistical analysis.
  • They are more suitable for decision-making
  • The school administrator and other officials can reflect on the pattern of payment collection or their amount, formulating growth strategies for the school
  • The insights will further help decide the best time for extracurricular activities based on fee collection reports

Fee Collection Duration: It displays information on daily and monthly collections along with payment mode (cheque/DD). Beneficial to track the pending amounts as the processing of cheques and DD takes a certain amount of time.

Fee Type: It exhibits the type of collected fees in above stated payment modes. The type of fees can be admission fees, medical record fees, examination fees, and other such details.

Payment Mode: This section allows visibility of payment mode, status and paid amount in a tabulated view.

Department: The collected fee is shown according to the departments as enlisted in figure 3. It also enlists the total number of students in each department, the amount collected from them, and the pending cheque/DD as per the specific department. Here is a representative image for an idea (figure 14). Note the ability to sort all the columns which are available in all the reports of the system available at Teachmint.

Figure 14: Payment Collection Report by Department

Class and Section Wise Report: The payment report for classes and sections are different. Enlisting the class, the number of students, collected amount, and worth of pending cheque/DD are designed for ease of viewing and gaining information according to the requirement.

All of the above reports provide the options to search and filter according to fee type and payment mode. The users are also free to switch to any time in the session by selecting the options displayed in figure 15.

Figure 15: Time Period to Choose in Fee Reports

Other Reports

There are two other important reports that are a must-need for any school. These are the cheque/DD status report, and all transactions report. Both have been formulated carefully to provide the easiest representation. The same has been achieved successfully and displayed as follows:

  • Cheque/DD transaction Report

It allows checking the status of cheque/DD through a tabulated representation. The setting is available for any date range and time period as displayed in figure 16. The transaction status can be manually selected to visualize only specific cheques/DD for effortless viewing. All the columns can be sorted alphabetically and numerically. Additionally, download the report in the ‘.csv’ file for sharing or analysis. The information contained in this report is:

  • Student Details
  • Class and Section
  • Mode
  • Amount
  • Disbursal Date
  • Payment Date
  • Status
  • All Transactions Report

It is similar to Cheque/DD transaction Report in multiple aspects. But it contains some additional information that is displayed below. The filters here also allow the selection of payment mode along with transaction status. With the availability of the same functions, the key information represented here are

  • Student Details
  • Enrollment Number
  • Class
  • Mode
  • Amount
  • Fee Category Breakup
  • Receipt Number
  • Payment Date
  • Status

Access & Control in Teachmint’s Fee Management System

The three fee sections of the system for fee management in Teachmint require safe and secure access control to avoid discrepancy and fraud. Considering this, we have a separate section to assign the duties for the same. The roles and permissions in the settings section of Teachmint allow the exercising of this regulation.

The school administrators are responsible for providing and removing access to any job profile. The job profile of an accountant will be in consideration here. The school administrators can create a job profile, assign a user to that job profile and modify settings.

For instance, there is a need for an assistant accountant along with an accountant. Thus, they can create new job profiles and assign permission. The latter option provides the freedom to ‘view only’ or ‘manage’ the above-mentioned sections by the job profile.

Why Teachmint?

Teachmint aims to digitalize and modernize the education system completely. We target to reform the education system by introducing these aspects to different components of the school. Our aim encouraged us to bring forward multiple school facilities. The vision is to enhance academic productivity by assisting the teachers and faculty members. We recognized that much time could be saved by reducing manual intervention and removing the necessity to work on redundant data.

Considering this, we present our innovative product- Teachmint Integrated School Platform to educational institutes. This is an all-in-all solution that has successfully revolutionized institutes globally. Here are some reasons why Teachmint can be your go-to option:

100% Accurate Insights

Automated report generation allows the production of accurate results. It reduces the possibilities of misprinting, typing, and inappropriate interpretation errors humans make. Thus, eliminating the manual intervention, Teachmint provides automatically generated reports for fee management, student attendance, and classroom reports.

Zero Chances of Data Breach

The Teachmint is a software solution created by experts designed to provide the maximum possible security. The cloud-based service provides enhanced network and software protection over traditional computer-based data storage systems. Also, the access and control settings help in managing the actions of staff and faculty members.

Trusted by 10+ Million People Globally

Our services have been constantly used by global educational institutes. We have over 20 lakh registered teachers in more than 30 countries. The high quality of services is evident by around 96%+ Customer Satisfaction Score. It has been possible due to the cutting-edge technology introduced through Teachmint that facilitates the functionality of schools.

Modern Learning Experience

The teachers and students in different schools take advantage of Learning Management Services and Digital content created specifically for each school. The customized experience allows no compromise in existing services and modes of action. The modern approach to student attendance management and enhanced communication system is among the key characteristics of Teachmint.

Enriched Content

We provide digital content suitable for multiple boards and profession-based competitive exams. There are also facilities for live polls, millions of practice questions, online assessments, and study materials.

To Wrap Up

Teachmint is an education-based platform that assists schools, faculty members, and students. The fee management system is part of multiple services that allow the automation of facilities provided by schools. The fee configuration allows setting up the fee system by setting up the fee structures, discounts, fines, offers, and other charges as per the applicability of the school.

Fee collection allows visualizing the collected amounts, managing dues, sending reminders, and checking the transactions through different modes of payment.

Lastly, and most importantly, the automatically generated reports are well-suited to provide summarized information on all the possible classifications in the school. Thus, the integrability, reduced errors, controlled access, automated calculations, and multiple other benefits make it a versatile and must-have asset of every school. Want to know more, request a demo and kickstart your hassle-free fee management journey!